You know before I was pregnant this saying seemed silly to me, my lo was not going to stop me doing anything and she would come along whatever. Wow what a reality shock I got. Lo is now two and going out for the day is seriously hard work, she HAS to have her sleep otherwise it will be a nightmare with food and behaviour which ruins the day, so we can only really go out for a few hours, if its far away then its not so bad as she sleeps in the car.
I wouldnt leave my lo with anyone until she slept through and have really only started going out in the last 6 months.
I work three full days a week and we run a business on the side so neither of us really have time out. When she is sleeping in the day im tidying, washing, ironing, doing the food shop online (as there is no way in hell I can take her she hates it) paperwork, evening by the time she is in bed its dinner about an hour of tv and bed, if H puts her to bed I squeeze in a bit of exercise. Ive got time booked off work and theres so much to do in the house I wont get much time to myself to relax - I really find this hard but cannot sit and do nothing when the house is a mess/dishwasher needs emptying ect
I REALLY miss the spontinaty of just going to the pub when you want or going on a holiday to do nothing.
I have joined weight watchers and starting to get my figure back, ive dyed my hair again and starting to feel a bit like the old me but without the freedom.
Each year has different challenges, As a newborn its ok as they sleep and feed - though my lo had feeding issues and EVERYTHING was a distraction so we needed to be home in a quiet dark room so time out of the house was limited to 3 hours. As a one year old she didnt really understand things so taking her to the farm she just sat in her buggy and watched - which was ok, but this again was around her sleep as she was grumpy, at 2 she barely walks anywhere dispite encoragement (unless its soft play) and is not interested in farms/sea life ect
It is getting easier tho and I will admit that I reallystruggle and miss my old life, wish I could have time out and go back to it for a while, maybe its because I have no family to help i dont get the breaks some people do.
I wouldnt say your life is over - you just have to make alot of sacrifices and it all depends on the personality of your child.