Isabella Beau arrived exactly 1 week overdue


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Hi ladies

It's been over a week since I had my little princess and have only just felt well enough to come on here and post this.

My daughter was born Saturday 23 October 15:13 weighing 6lbs 8oz.

Ironically I had been booked in for an induction for Friday 29 October and was sat crying on the phone to my friend at 8pm Friday 22 October at the thought of having to be induced and endure another 2 sweeps prior to that....I started getting period pains not long after and went to the toilet at 10pm to find blood....there was quite a lot of it and it was fresh red blood so I said to my mum to take me to the hospital as this did not seem "normal".

I got checked out at triage and was told this blood was normal for a bloody show and sent home.

My 3am my contractions were frequent and strong. My best friend came over and her and my mum became my support. I used my TENS machine which I have to say was a godsend and recommend everyone buy one of these. The boost button was fab when my contractions peaked. The bleeding still hadn't eased and seemed worse so I went back. I was examined this time and told I was 2cm dilated and told to go home as this would be like "running a marathon" and "could take a week to progress any further" (even though by this point it was 1am, I was having contractions and was still bleeding!!!). The triage lady was from then on referred to as "The Triage Bitch". She was so rude and patronising.

I went home sobbing feeling like no one was taking me seriously. Triage Bitch told me until they were less frequent but longer lasting and stronger to stay at home. I managed with my TENS machine and rocking on my birthing ball when I got a contraction until 11am Saturday morning. By this time I was so tired. I hadn't had any sleep since Thursday night. Mum kept saying we needed to go back to the hospital everytime I mentioned I felt pressure. I was so disheartened by the 2 times of being sent home I just couldn't face getting there and being told I was still 2cm took a lot of pursuasion but I eventually went.

When I got to the hospital I couldn't get out the car, it literally felt like the baby was going to fall out if I stood up and the contractions were so intense. Mum went off to find me a wheel chair but the L&D receptionist refused to give her one as she said "they like the ladies to walk in"...mum told her if she could get me to walk in then she would not want a wheel chair. Eventually I was brought one and it took ages to get me in it as the pressure was awful.

Got into L&D and was wheeled to a room...this time I was so relieved as it was a delivery room and not the triage room! I would've kicked someone if they took me there.

I was 5cm dilated and begging for an epi...the mw refused and offered me G&A and an injection. I took both but gave her some abuse about G&A being a con and doesn't really do anything. I have to say though, once I was breathing deeply on it and taking it properly it was THE BEST THING EVER! It got me through my whole labour without the need for anything more.

Babies HB was flat and the mw kept trying to get me on my left side or standing up. Well I felt like I just couldn't move. I refused and just told her to shut up. Me and my mw didn't see eye to eye on anything and I gave her so much abuse. She again was patronising and kept telling me I was things I knew I wasn' tensing, the end she only came back to check on me now and then as her being in the room stressed me out so much!

My mw noticed my bleeding was still heavy and asked how long I had been bleeding like that for (what were notes for again??)....I was like "since 10pm last night"...she seemed concerned by this and went to get a second opinion. After another mw checked me they decided a Dr would need to see me. He checked me and said it was fine and that we needed to worry more about the babies HB and it was a case of do something now or end up having a c-section. By this point my mum, friend and the mw pulled me up off the bed and had me standing swaying and rocking....all of a sudden there was a massive pop and a huge gush (my waters) and it was so loud it scared the living daylights out of everyone in the room! It was like someone had thrown ten buckets of water at us! My poor friend had a pair of Uggs on lol!

Things started to get a little bit more urgent by this point as baby had poohed inside and I had meconium in my waters.

I was put back on the bed and checked and was told I was 10cm and could start pushing. At about 14:55 I started pushing and Isabella was born at 15:12.

I had a 2nd degree tear and was bleeding quite a bit so needed stitching.

I have to say the stitches and the numbing injection did not hurt one bit. I couldn't feel a thing. She did have to poke a finger up my bum to check she hadn't stitched up my arse then placed a pain killer up there.

I was left on L&D sitting in my after birth for 5 hours due to staff shortage. Eventually I was taken for a shower and later on someone came back to give my baby the Vit K injection as THEY HAD FORGOTTEN at the time of the birth!!! Triage bitch had come back on duty by the time I was out the shower (7pm ish) and was full of beans this time and really nice (amazing what a good night's sleep did her)...she did say she was surprised to hear I had had the baby so soon after my 2nd visit to friend had had enough of her by this point and told her that not everyone has a baby 10 yrs later after being 2cm on examination.....:haha: she ended up being the mw that took me and Isabella up to the ward and was really nice by this point.

I didn't want to stay in but because of the meconium baby needed 24 hour obs. I went home at 3pm the next day.

Since then things have been very hard. Firstly Isabella was nipple feeding and not latching on properly which left my nipples red and bleeding, by day 3 I was sobbing in pain whilst she fed so made the decision to express to let my nipples heal. Unfortunately my milk supply was not to Isabella's demand so I had to substitute with formula which I have been doing for about 4 days now.

The I felt like my lady bits were split/torn as I couldn't move, walk, sit, was soooo sore I was crying all the time! In the end my mum called out the mw to come check it out in case my stitches were split. Turns out I had a graze/tear which couldn't be stitched and that looked infected so she took swabs. I only today got the results back and have to have antibiotics and have been recommended that I do not give my baby BM as it will decrease the chance of antibiotics working for her later in life should she need it.

I have tried for 2 days to get her to latch properly with no luck so was planning to continue expressing (now my supply is great) and subsituting with formula for as long as possible (expressing is like a full time job!!) but now I am once again left with the dilema of what to do. I cried solid for 3 days when BF was not going to plan as I felt so guilty and still do. Now I am left with a hard decision - carry on expressing and throw the milk away for 7 days, express and not take the antibiotics and risk serious complication or feed my baby BM and take the antibiotics. It's such an emotional thing. It breaks my heart.

With all that, my babies dad was posted to Afghanistan on Monday 25 October and has only seen pictures on the computer and his phone as he is stationed in Cyprus so couldn't be at the birth with his date for Afghan being so close. That has been very hard for us both.

I have to say I never thought it would be this emotional.

I can honestly say to you ladies that are due to give birth that although it hurts and you feel like you cannot get through the labour you really do forget it once it's over. I could not describe a contraction to you because I have forgotten what it was like. My Elle TENS, birthing ball and the G&A were real lifesavers!

Just one tip - take extra baby clothes. I took 6 vests and babygrows but because of the meconium Isabella threw up all night and I had to call my mum to bring me in some clothes for her the next morning.

9 days on and I am exhausted, full of guilt re BF and missing FOB but Isabella is worth it.

She is 100% her daddy. I have added a photo of her just after birth and one at a week old.


PS. If you have got this far (didn't realise how long it was) I just wanted to add (something I remembered but had missed off) for those that are worried about poohing when pushing, I crapped LOADS! I knew I would as I have IBS and have never had much control over my bowels. As soon as my waters went and I felt more pressure I started pooping and didn't really stop until I actually came to push. People worry it's when you're pushing you pooh but mine was when my waters went and then the pressure increased. I kept saying "oh god, I'm shitting myself again" "I'm sorry if my shit stinks, I can't help it" and "have I poohed AGAIN"....LOL. I actually didn't care one bit and mw cleared it away.


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She is beautiful! Thanks for posting such an honest birth story - its helped me be prepared for labour etc!

I hope everything works out for you with the BF/formula feeding :)
Thanks so much for sharing - she is a little beauty! :)
Congratulations - she's beautiful! xx
Oh well done babe, she is a gorgeous little poppet :) xx
you did great hun well done !!! as for feeding dont feel guilty do whats best for both of you you need to get better the infection wont go on its own and isabella needs her mummy fit and well. hope you feel better soon x x

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