If I'd fallen pregnant the cycle we started trying, my baby would be 15 months old by now. The month they would of been due all I could think about was 'we should have a baby by now, why isn't it happening?' Mind you, I'd just finished a 62 day cycle during which I was certain I was pregnant. I wasn't.
Last Christmas all I could think about was the fact that I had no kids to share it with. What is Christmas without children? This wasn't helped by the fact that at Carols By Candlelight the guy who made the speech at the end made a point of saying that children are proof that God hasn't abandoned us. Kinda made me want to shout out 'Don't you mean God hasn't abandoned all of us?' Instead, we just left before i had a chance to burst into tears.
But then I thought: 'Maybe next Christmas. Maybe I can share next Christmas with my first child, and God will show that he hasn't abandoned me either.'
OH's sister is going into hospital to have her second child via cesar tommorrow morning.
OH and I met 2 days after her 1st (Jack) was born, and when we started trying I kept thinking 'he wont be that old so he'll probably be great friends with his little cousin when they get here,' Now he's three, but Ruby will be here tomorrow, so it's hard not to think that she might be 9 months old when her next cousin is born. I was best friends with my cousin, who is 8 months younger than I am. My older sister (by 3 years just so happens) not so much.
My little brother's (he's 18) gonna be a dad in August, so there's another milestone for me. How old will his baby be when I finally have mine?
These thoughts are going through my mind constantly, as much as others like it. I read something about someone who had 'finished having her kids' yesterday, and I thought 'wouldn't that be a great feeling?'
But I guess I should of seen it coming. I had my share of 'naughty' moments that could of ended in me being pregnant when I was a teenager (and I don't agree with abortion so any one of those times would have meant me becoming a mother), And I'm terrible with establishing routine so there were a few occasions where I forgot my Pill while I was on it. Now I look back and think 'bubs would have been this old or this old if that had happened. My brother's fiance (engaged before they conceived) fell pregnant because she stopped taking the Pill because it made her feel sick, she didn't realise she could fall so easily so soon after stopping (which, I'm told, is actually one of the times you're most likely to fall pregnant). OH's SIL fell pregnant their first month trying.
When I left my family (I live 4hours away, in the same town as OH's family), the last thing my mother did was pat my tummy and say 'hopefully next time we see you you'll have a bean of your own in there.' She wasn't trying to be insensitive, she knows what I've been going through these past 2 years, but I don't need more mile stones, you know? I make enough of my own.
So yeah, I know exactly what you mean =) thankyou for letting me have my rant, feels good to get it out, I tend to pen it all up. I'll shut up now lol.