Hi Sweetie,
DH adn I have been TTC for four years now - we are also diagnosed as unexplained - although HD has morph. of 8% but the NHS refuse to believe anything under 15% is an issue. All my tests came back clear - but since having IVF I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my ovaries isnt that great cos it never responds well to the drugs and the eggs I get form it dont seem to fertilise.
So for us I feel that things are slightly harder cos most of DH's sperm has bleedin two heads - and I only produce good eggs from my right ovary. BUT that is just my own years of self-diagnosis and the Dr's have classed is asn unexplained!
As we are unexplained after three years we qualified for three goes of IVF under our PCT (I count my bessings for where I live everyday!).
Unfortunately so far they ended in a BFN and a chemical.
So i understand excatly how you feel sweets.
If you read my journal - I did nothing but cry my way through January.
It is so hard to just keep on going and I think, you, like me have reached a point where there is just no hope - and it so hard to claw our way back from there.
In Jan I couldn't see the wood for the trees - but snce Feb started I have tried to be more positive - and bascially came up with a survival plan:
1. I started having reflexology and hypnotherpay - i dont necessarily beleive this is going to get me pregannt (i treid accupuncture with my first IVF and it didn't help me - but I have heard really good things from it) - but I think that as we are coming to the end of the NHS' help - if this IVF doesnt work thats it for me medical wise- i just want to start introducing other homeopathic treatments in to try to give me something to focus on. Anything that can give you a bit of hope, even for a short while is such a boost.
2. I've started filling my diary with loads of fun things - nights out wiht the girls etc.. to try to give me something to focus on in the short term. Its so easy to start down a spiral of wallowing and self-pity - and even though we deserve to feel sorry for oursleves - once you start down that road its so hard to come back. At the start of the year when I felt so hopeless it seemed like the weeks stretched ahead and there was no end to it. Now I am trying to live my life in small blocks, so one week till a good night out in Birmingham, two weeks till my family visit and we are goign to the theatre etc.... Its so much nicer to focus on good things coming up than thinking about and fearing the months ahead!!!!
3. DH and I have agreed a post IVF failure plan where we have agreed six months of really going for it natuarally if IVF doesn't work in March - where we are going to BD like rabbits and I am going to try every homepathic remedy goign. And if it hasnt worked after 6 months then we are going to start lookign into adoption.
There are no words (except those little two words we've all been wanting to say since we strated this TTC road) that I can say that are gonna make you feel better sweets - but I promise you, i now how you are feeling and there is an end in sight. I woke up on the 1st Feb and said to myslef - I am not going to be unhappy today, I am not going to arge with my husband today - and I have kept to my promise. Dont get me wrong, I am not jumping aroudn with joy (although I was after a good few bottles of wine at the weekend!!), I am not positive by any means - but I am getting through the day without breaking down and I think thats all we can hope for at this stage.
Hang on in there hun.
I really beleive that us 'unexplained' girls WILL get pregnant - I have read so many stories of it eventually happening for people - BUT - its the eventually part that kills me. WHen I hear stories of girls getting pregnant after 8 years TTC, when they 'had given up' it makes me want to scream - cos I dont want to have to wait that long. So my plan has bene to try to adopt before then and if a miracle happens later on in life then that would be the icing on the cake.
So I relaly believe you will one day get pregnant hunni - its just that for us its might take a bit of time.
Because we are unexplained its potentially a whole combination of things that are stopping it form happening naturally - but that doesn't mean that it will forever and one day it will just happen for us.
But i can tell you one thing sweetie - Im never goign to give up. i will be a Mum someday - it just going to be a different road for me than most normal couples.
You have come this far sweetie - so you dont sound to me like the sort of girl to give up either
Make a plan if you can - having a focus is always a good thing.
You have got this far sweets - you have proven to yourslef and everyone you know that you are strong - be proud of yourself for getting here - and keep on putting one foot in front of the other - focusing on little steps and know that we are always here for you , anytime.
A million hugs sweetie,
Bx x x