IVF at Nuffield Brentwood (Essex)


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Hello everyone,

I'm sorry if I've placed this in the wrong spot - I've been having a good old search in all the topics but couldn't find anythign related to IVF at Nuffield in Brentwood.

I'm due to meet the consultant (Mr Sathanandan) there in a few weeks to begin the first stages of private ivf. I just wondered whether anyone had any experience of IVF here and what your thoughts were?

I can see that the stats aren't too great compared to other clinics so am considering going elsewhere but I would really love to hear other people's thoughts to help me make that decision?

Thanks so much for reading, xx
Hi, Is it a new clinic? I'm relatively local and it's not one i'd heard of or considered when I was looking around tbh.

Good luck with your appointment, re the stats- how bad are they? Bad stats don't always mean the clinic is 'poor' just that they might often take on more challenging patients (which can be a good things in terms of their experience and knowledge)
Hi - thanks for replying and I thought the same thing about the stats (sometimes they can be so misleading). The clinic is at the end of Brentwood High Street (Brentwood Hospital run by Nuffield Health) - it's important for me to be able to drive there and go back to work after appointments so many London Hospitals (Barts/Homerton) are tricky as you can't park there. I know they specialise in treating older women so this could be why the stats are quite poor. Many thanks xx
I think location is really important - it will not only save you time but can take a huge amount of stress out of a cycle, like you that's why I chose not to go for a london based clinic.
Fiona James ! Can you give more information regarding your IVF at Nuffield. Assuming your going private ?
I am due to see Mr Haloob for same reason in Feb. Just wondering how your getting on and what you have done so far ?
Sorry and thanks x
Or rather I was going to send you a private message you but I can't work out how to do it...I know, shameful! Anyway, I am going private - I went to see Mr Sathanandan there on Monday night, and I have to go to see the Fertility Nurse with hubby tomorrow. They are going to tell us how to take the medication and put together a plan for us to follow (thank God!). We are starting the process this month - we begin taking the medication on the 16th (when my period would be due). At least, I think that's when we begin taking the medication, I dont' really know until I see the fertility nurse tomorrow so will tell you more after that. My Sathanandan was great - I really like him and he was my consultant at Queens too so I feel safe with him. Because we are starting quickly, Mr Satha told me to visit a pharmacy and purchase a couple of bits (one of them is DHEA - it cost me £65!). It's a supplement that they use widely in America with fertility treatments, but not so widely here. I also had to fill in a form to get the medication and send it off to a company (for all my meds) and that's going to be around £600. Once they receive the form in the post, they will send everything to me. The hospital were straight up with me and told me that overall the cost would be around £4k. I was terribly nervous but now everything is happening quickly I'm forcing myself to relax and try not to get my hopes up. Although when I turn up there and look through those baby books they have in reception and see all the twins, I can't help getting a little excited. Are you doing anything else? I've heard yoga is good - I did try accupuncture but it was £39 a throw, which was much too expensive for me every week! xx
So sorry I took so long to reply - like you I haven't got a clue on this website if I am honest and only came across your quote/notification on google.
Would you prefer to email me privately ? I will see if I can do after this quote

I had a choice of seeing Mr Haloob or Mr Satanadnan but went with Mr Haloob because he is based in Basildon (i think) and my doctor's is Billericay so thought I better keep it all in one area. I like Mr Haloob too - he has seen me cry so much and nothing fazes him.

That's fantastic news about the medication - so your starting that today then ? How long are you on this medication for until the IVF treatment ?
I am due to speak with Mr Haloob on 6th Feb for our next stages and go from there.

Can I ask you once you did the DHEA's (which do cost a bomb) did Mr Sath suggest IVF staight away ? Did you go for a blood test or scan to see if there was any improvement with the DHEA'S ?
I have been on DHEA's since Oct and nothing has happened naturally :(

I know what you are saying about the reception there ! The ladies are lovely and I am driving Carrie mad with all my questions to her. haha

I am so excited about speaking to someone going through the same thing at the same hospital.........

Fingers crossed for both of us xx
Hi! My Satha recomended ivf straight away and then put me on the DHEA. I only started the DHEA's last week though so I'm not sure if they'll do much good. He said that normally people start them months earlier and then have a test to see if they have done any good though. But with me he todl me to order the DHEA and the ivf meds at the same time. I start my Menopur injections today (tonight - I am on the highest dose). Then on Friday I start the other injections (can't remember what they are called - think it is centrodite - not sure though). The nurse said to do them one after the other in the evening. She showed me how to do the injections - mix the powder and water to make up the right amount - but I still haven't a clue and I've asked them about 10 times - they must be so patient to do that job! I'm going to try to remember and will let you know how it goes tomorrow.
After I started taking the DHEA, the only next appointment I have had was yesterday (had to go to Brentwood Nuffield for my day 1 to 3 period scan). They saw an endometriotic cyst and so I had to go for a bloodtest there at the clinic and they are letting me know whether this means I will have to postpone my ivf cycle to next month. I'll be gutted if so because I've geared myself up for this.
Anyway, supposing I do start ivf this month - I start my menopur injection today and then on Friday the other one, then I have to have regular scans (every other day) from 23rd (so, 23rd, 25th, 27th). Then they take my eggs out on the 31st! (not sure how I'm going to square this time off with work just yet..). Then depending if the eggs fertilise, I'll be having them put back in a few days later. It's so quick, so scary too...but exciting. It's good to talk to someone who's going through the same thing at the same place (I was getting so worried, no one was using then and I started to think I was alone there!). xx
Hello and thanks for coming back to me !
So your starting your injections today and then further again at the end of the week - Good luck, I will be thinking of you :)
I would be the same mega confused about the injections and mixing it together but as you said they are great at Nuffield. Should think so after what we are paying but will be worth it !
I am so so sorry to hear they have found a endmetriotic cyst and hopefully this can be resolved asap so you can continue with the IVF this month. Fingers crossed for you.

I didn't realise that you needed scans so often but who cares if it works. And then 31st of this month !!! That's so quick ! How exciting. I so hope this happens for you this month.

I can't wait to see Mr Haloob now to see what he suggest for me.

Just on the money side (which I will go through with them) but do you pay the hospital the IVF treatment up front even if my eggs weren't fertilised enough ?

Would be great to hear from you again but I understand this is a important presious time for you.

With regards to the DHEA's......to be honest I dont know what they have done for me. My partner said I am more moody but I think that's normal as I want everything to happen now.

Hi - the test result yesterday showed that I have thin womb lining so they need to put me on a longer cucle (which basically means that the eggs get taken out of me in 4 weeks as opposed to 2 weeks - they need to give me more drugs to stimulate my womb or something). So that was another £106 for the Gonapeptyl injection, which will put me in a semi menopausal state apparently so that they can continue giving me drugs for longer without me ovulating. I was really upset though - cried my eyes out to the nurse, not sure why other than that I had geared myself up for it being 2 weeks earlier. that and the DHEA meds! Anyway, I had to leave work early, go and get this injection, they wouldn't let me have it without payment, so my partner had to call and pay over the phone (that actually really annoyed me - do they think I'm going to run off halfway through the ivf!). Then they gave me it in my bum cheek. Embarrassing but it didn't hurt.
With regards to the money - I have only paid for the appointments and the injections/meds so far (but a word of warning, it's best to make sure you carry a credit card around with you as you never know when you'll need to pop up there and get a scan or blood test without much warning and everything gets paid in dribs and drabs). They have asked me to pay for the ivf up front (£2,900 or thereabouts) and they have to have this before they start the scans (before egg retrieval). So I don't know whether they refund you part of it if the eggs don't fertilise. Good question though, I'll ask when I next go, can't believe i didn't think of asking it before really! xx
Hello luv !
Sorry to hear about the womb lining being thin ? Didn't they spot that in the HSG Scan (which I found bloody painfull)

Well 4 weeks is better than 4 months. I can understand you had a few tears but just keep focused. :)
£106 for the injection ! Ouch - every payment stings more and more doesn't it. Bit naughty of the hospital not letting you have it without paying. They are normally pretty good but thanks for the advice on the credit card.

I spoke to Carrie today (reception) and she said to budget £4.5 / £5k for everything from "IVF screening blood tests, medication, the treatment cycle, HFEA fee, and also there will be Oestradiol bloods at each scan to check levels"
So well prepared for the price. Informed my partner who just tells me to keep calm while I panic

Well I am thinking of you and any update youget if you could let me know only because I ain't fair behind you.

On another note - is your husband/partner okay (no fertility problems)?

Thanks xx
Hi - yes he is ok - been told he has good sperm (and he's still smoking a couple of ciggies a day - it's a cause of some arguments as I'm going through everything and giving up my beloved red wine and he can't even give up fags while we go through this...anyway, am trying to keep things in perspective..) but yes it's just me with the blocked tubes after lots of operations. I will definitely let you know how everything goes anyway! Have finally learned how to private message! Speak to you soon xx
Morning - same herer - he is fit and healthy and sperm okay ! Mine is the beloved white wine ! :(
My problem is not ovulating ! Only 28 and gutted with how bad it is. Have a ovulating body of a 40 plus woman he said
Look forward to your updates and good luck xx
Hi fiona (and Clarins)
i have literally just joined baby and bump and seen your messages, its good to hear from people who are registered at nuffield in brentwood. I have been with Dr Haloob since last April, we were due to start our first cycle of ivf last year but due to three bereavements in our family my partner and i decided to postpone as it was just too much to go through. We are now due to begin our treatment at the start of March. I am on DHEA,and have been on and off it since July last year. Im 43yrs old, and too have had questions about whether Nuffield is the right clinic. Its so hard to choose which is best for you, and we chose Nuffield because it was close to Billericay where we live and i did not want the extra stress of having to drive/commute to other clinics. At first i had a few reservations about the clinic, but feel relatively happy now. Although i do wish I had done a little more research on other clinics now but its all so confusing. It is very helpful hearing you say they specialise in older women as I did not know that. We are hopeful and know the odds arent that great but im trying to stay positive and focused over the next few weeks. I have had some reflexology which i think helps, and im going to ask the nurse on thursday if i can do acupuncture too. Anything and everything to try and help me relax will help.
I need to order my injections in next few weeks, but last time they quoted me £1,600 which I thought was really expensive?

Anyway i wish you all the luck in the world, and keep in touch.
Hello Moneky78.
So pleased you added your own reply too because it makes me feel better that we are all in the "same boat/clinic".
Sorry to hear your terrible news with 3 bereavments you suffered last year hopfully 2012 is your year :).
Have you seen Mr Haloob since starting the DHEA's - did he arrange for a scan / blood test? Just wondering as we are seeing him on 6th Feb so just wondering what the next stage is.

From speaking with Fiona she also mentioned that figure to me and from speaking with Carrie at Nuffield (Reception Nurse) she said to budget a £4k / £5k for everything.
I know it's expensive isn't it. Do you think other clinics are cheaper then ?

Fiona hope everything is going well for you.

Hi Clarins
Thanks for your reply, this is the first time I have ever linked into a forum, so was a little nervous, but as you quite rightly said, its good to share with someone in the same boat.

I am returning to see Sarah (the nurse) on Thursday to go over a few things, and i will ask about the scan/ blood tests for dhea then. There has been no mention of any of this. Dr Haloob wanted me to have at least 2 months constant on them, and then to carry on with it during the treatment also. I got a little scared yesterday as I had a show, and was 11 days early ! that is unheard of with my cycles. When i researched it, most of the forums were saying dhea made your period late, not one of them said it can be early. But im not entirely sure if it was a period, so really confused. I will discuss this with Sarah on thursday too.

Is this your second appointment with Dr Haloob on 6 feb?
Hello monkey78. My periods have not been late once if anything they have been early by 3 days each time. I would ask the question why u r so early but might just be old period or something, but to me it shows the med is doing something to us. Some good i am hoping!!!

Try to panic too much. See what they say.

Yes my appointment is on Monday 6th Feb. Late last year I had all my blood test, HSG etc he then put me on the DHEA and said to continue for 3 months and see him on 6th to discuss IVF.
Would u mind updating me after Thursday?

Good luck xxx
Fiona - just wondering how you are getting on ?

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