IVF at Nuffield Brentwood (Essex)

Hi Ladies,

So glad you are taking it easy and had the rest of this week off - next time I do it I will get signed off from work on sick if I can because I took it all as holiday and now I don't have any time left! Big mistake I think. The crinone suppositary...yes it makes you feel horrible doesn't it - proper passion killer (not that that was on the agenda in any way shape or form!!) it used to come out of me in clumps too but only after I had been taking it for about 5 days - thank God for panty liners... will be thinking of you both over the weekend and I am keeping everything crossed for positive news - by the way there was quite a good article in 'woman and home' this month (I dont' normally buy it but fancied something to read other than heat!) and the article was about a woman who, after 4 ivf attempts, feel pregnant with twins. She was 45 when she found out and worried it was nearing the end of her attempts...and the article was saying that everything she had been through was all worth it when she gave birth - it's really uplifting to read those kinds of stories. I know we all hear about the complications of twins and how you normally have to have ceasarian etc, but for us IVF'ers it would be so good because even though it would be hard going, it means we wouldn't have to go through it all again and we could have two children in one go. Although I'll be happy enough with one at this stage of course! Have a wonderful weekend if I don't hear from you before then xxxxx
Good Morning ladies

Monkey78 hope your still resting up girl and taking it easy. Are you still feeling okay in general? Hope your feeling more positive.

Fiona - I know what you mean about taking everything as holiday. I ended up take 3 days off this week and ended up calling in sick on Thursday after my drama with that crinone gel. I wish I had known yours was coming out in clumps too after 5 days because I was having a proper freak out. ha !

Ladies I have some news. I decided to go back to work yesterday due to being at home I was going crazy in the end. I am quite a motivated person and found myself getting more low with looking at things on the internet.
Anyway on the train to work I was very emotional and was convinced my period was coming. So much so I told my partner this hasn't worked and decided to buy a HPT and just use it at work to get the negative results so I can just get on with the weekend.
Anyway............I can't tell you both how shocked I am. It came out positive. We have just done another test this morning with the same results.
I can't believe it. Of course it's mega early days and as much as I feel totally blessed and lucky we have this positive results I just want it all to be okay.

Contacted Grace and she said because it's early days to take another test on Monday and then call the clinic to arrange our first scan.

Ladies - I just want you both to know I swear every cramp/sore back I normally get every month before my period I was having again this week.
I definitely didn't have that " I just knew I was pregnant" trust me

Hope this lifts your spirits that this can work for us

I will of course update you both after Monday or the scan should everything go okay from now on

Have a lovely weekend - Monkey rest up and Fiona hurry up with AF so you can go again

OMG!!! Clarins that is wonderful news, congratulAtions to you both. Oh I'm so excited for you. I know it's early days, but you have a BFP yaaay. You go though so much to get this far, so it's fantastic. Well done. Can't wait to hear your update from the scan.

I'm soooo tempted to do my HPT but am too scared. I like you have had what I'm assuming are my AF cramps, and mood swings so was beginning to think it's on it's way, but I will try and stay positive for the next few days, your news has inspired me to stay focused.

Sohow many days earlier did you test??

Look after yourself my dear, what great news xxxx
Oh my God that's wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo happy for you!!!! I logged on thinking 'please God let there be good news' and there was!!!! I am elated for you both - it's truly fantastic news and I am sitting here beaming! I bet you are over the moon, nervous but excited and everything in between!! Wonderful....

Monkey - not long for you now but I bet you can't wait to do the test!! I am keeping everything crossed for you, I really am xx
Hello ladies

Thank you both your congratulating me even though it still doesn't seem very real at the moment. I did a test every day this weekend and again this morning at 4am ! All positive thankfully.
Just spoke to Carrie and I am booked in for my first scan on 26th with Mr Haloob so now it's just a waiting game that everything continues to sit in the right place and do it's job.
I am still getting loads of cramps so just goes to show you ladies that as much as you think that AF is on it's way it might not be.

Monkey I tested 3/4 days earlier than what they advised but when I looked things up on the internet the Blastocyst can give you a result earlier than normal ET.
You are due to test on Wednesday aren't you ?! I so hope you get that positive result. My fingers are so crossed for you.

Fiona - hurry up with your Barts appointment girl. I so want this for us 3 xxx
Clarins - I told my hubby your good news, kept saying 'ivf can actually work - now we have to stay positive!'. I'm so pleased because hearing it has worked for someone else - someone I've been emailing - is like a little boost to me. I can't wait for my Barts appointment now - they have pushed me back until May (information day) but I start the meds that same month so I'm happy with that. I've heard their admin is really bad and I have to say so far it has been pretty shoddy (don't call back, try to push your start date back and say the doctors got it wrong when they said you have to start earlier etc). Although I'm happy to contact the head consultant directly if they mess me about too much (I'm not normally pushy at all, but this is far too important not to be). I've heard the nurses are amazing once you start the process so I'm hopeful!
Monkey - good luck for tomorrow (tomorrow - it seems to have come around so soon, but I bet it seems like ages to you!). I'm wishing you all the best (and by the way, I know this sounds a little sad, especially as i'm not normally a religious type of person, but I prayed for you both last night - and me too!) Keeping everything crossed xxx
Hi Fiona pleased my news has giving you a boost :)
I am still a tad shocked it's worked if I am honest and dont think I will believe it until the very end. Just keep hoping that it's all looking okay now cause you just dont know. But positive thoughts ladies
Still doing another test again tomorrow - gone through 5 now ! Nutter aren't I

With regards to Barts I totally agree with you. Dont take no rubbish and you push it through. This your treatment and it's the only thing that matters.
Also who cares if the admin side might be poor as you said the nurses are meant to be fantastic and that's all that matters.
Are you speaking with anyone on this site who is at Barts now ?

Fiona - you are like me so much ! I am praying daily for us and you wont believe this I actually went to Church one day at Brentwood Cathedrial for an hour just for some hope and asssitance before the treament started.

Monkey - really wishing you luck tomorrow. Positive thoughts and wishes.

Hi Ladies, hope you're both well,

Clarins how are you feeling? When is your early scan (and do they do that at Nuffield or somewhere else. Any side effects yet :) x

Monkey - how are you babe? Any news as yet? I'm thinking of you and hoping you have good news or, if not, you are feeling strong and staying as positive as can be. You're in my thoughts though x

I went for my 'follow up appointment' with Sathanandan last week. I didn't mention that I was starting at Barts, I just thought I would go along to see what he said. He basically gave me some more DHEA drugs (well, a prescription for three months worth) and told me to come back in June. I took the prescription but there was nothing else really - not worth going if I'm honest. The nurse said it would bring 'closure' and I should attend, but it was simply just him saying it didn't work, they don't know why, and I was to go along for my next ivf in a couple of months. They did recommend icsis next time though, which I like the sound of, so will be mentioning that to Barts when I go in May. speak soon, xx
Hi Fiona

I am so paranoid it's terrible. I am still having loads of cramps on and off. Headaches and sore back. You read one thing on the interest which is positive and then another that isn't.
So just trying to stay calm and look after my body.
The scan is on 26th with Mr Haloob and it can't come round quick enough can I tell you. I am still spending out on HPT. Did another at 5am but if it makes me feel better I dont care.
That cream is still a nightmare too !
Only good thing my partner is doing everything round the house, he is just as nervous about everything.

So they only suggested more DHEA's for you for another 3 months ? Did they not say give the IVF another go or do they not push it because they can't give a reason it didn't work?
But like you say you have Barts in motion and already have that under way. How you feeling about it all - positive I hope

Monkey - I have been looking daily for you to come back so I do hope you are well chick. Been saying my prayers for us all.

Ladies - lots of love and have a lovely weekend xxx
Hi ladies,
Sorry I've not been in touch. Unfortunately not good news for me, got a BFN on Wednesday. To be honest I knew, but since taking the test I just can't stop crying. I can't talk about it with any of my friends or family, we just feel so distraught. I know it was such a slim chance of it working, but I just can't seem to accept it. I have my follow up appointment with dr haloob on Wednesday so will have to see what he suggests. I don't know how to cope, I just want to hide myself away from the world. And Since stopping all the medication, I have a face full of acne, and I just feel crap, really light headed and just not right. Which hasnt helped my mood either. Those drugs really do take a toll on our bodies that's for sure.

Well, sorry it's not more uplifting. I hope i begin to feel a bit better in few days.

Hope your both doing ok. Clarins look after yourself and keep your feet up.
Oh Monkey I am so sorry and gutted for you. Im truly so upset for you and your partner.

Listen if you want to hid away and not talk about it for a few days then so be it. This is your way of dealing with the most upsetting heartbreaking news so dont feel guilty about not letting anyone in for a few days. Just make sure you and your partner deal with it together because you both need eachother.

About the acne - who cares. They will clear up in no time and your are a beautiful person and no spots on your face will change that.

I am so gutted you in so much pain. I am sending you all my love and hugs and wish I could give you a hug.

Hopefully after a restful weekend you will be ready to see Mr Haloob next week and see what suggestion he holds for you.

Please look after yourself. You have eachother and this isn't the end. It's just a sh!tty setback that you have to deal with

Love always xxx
Monkey that is gutting news - I'm so very sorry to hear that and I completely feel your pain - it is heartbreaking.

You are right when you say you 'just knew' it didn't work this time - I felt exactly the same thing too. I just knew I wasn't pregnant and had a low few days before the test. Hopefully Mr Halloob can offer you some advice for your next time - when I went to see Mr Satha about my failed ivf, they couldn't explain why it hadn't worked and he just told me to come back in June. However, I have heard that they will do ivf pretty much straight away if you insist upon it and push for it (I mean, one month off then go again). Although they say to rest, there is no evidence that resting between ivf harms your chances of success. Of course, it is emotionally draining though and that's probably another factor. I am starting again in June but have decided not to return to Nuffield, just to stick with Barts. I have been looking into Holly House too, just in case Barts falls through or something. Holly House is suposed to be very good for women doing ivf past 34.

I know this is a terrible time for you and the effects the ivf medication have had on your body don't make it any easier. I'm so sorry and I hope you take it really easy on yourself over the next few weeks. Just get in there and book your next ivf - whatever it takes to reach our end goal! xx
Monkey, just a quick message to say I hope things went okay yesterday with Mr haloob, been thinking about u. Hope ur well and feeling better.

Fiona hope things r ticking along for u too.

Lots of love ladies xxx
Hi ladies,
Well I had my appointment and dr haloob was so nice. He said he was encouraged by my hormone levels, and because of that he would suggest we either go for another try of ivf or egg donation are our only two options. I'm going for another scan on Monday night for him to check my levels, so dependent on that will decide if we can try ivf again. I must admit we came away feeling confused with with it all, as we had convinced ourselves that he was going to tell us we couldn't try again. So our heads are everywhere at the moment, as we know we need to decide what is going to be the best option, and also what will give us the best results too. So I guess I feel a bit better, but I still keep having ups and downs, my poor partner is having to put up with me and my moods poor thing!

So will keep you both updated.

Clarins how are you feeling? Hope your ok and are taking it easy, I bet you can't wait for your scan next week.

Ladies I really appreciate your kind replies, really means a lot to know you two are here.

Sending you both lots of love xxxxx
Hi Ladies,

Clarins - I bet you are so excited and nervous and everything in between about your scan! What a wonderful day that will be! Isn't this always such a waiting game though..you wait for tests..you wait for ivf..you wait for scans! We start our next ivf session at end May, so really looking forward to it. Have lots of evenigns out planned beforehand as I turned into a hermit during the ivf and I will do again this time (I didnt' want to leave the house! Just wanted to stay at home and prepare my body!)

Monkey - it sounds like you had a positive meetign with Mr Haloob, I'm so pleased you will try again although as you say, it's alot of information to take in and alot of ups and downs. My Satha said i should try ICSIS on my next attempt, but I have decided to have it at Barts so I'm waiting to hear from them about what would be the next best step. Feel good about it though, and so should you - this is just a blip in a long journey, but it will be worth it in the end. We may go through another blip too - perhaps things might not work next time, but they will eventually, we just have to be strong enough to see it through to the end. Remember in an earlier post I mentioned that my hairdresser's mother had 6 rounds of ivf and was just about to give up, when she fell pregnant (with my hairdresser!). Sometimes these things take time but we will get there as long as we stay strong and stay positive! The Egg Donation is a scary prospect..my egg quality is very poor so am thinking we might need to go down that route...am thinking of you either way x
Good Morning ladies ....... the sun is out and hopefully shinning down on us :)

Monkey - fantastic news that Mr Haloob was positive with your hormone levels and gave you a couple of options. Last night was packed wasn't it at Nuffield. I wonder if we actually passed eachother. How did you get on yesterday? Did he say to go for IVF again or possible egg donation? Hope your feeling more positive and less confused about things.
Look forward to your update which I do hope it a positive one.

The egg donation is a very scary prospect. I looked into that before we started the IVF treatment incase that was a road we needed to go down as I was concerned about cerntain issues but at the end of the day it's your baby and you carry it and would be a part of you / your partner.

Fiona - great news - end of May isn't too long and as you said having lots of nights out booked up it will fly by. You sound very positive about the whole thing so I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. How you getting on with Barts or you just waiting until end of May for your treatment. Good luck girl

My update - I went to Nuffield yesterday for my scan. Ladies......I can't tell you how shocked we are and how blessed we feel about the whole thing. Mr Haloob said that both have survived. So at the moment it's non identicial twins. I nearly fell off the bed with shocked. I was just paying that he was going to say yes one is okay and looking good. It's mega early days and Mr Haloob has made it very clear that we could still loose one so need to be practical about the whole thing. He managed to locate a heartbeat on both too so it was amazing.
Have another scan booked on 16th April hopefully to confirm they are both still there.
Fiona you are so right. This whole process is non stop. You worry about not having a baby, you worry about the druges, you worry about the treamtment, you worry when it doesn't or does work and then the scan's and so on. This whole thing is so emotional but ladies I can't tell you how much I want this to work for all 3 of us. As you said Fiona there are blips that happen but it can work and positive thoughts are needed all the time.

Anyway.....monkey look forward to your update and keep positive girl as Mr Haloob did seem happy and Fiona roll on May time for you !

Lots of love xxx
Evening to you both,
Well I think the sun may be shining down on us all yes, that is such wonderful news clarins, oh I bet you were both so shocked, but that is so fantstic that there are two little ones, you must both be over the moon. Make sure you take it easy as much as you can, it's so important in these early days. I agree with you both it's such a roller coaster of emotions isn't it. Are you taking progesterone injections or still the other? Just wondered how you were getting on.

Yep it was soooo busy at Nuffield last night, we couldn't believe it. I did wonder if you were there and so wanted to ask. I was sitting by the entrAnce and was pretty much called in as soon as I arrived. I looked a right mess ha!! You don't have short hair do you?? It's so weird as I feel like I know you and Fiona so well through all this!!

Anyway my update.... My scan went really well, dr haloob was so happy, I had four follicles, and 3 of them were in the ovary that didn't produce any last month, so I was really pleased. I have to go for a blood test tomorrow and if my oestradiol levels are good then he suggest we try another round of ivf next month!!! I came away in shock, so we are definitely going to go again, we can't not. I'm really excited, but also scared, as I keep thinking that what if I have a bad month next and only have one follicle again! I know it's nature and what will be will be, but I can't help but worry especially as it's better this month without being on any medication.

It's so emotional each step of the way for sure isn't it.

Fiona, it's great to hear such positive news from people that eventuAlly get there isn't it. I know its hard when we get knock backs, but we have to keep trying and as you say, we will get there in the end. I must admit, I don't think I'm going to do the progesterone injections next time around, I was in a lot of pain at the end, and felt awful when I came off too. So hopefully I'll get on with the other ok.

Well that's my update, for now egg donation is on hold. Will see how round 2 goes! Fiona - at least we know what to expect this 2nd time around, that's one good thing.

Look forward to our next chats ladies, look after yourselves. Clarins keep us updated on your next scAn won't you.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Monkey
Nope I am not taking the progesterone injections. Still on the steriods and still on the crinone 8% gel/cream. Which is okay to use but just so messy ! Panty liners changed daily. I was concerned with how much was coming out of me but Mr Haloob said that was fine and normal.

And yes I do have short hair ! I had a big scarf (gold and black) on because I have acne all over my neck at the moment. So was you sitting there on your blackberry with blonde hair or next to us? Did you get up and come back at one point ?! I said to my partner I wonder if we had passed !!

Monkey - you must be over the moon with what Mr Haloob has suggested. So another go at the IVF if your blood tests come back positive tomorrow. Fingers are crossed !!!!
And you had more follicles, that's amazing. Is that from your levels increasing or because of the medication previously? Either way fantastic news !
I hope it goes okay tomorrow.
Look forward to your update.

Once again Fiona hope your well my lovely

Speak soon and keep safe

Hiya Hun,
How funny I think you may have been sitting next to us!! I went into the loo,after you came out, if it was you? I have dark hair, had it tied up and had a cream cardigan on, I was called in straight away!

Anyway the blood test result was good news too, so dr haloob said we can go again for round two, so we are just deciding if to start in two weeks time, or have a month off. I'm keen to start straight away as we are already on a roll, so no point delaying!! I have to have another scan on day 1 to check follicles and hopefully there will be enough to start injecting. I'm excited, and just feel we have to give it another shot!

He did say that the Eason there were more follicles wasn't due to the medication from last time, as he said as soon as you start your next period everything goes back to normal and your levels all start again.

So thatts it for now. Going out for dinner tonight, going to have a couple of glasses of wine, treating myself!

How are you doing? I hope you are resting up and looking after yourself Hun.

Fional hope all is well with you, may will come around so quick, only a few weeks for you to wait!

Lots of love to you both

Oh my I did see you then! Lovely too meet you breifly :)
I was the same as you and didn't hang about either - we just went straight into it because my partner said to me I would worry for another month and what's the point.
You sound very positive too which is great because your body needs positive vibes so perhaps its the right time now ?
Fantastic news that he has said go for it again though :)
I have everything crossed for you

Hope you enjoyed your vino ! I have forgotten what it's tastes like !
I am resting because my partner doesn't let me do much which is lovely ! Hope it lasts all the way through

Hope your well and Fiona hope you had a great weekend. We are now in April so it's coming round now


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