IVF at Nuffield Brentwood (Essex)

Hi Both!

Sorry I haven't been around over the past few days - it's been manic both at work and at home - I tried to log on from home yesterday to this site, but I couldn't remember my password so had to wait until today (have it written down in the office! priorities!!)

Clarins - OH MY GOD THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS - I am so pleased for you, it has brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you both, I bet you're feeling so great - it is such a blessing and more proof that it works and works wonders! I'm thrilled for you, take it nice and easy..no stress hun..everything is wonderful xxx

Monkey - again next month! That's fantastic - I'm so pleased because the very worst thing is waiting for ivf to come around. Mr Haloob sounds great, when I went to see Mr Satha he told me that if I had it there again I should take the DHEA for three months then have another ivf go then. I thought 'three months!!' but luckily my appointment with Barts came through. And then..nothing. I have been ringing Barts to get my appointment to have an 'information day' but they keep saying they'll call back. Basically, they say that they need to wait to amke sure all my notes are typed up and that the consultant has seen them and approved my medication. The thing is, I can understand why this may take a long time as they are so busy, but why can't they book me in for an information day in - say - 6 weeks time? By the time I go they will know what dose to give me surely. Anyway, I have never been so stressed as I am at the moment. And I think that's all the uncertainty of going with Barts. I found everything with Nuffield so non stressful that it's been a bit of shock going back to NHS and experiencing all the waiting and no-one returning my calls. It's been so bad that I have nearly walked out of work about three times this week alone, and it's only Tuesday! If you knew me, then I am a generally happy upbeat person, so it's unusual and all linked to Barts I think.

On top of all that, is the fact that I still haven't come on my period after ivf yet (which is probably a good thing as I can't start ivf without it so would have to wait anyway). I did a pregnancy test (you never know!) but nothing, so it looks like a missed month. Quite common apparently but more waiting...

Anyway, when it happens it happens - I just wish it would hurry up! Monkey - I think you're doing the right thing going again this month - I just wish it was me!! xxxxx
Hi Fiona

Thanks for the kind words. The whole thing still doesn't seen very real and dont think it ever will until the 9 months is up. Just need to eat healthy and not get stressed then hopefully it will all be okay.
But pleased its giving you more proof that it can work for us ladies :)

What the hell is Barts playing at ?! I can imagine how stressed you are getting but try not too because that wont help with your period or help with your body. Easier said than done because I am the worst at keeping calm.

What's this "information day" - just about the different treatments you can get or actually to get you enrolled and started ? Either way hope they hurry up and call you back as 6 weeks I am sure sounds like ages away but keep yourself busy and it should come round quick enough.
Sorry you having a rubbish time and feeling stressed. Can't you have a few days out of work just to chill at home? Pull a couple of sickie's.
If not you have the Bank Holiday Weekend ahead of you so hopefully that will help.
Perhaps a few days chilling at home with a vino you will de-stress and your period will arrive. At least you know it's quite common for it not to make an appearance after IVF so no need to panic about that.

These things can take time but when it works it will be totally worth it. Keep strong and positive !

Get your partner on the phone to Barts if it helps.

Monkey hope things are going good your end too if your next stages

Have a lovely weekend ladies and keep positive

Hi ladies, how are you both?
I hope you both had a lovely easter break and managed to relax, de-stress and enjoy a bit of of time out. I had a few days away which was lovely, did us good to get away.

Fiona, any news from Barts? I hope they have been in contact. It is so frustrating i remember when i was under the nhs you seem to wait for ages, but as Clarins says try and keep busy and in no time you will be starting your medication again. Any sign of AF yet?

Clarins how are you doing? is it your next scan next week? hope you are keeping well, and that your hubby is still doing all the chores and you have your feet up :o)

Well news with me, we had to wait until next month to start round 2. Dr Haloob was on holiday and we had to have another consultation before we could start the process again, i guess in case he wants to change the protcol/medication so AF just been and gone, so im on countdown now until mid may to start again. Have our consultation on Wed so will see then what he proposes. I did want to just start straight away, but at least this way I can get my body back in tip top condition. And it gives us chance to save for the next huge bill !!

Fiona, are you on DHEA tablets? ive been on them since December this time, its a long time but am used to them now, dont have any side effects at all from them. Must admit Ive decided not to do the progresterone injections the next time, my backside still aches!! Clarins how are you getting on now with the progresterone tablets? Hope its a bit better for you.

Will speak soon, keep well and take care
Hello ladies

Monkey - good luck for Wednesday - please do come back with an update with what Mr Haloobs suggests.
I bet you can't wait to get started again and get things under way. Remember always keep positive :)
Sounds like you had a wonderful and well deserved Easter Break.
Yes I am still on my gell that I insert twice a day. It's still a mess but it doesn't cause any pain. Just feels like you have your AF every day because of wearing panty liners because it's a mess. But us ladies will have to deal with this rubbish wont we.

Fiona - Barts pulled the finger out and contact you by now ?! Hopefully you will come back and say you have a date in place !

My update - I was Mr Haloob yesterday and he was on form bless him. I do like that man. However I have some sad news my end. I have lost one of the babies. Very gutted as you can imagine. Looks like it stopped growing a few weeks ago. The other that has survived has come on though and actually shaped more. Currently 9 weeks pregnant with this one and due on 20th Nov.
I did get very upset in there because when you are told there is 2 you want 2 so felt like I have lost something I already loved but I need to stay focused and positive for this one.
I shouldn't be so ungratful because us ladies know how hard it is in the first place to even fall pregnant with 1 let alone 2.
So now just going to concerntrate on this one I have.
So still feel very blessed to have 1 inside me. But last night was a wake up call again that anything can happen at any stage.
Mr Haloob has changed my medication again as he seems very happy with the little one growing inside me with the size / heartbeat etc. I am having 1 more scan with him in 2 weeks and then referrring myself to Bromfield in Chelmsford for my 12 week scan and meet with a midwife.
I am going to be sad about leaving Nuffield if I am honest.

Ladies be great to hear from you both

Hi clarins
I'm so sorry to hear your news, I hope you are coping ok my dear, it must be very dificult, but I guess as you say try and stay focused and put all your positive energy into your little one, who is obviously a very strong little bub. It's such a long road isn't it, and very emotional. I hope you are bearing up, and your hubby is still looking after you :o)

Mr haloob is lovely isn't he, I can understand how you are feeling about moving to bromfield, think i would feel same, I have got really used to Nuffield now, especially now I'm going through it all again. My app went well and I'm starting in a few weeks, same medication as before, but changing the progesterone injection to the gel. I'm trying to get some weight off but finding it really difficult, well I suppose I should try and get to the gym..... Whoops!!

So it's round two for me, and probably our last attempt so trying to keep focused and upbeat about it.

I will keep in touch, and please do yourself and let me know how you are getting on. I feel all sad it's almost like the three of us are now embarking on three separate journeys now!

Keep positive clarins and look after you and your little one.

Fiona any news? Hope you are ok.

Morning Monkey
Fantastic news - your starting in a couple of weeks - keep me posted and fingers crossed this is the one for you girl !
Positive thoughts.

Fiona hope its going well at Barts for you and things are well and truly moving in the right direction.

Yes I am feeling more up beat now. I was very down last week but after reading lots of different articles on IVF twins and why they dont survive it helped me come to terms with it a bit more.
So concentrating on this little one I have and hoping and praying s/he continues in the right direction.
I have 1 last scan next Monday 30th with Mr Haloob and should that be okay I am done at Nuffield. :(
Do feel sad about it

Already had a email from Broomfield and seeing them on 10th May to meet with a midwife.

I am praying all the time for us and hope all goes well

Hi Both!

Clarins, I am so sorry to hear about your loss - i can imagine how upset you must be but you're right to stay strong and focused. I also understand about feeling like you already felt love, I miscarried myself and felt exactly the same. You are right to stay focused on this wonderful child growing inside you, but I know you still have to grieve, it must be a weird emotion but I am thinking of you and wishing you all the very best.

Monkey - I bet you can't wait - i am so jealous (but in a good way!! very pleased for you too!) as I really want to start my next cycle! I still haven't had a P and it's been two months now. Not sure whether to go to the doctors, tell Barts, or just wait and see. I'm sure it isn't gone for good but it's a bit strange. Until I get it, I can't have the 'day 1-3' hormone test that I need. And until I take that test, Barts won't make the 'information day', which is basically when they give me the medication. So I'm in limbo but just taking it nice and easy. Been very stressed at work though and hoping this isn't impacting my cycle.
Hi Fiona
Good to hear from you. So no AF yet ? Whatever you dont panic as they can delay it even more.
Perhaps a trip to the doctors then but as you said you are very stressed at work which wont help.
I bet you are getting frustrated but hopefully the little bugger will show up soon.
Hope it comes on soon so you can get going with Barts.

Thanks for your words regarding my loss. I did struggle with it for a good week but finally come to terms with it but I think it's something that will always be in the back on your mind ?
Should the pregnancy continue (please god) I suppose I will also think about "what if that other one did survive" especially once born.
Hard times.

Keep calm the best you can and wishing AF to come on soon so you can get going xx
Hi clarins, just wanted to wish you luck with your last scan at Nuffield today. Hope all goes well.

Fiona - any sign of AF? Keep us updated won't you.

I'm just waiting on mine to arrive so that I can have my day 1-3 scan, fingers crossed all my hormone levels are ok for me to start injecting next week!

Take care ladies
Sending lots of hugs
Hi Monkey

Yes saw Mr Haloob yesterday and our little baby :)
All looks good. Nice heartbeat and he seemed pleased. So after the previous scan we were pleased with what we saw.
That's it with Nuffield for me (for the time being) - did feel upset leaving them

Next stage is now Broomfield on 10th May

You ladies are both waiting on AF then ? Fingers are crossed they arrive soon or already arrived for Fiona.

Keep me posted Monkey on the IVF and let me know if I can help in anyway - not that I was very good at it as worried all the time !

We went for our refresher yesterday with the nurse, she asked when my af was due, and when I told her she just looked at us and said "oh there is a problem". My heart dropped. The embryologist is going to be on holiday and there won't be any cover. Also dr haloob going awAy too, although dr satha would be around. So after a few phone calls today trying to see if they could get cover, we are told we have to wait until June. I'm so upset, as I told them June isn't good as my partner is doing a 3 day charity cycle to amsterdam and has to train (dr haloob already told him to hold off training at the mo) and we are unable to do July, so you can imagine how upset I am. They said our only option is to freeze partners sperm for the next few weeks and then we can have treatment in June. I've been on the Internet reading up to see if it makes much difference if you use fresh or frozen, and it sounds like its ok, and dr haloob said it would be fine, but you can't help but think that fresh is better. I really don't want to wait another 3 months so it doesn't look like we have much choice. I just feel like it's another stumbling block, and feel really tired with it all :o(

Monkey........hope you had a nice chilled out weekend and didn't over think too much about the situation.

I haven't read much regarding the difference of quality with frozen and fresh but if you do your research you will know.
Saying that if Dr Haloob said it's fine he can't be too wrong. He is a good man and wouldn't give you false information.
I am so sorry you got the news that this is what's happening for next month. Looks like going Private isn't always the best option but saying that you know you have the BEST qualified people dealing with you at this difficult time.
Try not to worry too much.

Have you decided if your going to go for it with frozen or wait !?

I am thinking of you all the time

Hi Clarins
Sorry for delaying replying. How are you doing? I hope all is going well for you and your pregnancy is moving along nicely. How is Bromfield? I started off with them and thought they were great, so hope everything is good for you.

News with me, we froze our little kiddies last thursday :winkwink: and Im just waiting for AF (due beginning of June) then I will have blood test to test my amh and estradiol levels, fingers crossed they will be at the right level and then I can start my meds straight away. Just cant wait to get started again now ! So mid june I will hopefully be in for ec/et. How exciting!

Thinking of you, pls let me know how you are getting on my dear.

Fiona - any news from your end, hope you are moving forward in one way or another, be good to hear from you?
Hi Monkey

Not bad thanks. The first 3 months have gone so quick. Must admit feeling a bit better - didn't realise how rough I felt with tiredness and feeling ill in general. My spots are calming down too.
Had our first scan last week and everything seems okay. Bit upsetting as you can still see the sack from the twin that didn't make it but trying to stay positive but it's so hard.
I worry about everything especially as it's what us ladies want more than anything.

So you did go for it and freeze them ! I have faith in them at Nuffield. Eepcially the lady Shantelll ( i think that's her name ) she looks after your eggs for you and monitors them.
I have everything crossed for you and think about you ladies daily.
So it's just AF we are waiting for now. Come on AF !
Do keep me posted and wishing you all the luck in the world !

Fiona - I do hope your getting on well. Hopefully us not hearing from you means you are well and truly on your way at Barts and things are moving int he right direction

How are you? Hope everything is ticking along nicely and you are feeling ok. Are you still having sickness or are you over that now? Hope you've had a nice relaxing jubilee weekend Hun.

Fiona - any news?? Been thinking about you and whether af ever turned up? Are you any closer to starting treatment again, I really hope so?

Well news with me, I started my injections on Saturday, first scan I only had one follicle. Got my second scan tomorrow so will see how that goes. Doing the usual, lots of water, milk,nuts and seeds. Will keep you both posted of my developments of course, but would love to hear how you are both getting on.

Take care
Morning ladies

Monkey - you have started already ! That's fantastic news. I am wishing you every bit of luck and lots of follicles !!! Come on grow for Monkey78 !! :)
Hope it goes well. Remember dont worry about any side affects especially the spots or bloatedness.
Please let me know how tomorrow's scan goes.

I am okay this end thanks. Getting more energy back slowly and not going to bed at 8pm anymore - more like 10 !
We went for a private scan in Brentwood. There is a 3D place. It was £70 but we got 8 photos that were so clear so we were pleased.
Next scan at hospital is on 28th June.

Fiona - have been thinking about you too and I do hope us not hearing much from you means the treatment is in full swing.

Wishing you both lots of love and luck as always

Hey, glad to hear all is going well with you bump clarins, well apart from the early nights, but thats a good thing getting plenty of sleep and rest will do you good.

I had day 11 scan today, but there hasnt been too much movement. I have four follicles but all under 12mm, so im continuing with the stimming until wednesday's scan and they will let me know what to do then. Im having a slow month so we just have to wait and see, and hope that they grow to a good size this week for EC. If not we will have to abandon again.

I havent felt great the last couple of days, i feel like im drunk, i have double vision, and just feel really out of sorts. Apart from that its all fine !! ha ha

Anyway talk to you after wednesday's update.

Fiona Fiona - we want to hear from you hun ?
Hi Money

I have everything crossed for you - finger and toes. I do hope this is your turn this time.
So the next scan is this Wednesday coming then ?
Do keep us posted

Sorry you having been feeling poorly with the medication hopefully you will sober up too !

When have they predicted your EC ?

I saw my midwife today. We just did further checks and the baby seems to be okay.

Hiya, sorry for the late reply. I had a week of it to be honest. Every day I went for scans the situation seemed to changed, talk about an emotional roller coaster, that has been one certainty. Ive had so many blood tests for eostriodal levels untrue, im black and blue. Anyway to cut long story short, I'm going in tomorrow for EC!! Scared!!! I have 4 nice big follicles so I'm praying we get some eggs. Not impressed with a 5.30am start mind you.... Ha.

Will keep you updated on the outcome. Hope you are doing ok over there my dear.

I am going to have everything crossed for you.
Dont be scared. I know easier said than done but when they take you down every doctor' / nurse will ease you. Dr Haloob will give you a smile and all will be fine !
Oh please I hope this is it !

Good luck !

Lots of love


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