Hi ladies,
We have our presentation booked for the 30th November to go through all info i asume regarding IVF/ICSI and our first consultation is the 8th Dec!
Just wondering what i can expect? Also how long a cycle of IVF can take? What should i do after the embies have been transferred that sort of thing!
Im 25 with pcos oh 31 and low count. Will the put back more than one embie do you think? We are going to Guys in London
We have our presentation booked for the 30th November to go through all info i asume regarding IVF/ICSI and our first consultation is the 8th Dec!
Just wondering what i can expect? Also how long a cycle of IVF can take? What should i do after the embies have been transferred that sort of thing!
Im 25 with pcos oh 31 and low count. Will the put back more than one embie do you think? We are going to Guys in London