lw0619, we didn't see a specialist. After 1 yr ttc, I told my obgyn that we weren't having any success and we went through the preliminary tests (HSG, blood/sperm tests). My obgyn told me that I didn't ovulate and prescribed clomid. I'm (probably overly) concerned about medicine, and since I have been charting and using opk's I felt like I did ovulate sometimes, just not regularly. About 9 months ago, I started treatment for hypothyroidism. I'm not sure if it is because I got my thyroid levels where they are supposed to be or if I just happened to ovulate and time everything right this time. I suspect controlling my thyroid had something to do with it. I do wish I knew exactly the issue. When we try again, I'd like it to happen a bit quicker!
I'm so glad you got your BFP after so long! What was your reaction when you saw two lines? I ask because I was strangely calm when I saw it. I think I expected some kind of a freak-out!