it does get better hun i'm 10 yrs down the road, and i had my ex's gf telling me what foods rosie likes to eat as she's a teacher and knows what children need to be healthy lol, i had to really bite my tongue,
i don't see her now and rosies dad only see's her every other week as she want to go out and play with her mates, and when she's 16 i doubt she'll be bothered at all it'll be a crimbo birthday thing, rosie thinks her step mum is mardy lol.
i was jealous to start with especially when they took her on holiday and couldnt afford to but now i'm the one she wants to be with all the time. it does take time but you do get used to it, as long as she's really nice him and cares for him and they put him 1st when they have him thats what matters.