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Judge orders Woman to Stop breastfeeding

Its disgusting. I know my lo at that age would not have taken a bottle. The father is being very selfish in thinking about his wants rather than whats best for baby. The judge is stupid as againt human rights, surely it should follow who guidelines. Does the judge and dad really want to distress both mother and child that much. Dad can still get quality time in day. He needs to suck it up with differences with the mum and do whats best for there baby
While I am gald to hear about a father who very much wants to be involved in his child's life, this isn't the way. There are many other possible solutions to this that may not be as convenient for the father, but which would be better for the baby's well-being. This is an incredibly poor decision on the part of the judge. :nope:
While I am gald to hear about a father who very much wants to be involved in his child's life, this isn't the way. There are many other possible solutions to this that may not be as convenient for the father, but which would be better for the baby's well-being. This is an incredibly poor decision on the part of the judge. :nope:

I agree. It appears that the split may not have been amicable and therefore the father perhaps "punishing" the mother at the expense of the baby. Shame really.
Regardless of the breast feeding i dont agree with a 10 month old being made to have over night contact.

WHO recommends BF until 2 and baby being away from mum for 2 full days would effect her supply. Why should the mum have to pump for probably hours?
I think regardless if baby's BF or FF, overnights in another home at this age could create too much instability for some. Dd1 was quite sensitive with bedtime at 10 months and having her in a different environment twice a week would have been a disaster. Dd2 is very much used to me taking care of feedings and prefers it this way. If her dad were to take over, and I mean no offense by this as he's a great dad, but it would also be a disaster. He himself admits she's very much attached to me but of course this will ease with age and we become 50/50 in their books. :)

I believe this little girl's dad, as all responsible, loving dads, has the right to see his daughter but overnight stays I don't see necessary or in the interest of the baby. What's wrong with daytime daddy time until she gets older?

I want to add - it sounds like this judge knows very little about babies or else he wouldn't have decided this way.
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?

No one is suggesting he doesnt see her at all
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?

No one is suggesting he doesnt see her at all

I know, but only getting visitation doesn't seem fair to me. I'm trying to look at it from the perspective of the father, and I can't imagine only having visitation until my child's 2. I'd never get to take her anywhere, spend any REAL quality time together.. that would be extremely depressing.
There's no reason he couldn't take her out for the day, if she can skip that feed in the middle of the day. Realistically most LO spend much more time with their mums than dads at that age. It's unfortunate they've broken up and are having to work things like this out, but I really think the best interests of the child at this moment are to see the dad during the day and all nights with mum.
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?

No one is suggesting he doesnt see her at all

I know, but only getting visitation doesn't seem fair to me. I'm trying to look at it from the perspective of the father, and I can't imagine only having visitation until my child's 2. I'd never get to take her anywhere, spend any REAL quality time together.. that would be extremely depressing.

Overnight is very different from the day.

He could take the baby out for the day and bring her back for bedtime then do the same the next day.
we don't know enough about it really

I feel for both- worry about manipulation by mother / father getting on high horse and putting his rights before childs needs

but to get this far is sad all round really and does not speak well for them both raising this child in the future

plus surely the child needs to spend time t dads home too??
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?

I don't see custody battles as having anything to do with the rights of the parents, its all about the rights of the child. The child has a right to see both parents but at that age it is best done via daytime visits as that is what is best for the child.
I really don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it's horrible that a mother is being forced to quit breastfeeding, but then again it seems horrible to me that a father should basically have no rights to his own child until they're 2 years old, as most of you are suggesting it should be. How would you feel if the situation were reversed and you had to miss out on most of the first 2 years of your own child's life?

To be honest, with the way my husband worked when Claire was that age his seeing her might as well have been "visitation". :haha: He worked for 12 hours a day, and I was still the one who got up with her in the middle of the night. He saw her for an hour or two before she went to bed? He was gone before we got up in the morning.

She doesn't have any damage, she loves her Dad and to be fair she didn't see much of him for her first 3 years of life. :shrug:

He can see her during the day, and I'm sure the Mom could try to work on pumping more or even getting enough milk so he could take her for one feed. There's no need for it to be either or. :flower:
Hippo....how awful. They do not have the child best interest in heart. Plus the judge is ruling forced CIO when the mother may very well be against it.

I personally can not express milk nor my daughter will take a bottle (a sippy cup, yes but not bottle. And it isn't just milk but suckling is important too. My child finds comfort in breastfeeding. It helped her settle down...like how some parents use pacifier)

Your breast definitely will have a hard time cooperating if you never express milk until your child is 10 months old. Beside when your child is eating solid more, your milk supply changes to be in tune with child...and it is why our breast feel "empty" all the time when in fact it is going to supply the child when needed (somewhat like how the new energy-efficient water heater works haha). This usually make expressing milk even harder.

I hope this case will reverse. The dad can work his way around his child's breastfeeding schedule.
No. Just no.

Regardless of BF or FF, where I live the courts discourage overnights for under-2s and rightly so, as it's disruptive and unnecessary to the child until then.
I agree with Shanny we just don't know all the ins and outs.
Although i know personally, for my situation, Evelyn would have found nights away from her Dad more distressing. But it changes child to child. Ivy would've struggled without me.
^^^ At that age she doesn't need and probably won't benefit from extended alone time with her dad. Twice a week seeing her during the day with her mum there would be perfect for the child, as she would get used to being around him, could still be breastfed, and it wouldn't be a frightening transition. I mean, how many would be outraged at the thought of a child (even a FF one) staying two nights at a grandparents' house at that age. Of course I know it's entirely different as he is the child's father, but from the child's perspective it is just as daunting and unsettling. I think the cut off line for BF vs contact should be, at the very earliest, one. At this age she is still a tiny baby and it shouldn't even be contemplated; some children aren't even having real solids yet!

Anyway, he doesn't need the child overnight. It isn't true quality time as she'll be asleep- if he wanted to be around for bed time he could likely make arrangements to take part at the mother's home after dropping the baby off. Even if he had her all day and she missed a midday feed (we could likely be expressed), that would be a much more reasonable solution.

See I don't know. To me that's taking away the night feed etc and whilst most of us mums would love the idea of out babies sleeping through etc... I know people who would LOVE the responsibility of getting up in the night to take care of their baby?

So I understand and agree that at certain ages babies shouldn't be taken away from their mother...I also don't think that quality time with the father is just during the day? And to say that a baby wouldn't benefit from more than two days a week from seeing their father, I know if the shoe was on the other foot and it was said about the mum, all hell would break loose?

I think that both sides of the story should be taken into account and its a shame that considering both of them obviously love their child, they couldn't organise an arrangement suitable for HER and them?!

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