where would u go for pg pics?
Oh I gotta do that!
Feeling a little like i wasnt listend to yesterday. I went to MW drop in clinic at my surestart centre as for the past few days the soles of my feet & palms of my hands have been itching like crazy.
My MW was off sick & another MW from a nearby area was covering. I told her that my hands & feet were itching like mad & she said, your feet are swelled?? Which they arnt at all. She has then started doing all the normal checks, BP, FH etc. Then she started asking about movements which i dont get a great deal of & saying i'm measuring small. She decided to send me to ANAU to get monitored for movements & when i tried to mention the itchy hands & feet again she kinda just ignored me. I thought that i would mention it to the MW's in ANAU instead & they might but once i got there & mentioned it to them they said they couldnt do anything about that & that they could only monitor me.
I feel like the problems i went to see MW for were just completely disregarded & now i dont know what to do. I really want to see my MW, we have a good relationship & i know she will listen but i dont know how long she is going to be off sick for. What would you ladies do???
Torz that sucks, do they know when she will be back at work?
Kat you should definitely mention the spot on your eye at the app
Bug yay not long now!
So been following the post just not posting, it's crazy how close we all are now! We really need to keep this thread going after we have our babies to give/ get advice would be really handy.
As for me bub has gone head down and is playing hackey sack with my ribs! Felt her hiccup for the first time last night, OH felt her too and said 'I wonder if blokes would be able to handle this stuff happening to them!' hehehe i said i doubt it!![]()
AND we have a first and middle name finally 'Jenna Joy'![]()