I'm having my second betas done tomorrow morning, will have to let you know what they are. Really hoping they at least double
Hi ladies. Yes doctor says I maybe carrying twins. My baby boy had beta of about 260 @ 15dpo. This time, beta is at 478 @ 15dpo. It's very hard to tell from the beta but it does suggest a possibility. I'm nervous hehehe
Wow I would be nervous too lol. So other than your numbers can you tell any difference between this pg and the last so far? I guess if you are only 15 dpo it might be hard to tell anything. Good luck definitely let us know!!!
Bled a little bit this morning so I'm sitting at the er. Checked my levels and doc said I'm probably further along than I thought so I gotta get an ultrasound hoping little bean is ok
Hi Ladies !! Im due on August 10. I found out a week ago todayI have my first doctors appt on the 20th.
Hi Ladies !! Im due on August 10. I found out a week ago todayI have my first doctors appt on the 20th.
Added hunwelcome to the group
Bled a little bit this morning so I'm sitting at the er. Checked my levels and doc said I'm probably further along than I thought so I gotta get an ultrasound hoping little bean is ok
Hi Ladies!!!!
Summer Sunbeams - such a cute name! My fellow Sunbeaners (beaners because of our beans!) CONGRATULATIONS to you all!!! I am finally having this news start to sink in.
I have my first doc appointment in just over a week! Due date is July 28th!
Can't wait to go through this journey with you all!
OUR DUE DATES ARE VERY CLOSE!!!eek! Let me know how your appointment goes
how are you feeling?
YAY we are!!!I will update as soon as I can! I am feeling really good! Only some mild nausea but don't think it has anything to do with morning sickness. Otherwise not too bad! Just bloated and can't suck it in... Too early though for a bump I think though! How about you?
Hi everyone, this is my first time preg. Im going to be 7 weeks saturday, I still havent heard from the midwife. Im south wales area what week do you usually get your first appointment with mwife and when do you get the first scan? X
I would love to join too. I am due August 2nd, my first appointment is the 27th because of the holidays. So I will be almost 9 weeks then so hope to see a healthy bean