Is insomnia one of the early signs of pg? I normally sleep a happy 9-10 hours (I know, but Einstein liked 11 hours sleep, so I'm up there with geniuses!) but these past two nights I can barely get 2 hours of shut-eye.
I definitely got
some sleep last night, dreaming about swimming pools, but I was wide awake (midday kind of awake) at 2.30 am and stayed that way until the alarm at 6.30. It was actually a blessed relief to be able to get up at last.
I was so bored by 4am, I started playing angry birds under the covers "
weeeeeeee, kapow! oink oink" until the battery ran too low.
I had the same sleeplessness last night. It isn't the usual toss 'n turn, half-awake-half-asleep kind of bad night, but as awake as if I'd had a triple espresso. Not even the drifting off to sleep ten minutes before the alarm goes off.
Tomorrow, I'm catching the 5.44 train to get to Leeds (that's oop north and I'm on the southcoast of England) for a meeting tomorrow, back home who knows when. I'm going to be a zombie at this rate
Is this a pregnancy symptom or something else?