I predict mine is going to be a boy. We BD right on my peak day and Y sperm are faster, so I think chances are it IS a boy.
Also (and less believable) I tarot reader told me I'd have a boy with bright blue eyes. Although OH has blue eyes, mine are brown (which is a dominant gene) so for me to have a blue eyed boy is not likely.
I'd actually rather have a girl. I understand girls better than boys (two sisters, no brothers) but I wouldn't be at all disappointed to have a boy.
I have dark brown hair and brown eyes too, oh is blonde with blue eyes. Our 4 year old Elliot has the most beautiful cornflower blue eyes and is blonde - so it's possible!!
I always thought i only wanted girls and when i found out elliot was a boy was really worried i wouldn't know what to do with a boy!!

Now, i think boys are more affectionate and loving and are also either happy or sad whereas girls swing from one to the other and back again stopping at every emotion on the way a hundred times a day!!

Love them all to bits but definitely think boys are easier.

I'm thinking boy again for the same reason Bunda, although we did bd every day the week before too so may have been a little pink one waiting!!
Googled it the other day actually and 78% of people ttc using opk's had boys in the study i read...probably because they bd on o day!!
Oops thats a lovely bump pic. Will work out how to put phone pics on laptop and post one...i'm massive already. With the boys, i generally didn't show til 16-20 weeks....last time we told oh's parents the day Edward was born (32 weeks) so shows how small i was, only 2 mums at the school noticed.
Either this is a pink bump or theres more than 1 in there!! Have my nt scan 7th feb so will fnd out then!! Early scan got cancelled and wouldn't rebook as i don't actually have any problems (just paranoid) and my mc's were before my boys.

Glad i have no probs but desperate to see bean now!!