Uggghhhh, she is still going on about what my dad did on her and they have been divorced since I was about 4 and I am nearly 31! Its always about what people have done on her, she has isolated herself from her own family, has fallen out with all but 1 of her 5 sisters and brothers and has lost friends over the years, it affected me as I was isolated too as a child and it affected my relationship with family too. I have a lovely hubby now, havent needed to cry properly for a long long time (until today) and life is good. I think she hates it. People cant understand how you cant attend your own daughters wedding!! It was a great day, today she has tried to tell me my wedding day was all a lie because my dad was there and gave me away. Well anyhow I think you get the picture, you girls can see the situation as clearly as I can I am sure. Thanks puppycat.......I really do hate ranting but healthier to be off my chest!! xx