Haven't read the most recent updates lately, but wanted to let you ladies all know what is going on!
So yesterday I started to get major contractions, one on top of each other for hours. I was really proud as I was handling them really well in a warm bath then my nurse came, checked me (and waiting till I was having a contraction to do it-excruciating) and told me I was only just one cm dilated and barely effaced, even though earlier that day I had been told I was two cm and 30-40% with bulging membranes. She told me my contractions were doing nothing, my uterus had just been irritated by the sweep, which she implied should never have been done. I cried my eyes out. I couldn't help it.
After that I started getting terrible back spasms as well from lying in bed without moving for days on end. It was to the point I could not move because I would spasm. Eventually I gave in and had a shot of morphine and gravol for the back pain. I'd never had morphine before, and it was a HUGE mistake. Morphine knocked out my pain but made me unable to keep my eyes open for more than about 30 seconds, vomit and shake uncontrollably and just plain miserable. My head STILL does not feel right from it. I will never do that again. It also drugged the baby and I felt so guilty. Baby couldn't stay awake and made no movements on the monitor, they tried to feed me apple juice(which I threw up). Baby is doing well again now.
Anyway, the good news! I've been having contractions for a long time now. My (awesome) doctor came in to see me today as she got back from conferences where she had been away. She checked my cervix and- 3cm effaced, baby is fully engaged, membranes are bulging and 50% effaced! No more cervadil- I'm going to L&D to have my waters broken and I will be having my baby boy! FINALLY. I almost hugged all the nurses and my doctor with gratitude. I'm not sure I could have taken another day of waiting. Also- Back spasms are lessening!
I've decided if I can't do it drug free though, I will have the epidural(If I am not made to get one for BP). Much better than morphine or anything like that because you are level headed. I would not have even been able to hold my baby after having it. But hopefully I will be given leave to move during laboring and I won't need to.
So surreal that I will be meeting my son in the next 24 hours!