Was sat at the PC and baby started sucking my top. Did what I always do when he shows an interest in sucking, and I tried him at the breast.
After few attempts, he latched on! He fed for 37 minutes! Came off twice, but went straight back on.
When he came off the first time, he sneezed, and loads of milk came out of his nose, so he must have been getting some!
He fell asleep on me, and is dozing now.
I can count the number of times he has fed on one hand, and today was the most successful!
He is 8 weeks and 3 days old!
After few attempts, he latched on! He fed for 37 minutes! Came off twice, but went straight back on.
When he came off the first time, he sneezed, and loads of milk came out of his nose, so he must have been getting some!
He fell asleep on me, and is dozing now.
I can count the number of times he has fed on one hand, and today was the most successful!
He is 8 weeks and 3 days old!