just in too much pain so going to express


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
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I have tried to bf since my daughter born on the 5th.
But I have such sore nipples . I e been given the best help.possible with support workers etc but I just can't seem to get it right and get too stressed about it.

So going to express instead and give her that as well as formula and th occasional bf when nipples.allow.

I feel like a failure in one sense but at least I can still feed her in an indirect method!!!

Oh well'm I tried.
The first few weeks can be hard :( Try nipple shields till your nipples toughen up. Good luck xx
Well bought nipple shield yesterday but I just couldn't get them to stay on and .y daughter became v frustrated with it.

I'll call the support worker on Monday but can't see any other way I get stressed nipples then starts hurting and the whole circle starts again.....
But least I'm still pumping during day... Then if I bf at night I get the full package, without nips hurting.
The first 2 weeks were a nightmare for my nipples. I know you're in pain, but try to keep going. It gets better I promise:hugs: I had to express with DD1 and I hated it!!
Well I'm gonna pump during day and feed at the breast at night..... Just for the next few days to get nipples hardened up....
At which point in the feed do your nipples hurt lovely?
Varies to be honest. Sometimes at first latch, or then if I feed and feed again a short time later they are beginning to smart....
I'm trying to shove as much nipple into her mouth so it gets to the right point.
Last night the feed I did at the breast on the right side was actually quite enjoyable.
The left however is a, lot more tender. But then after that feed the nipples were again beginning to hurt.
I'm going to try this method again today/tonight and go back to feeding at the breast again. I still have loads of milk from expressing. I'm so desperate to ebf.... I'm a stubborn person and refuse to let it beat me
If you can get some extra bf support tomorrow that'd be great.
If it's painful at the start, re latch. If it becomes painful later because the latch has slipped re latch.
Sometimes it is just because they are feeding so often.
Lansinoh was a nipple saver!
Has lo been checked properly for tongue tie and or lip tie?
Are your nipples a funny shape/white after feeding?
I had pain for 6-8 weeks before or was ok every single feed.
Ds had undiagnosed lip tie.
Also became easier as he got bigger and more head control.
I wish I'd got bf support earlier, midwife abs hv were pretty rubbish really.
Hi hun,
For the first 2 days I just put up with the pain thinking it was normal and that I just had sensitive nipples but since my support worker suggested nipple shields my nipples are getting better each day. Do you have thw right sized shields? A good tip my worker showed me for getting them to stay on was to pull them slightly sideways when applying so theres a bit of suction when they go on.
I am a bit worried ill get hooked on using them so this morning I tried my 'better' nipple shield free and it didnt hurt!
Support is key. If you dont feel youre moving forward try looking for a group or a different specialist/worker maybe from a different childrens centre? With DD1 I had no support as didnt know how much was out there and gave up after 2 days!

This time I feel totally different. If you do express its apparently better to hand express in the early days. My MW gave me a little cup and said the baby will lap it up like a kitten! Obviously not good to do a lot but if youre boobs are feeling uncomfortably full it can ease it and you can know your LO is getting some.

Keep us posted and remember, if you do decide to FF its NOT failure. At the end of the day as long as babies have a full tummy and lots of love theyre happy. Dont beat yourself up over it.
Don't feel as though choosing to express for now means bf won't ever work for you. I struggled with bf and mainly expressed for 10 weeks before bf finally "clicked" for us! We are now exclusively bf. Keep offering the breast when you are able, keep up with the pumping and I'm sure things will work for you. Best of luck!
Hi, you're doing amazing to even stick at expressing & you sound a lot like me in the stubbornness stakes that it won't beat you!
I tried for 3 weeks & it was so sore, my nipples were quite flat apparently. But I exclusively expressed for those weeks & once I'd been expressing, my nipples seemed to toughen up & get the right shape & with a bit if support we managed to latch & haven't looked back! That's 7 weeks ebf now & I love it! So don't give up there's always the chance!
First time round I wasn't even made aware I could express & try later so switched straight to formula after a week! :(
Don't give up if you don't want to! Xxx
Well been ebf today and it doesn't "hurt" which is a bonus. I wouldn't say it was comfortable yet.... But I really hope I'm getting there!!!!
So pleased today was better for you!
I've just got to the 1 week ebf mark and I feel like a super hero for getting this far.

I hope the night goes well and tomorrow and all the days after that too xx
I hope tonight goes ok too....
I just hope I haven't done my supply too much damage. But my daughter passed out next to me in her drunken milk phase, so I'm hoping I fed her enough, usually she cries if not.

This time tho I could tell the difference between a good and bad latch and removed her to get a better latch if I felt it. Don't want to do myself damage again.

Going to a bf support group on Thursday so meeting of other new mum's, so looking forward to that - even just for company and a bit of a routine when hubby goes back to work!!!

I just want tonight over with then I'll feel more confident in feeding her.

Funny thing was today she met her cousins 2 boys 6 &5 and girl 4) they thought it very funny I had my boobs out and feeding her and they all compared their "boobs" to each other..... the boys were very giggly about the boobs!!!!
lol boobs
My 2yo wants to know why she can't feed her baby sister too.

Good luck tonight xx
You might to want to have your LC check for tongue tie. That can cause a lot of nipple soreness.
Yeah the paed mentioned that as a possibility after she r was born, but nothing more has been said. Got the health visitor today so will ask about it with them.
Definately ask. My baby had tongue tie (she had it snipped at my request as it was right at the front and she couldn't lift her tongue) and I had red raw nipples. I statrted expressing a few times a day to give my nipples a break from poor latching and they were that bad that the first few pumps was just pure blood. It was disgusting. After expressing for every other feed, using nipple shields for one day, and plastering my nipples in lanolin after every feed my nipples began to heal really quickly. I used coconut oil to massage my breasts as well because after expressing I felt they had taken a bit of a battering. By day 10 my nipples were much much better but not perfect and on day 14 my daughter had her tongue tie snipped. We are still EBF with not a cracked or sore nipple in sight and I haven't used the lanolin in weeks and weeks.

Stick with it, unleast until they have had chance to check for tongue tie. Sounds like your doing really well and are just as stubborn as me ;-)
The first two weeks is hard going, so many adjustments to make with a new little baby, plus our nipples need to get used to all the stimulation, it sounds like you have a good plan although pumping is hard going but in saying that you might not have to do as much as you think before you are back feeding and I promise you the soreness will go away.

first off do you have some of this cream https://www.boots.ie/en/Lansinoh-HPA-Lanolin-1-x-40ml_1310106/ get some if you can and leave it on you do not need to wipe it off and it really helps, also try expressing some milk on to your nipple it helps as well
you can also get these https://www.boots.ie/en/Multi-Mam-Instant-Relief-Compress-1-x-12-Pack_121154/ they are brilliant and you could try cutting them in half to make them last longer

how are your nipples when feeding are they blistered at all, has anyone checked your lo for a Toungue tie

nipple shields can be more hassel baby has to get used to them then it can be hard to wean off them so I gave up on them,

block feeding can help with soreness as well giving each nipple a wee break

hormones adjusting can cause nipple tenderness which will go as well and if needed some plain ol painrelief may help as well

there are ways to get rid of tenderness and breastfeeding will become painfree and so much easier I promise :hugs:
I use lanisolh cream already.
're tongue tie my daughter can stick her tongue out and hv says as its getting easier the skin may have stretched plus our technique gotten better too..

I'm still topping up with ff but I'm getting there I hope!!! N
Two weeks tmrw!!!

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