There is no harm in giving babies cool boiled water. Many people do so to help with constipation for FF babies. But in hot weather do you want to be taking your boob out every 10 mins to ensure your baby is hydrated!
I dont give a flying fig about taking my boob out in the snow if necessary!
BF babies dont NEED water. You can give them a drink of water with solids when you are weaning but before BM is sufficient. My LO was so hot and bothered today that she wouldnt drink any water.....she had a drink from me no probs.
at night its better to have water to put them to sleep then milk for their teeth. [but i think thats when they get older.] i just know that from my neice and shes almost 3
What?! You dont give 7 month old babies water to go to sleep! Are you talking about a toddler here??
BFing and BM has no effect on their teeth.
This is bad advice for the OP - sorry but it is.