Just miscarried 2 hours ago


Aug 2, 2011
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I'm 22years old and have experienced my first joys of pregnancy and pains of a miscarriage in under 2months.
I'm hoping that a mom with similar experiences could offer me some kind of support/guidance. My apologies if some find this to be too graphic.
Last week monday I went for my first ultra sound at 8w 6d and to my horror saw no heartbeat. My boyfriend and I were absolutely devastated and still are.
According to my gynecologist, our baby stopped developing at 5-6wks due to a suspected chromosome imbalance.
She also informed me that should I wait for my body to expel naturally, it could take up to 4more weeks as my hormone levels were still quite high.
So, as one may be able to imagine, I was quite shocked when I started to bleed just 5days after my scan.
I've been experiencing a lot of contractions and occasional nausea up until now.
At first a was experiencing a light period, but this monday morning my flow increased quite quickly. My cramps got worse and when waking up at 02:30am this morning I felt an urge to rush to the bathroom. I slowly pulled my underwear down as not to mess the pads contents when I noticed a long thick sac expelling itself. Once it was out I couldn't help but stare at it. At one point I started to feel nauseas. The sac was lying stretched out about 10cm long and there were little veins running through it. I also noticed a small growth like object, slightly larger than a pea, attached to one side. I can't help but wonder if that was the early stage of what could have developed into my baby. This has been an extremely emotional and shocking experience for me- to a point where I'm not sure how I am nor should be feeling.
Since then my flow has seemed to increase and the pain is reaching new heights. I have not been able to go back to sleep since then as I am still in shock of what I saw.
Although it was not at all physically painful when the sac was expelled, it was emotionally and yet I'm glad I was able to see it.
I hope I have not grossed you out with all the details. And I am sincerely sorry and offer my condolences to all the mums who have had similar experiences to mine.
:hugs: I'm so sorry :hugs: What a terrible thing to have to go through. I felt like crying just reading about your experience.

Take care of yourself and give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you're feeling. I went through bouts of anger, grief, jealousy, and lots of feelings and wishes that I have a hard time revisiting now (such as wishing for friends to miscarry:nope:). It's all normal :hugs: Get support from people around you if possible. I talked to a counselor from a pregnancy loss program over the phone, and even though I didn't say much, it was extremely helpful. If you have access to something like this, please take advantage.

Do something special to feel close to your baby, whether it's writing a letter or having a private ceremony. The best thing I did was name my baby and put together a memory box (including ultrasound pics, the pregnancy journal I kept, a stuffed toy, etc). I wore a necklace with what would have been my baby's birthstone, and it helped to carry a physical reminder of my baby with me.

My MC was a year and half ago, and I still think about it often. The hurt doesn't go away, but it changes with time. For the first 6 months afterwards, I couldn't think about it without crying. Now when I look back on it, I'm able to remember how excited and in love I was, and I feel extremely lucky that I got to know my angel, if only for a few months.

Your baby is special and you will always be his or her mum. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm thinking of you :hugs:
I am so sorry for your loss and all of the pain and confusion and a million other emotions you must be experiencing right now. First off, i want to say, monitor yourself closely, you are miscarrying and if you feel the need or are worried about the amount of blood, do not hesitate to go to the ER or at least call your doctor. I am sure they told you this but there is so much uncertainty and you have to take good care of yourself. :hugs:

My story is very similar to yours... I am 23 and this was my first pregnancy. My hub and I also went in at 8 weeks 6 days only to find out our baby did not have a heartbeat and had stopped developing. We still don't know how far developed our baby was, though... Hopefully will get answers soon.

My doctor recommended a D&C which happened a little over a week ago... So I don't know much about the experience of miscarrying naturally. From what he told me while discussing my options, he said you will be in pain and that sometimes you can end up in the hospital if the bleeding is excessive (not to scare you, just listen to your body and trust your instincts), but that often times it is just quite uncomfortable and then you have heavy bleeding, will pass tissue, clots, etc. I would say take Tylenol for pain but stay away from aspirin or ibuprofen as they can cause further bleeding.

I am so, so sorry you have to go through this. No momma deserves it and it just is not fair... I hope that your boyfriend or someone is with you right now to comfort you in this difficult time. Please take good care of yourself and try to pamper yourself and relax in the days to come. The emotions are so raw at first, but I promise with time they will get a little easier. I miss my little angel so much and I know you miss yours too. In many ways I wish I experienced a natural MC myself, I went to sleep with my baby in me and woke up and she/he was gone... I only got to see my baby briefly on the monitor and that was that. I felt so empty when it was all over...

I am thinking of you and sending you lots of love and hugs. I hope you don't have to go through this much longer and will not be in much pain and that you will be able to start healing very soon. I am so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to message me any time if you need to talk to anyone. :hugs:
Thank you so much for everyone's support and uplifting words! Meant so much to me reading your responses. I think one of the hardest challenges I'm facing at the moment is coping at university. This experience has left me feeling extremely demotivated, but I"m trying to cope one day at a time. I still battle to cope with the images in my mind, I think it will take time.
@rachelleigh- I can understand what you mean b
y the emptyness , feeling my body release my baby's sac was awful. I felt so out of control of the situation and was left with this empty feeling too. .my prayers are with you and your husband.
@Lori- I too am sorry for your loss! Thank you for being so sensitive and supportive. My boyfriend and I love your idea of buying our baby's birthstone. He/she would have been born in Feb so will definitely be getting a stone each.

I really hope the pain eases and that I will be able to accept what has happened.
Thank you to all of you! You are in my prayers and thoughts x
Hi ladies,
I am feeling so nervous at this point in time. I had my first miscarriage 2months ago and am still trying my best to come to terms with what happened.
For this very reason, my boyfriend and I have both insisted on using a condom until we are ready to try for a baby.
I do not believe in using any other form of contraceptive as I don not agree with interfering with my bodies natural flows. However, my periods have been rather delayed since the miscarriage and much lighter than usual.
Last week after intercourse, I noticed that the condom had slipped off while pulling out- but I did not worry too much as my period was due in a few days. It is about a week late now and I am terrified- 1. Because I don't think I can deal with being pregnant again so soon after my miscarriage; and 2. Because I am so scared that I may have another miscarriage if I am pregnant.

Is this normal for my period to be delayed, or could I perhaps be pregnant again? I have been under a great deal of stress too due to university work too. I'm just too nervous to take a test and face the reality of another pregnancy and possible miscarriage.

I'm feeling so incredibly foolish right now putting this message up. We've both done our best to be as safe and cautious as possible. I'm just scared. Please would someone lend me some advice :( :'(
Im sooooo sorry :cry::cry::cry:

Hun you havnt grossed me out, that was your little bean and its home, nothinh gross about that :hugs::hugs:

im 22 aswell (21 with losses) With my 2nd loss I passed the baby at 8 weeks 1 day after 2 weeks of bleeding (2 scans showed everything was fine but obviously miscarriage was imminent).
I really didnt expect it..
I was lying in bed still bleeding same as usual, i felt a strange feeling like wind? deep down. v mild period type pains.
I went to toilet and to my complete shock, just like you, i felt something coming. I put hand there and catched a greyish sac.
The fluid still inside. All still intact.
Inside was baby..about rasberry size.Attatched to the wall of the sac. Peach coloured see-through skin, a black dot where eye was forming. arms and legs. Even a mouth forming. at 8 weeks i really didnt expect baby to look so 'baby.
I found online a picture of a womans miscarriage and the baby looked exactly like mine

rip to all our precious angels.... im so sorry for your loss x
Hi ladies,
I am feeling so nervous at this point in time. I had my first miscarriage 2months ago and am still trying my best to come to terms with what happened.
For this very reason, my boyfriend and I have both insisted on using a condom until we are ready to try for a baby.
I do not believe in using any other form of contraceptive as I don not agree with interfering with my bodies natural flows. However, my periods have been rather delayed since the miscarriage and much lighter than usual.
Last week after intercourse, I noticed that the condom had slipped off while pulling out- but I did not worry too much as my period was due in a few days. It is about a week late now and I am terrified- 1. Because I don't think I can deal with being pregnant again so soon after my miscarriage; and 2. Because I am so scared that I may have another miscarriage if I am pregnant.

Is this normal for my period to be delayed, or could I perhaps be pregnant again? I have been under a great deal of stress too due to university work too. I'm just too nervous to take a test and face the reality of another pregnancy and possible miscarriage.

I'm feeling so incredibly foolish right now putting this message up. We've both done our best to be as safe and cautious as possible. I'm just scared. Please would someone lend me some advice :( :'(

After both my losses my 1st and 2nd periods were on time. 3rd period though was 2 weeks late !! :wacko: thus proving it can take a few cycles for the body to get back into sync after a loss, so I wouldnt worry about it too much huni atm. Just take a test to ressasure yourself and put your mind at rest x
Thank you so very much for your reply :hugs: I really appreciate it.

It is so comforting to know that there are other women (especially my age) who understand what I am going through... Even having supportive family and friends doesnt measure up to this kind of support :cry: unless youve been through a MC you cannot know what a grieving mothe-to-be is going through.

One of the hardest challenges I'm facing too is that so many of my friends have given birth to healthy babies this year and I cannot help but feel this horrible envy inside of me...along with anger and sadness that my baby, my chance to be a mother was taken away from me so suddenly.

I truely appreciate every reply that Ive recieved during this difficult/confusing time. So many of you are still dealing with your loss in your own individual ways and to take the time out to help me in feeling better really is such a special feeling for me.

I really hope that all of you are blessed with a precious baby someday, and to those moms who have already been blessed- I am so happy for you.

All we can do is take it one momement...one day at a time.

:hugs: big hugs to all of you..... May God send his riches blessing on you and your families :hugs:
Khadijah- thank you for your image. My little one wasnt as developed but from seeing that image it has given me comfort in knowing that what i saw that night was definitely the early stages of my baby

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