This should probably go in the mothers guilt thread but basically I have an 8 month old son and haven't taken him to a single baby class. I know a couple who had their DS a week after us and all I see of them on Facebook is pictures of baby groups and swimming classes so now I feel totally guilty that I haven't managed it and I'm delaying his development or something.
The reason why I haven't managed is because I'm self employed and have been back at work since DS was 4 months. I work from home and squeeze in working when DS is either asleep or being watched, which is 3 mornings a week. I feel I can't lose precious time at home in case he is sleeping and I can then do some work and stop neglecting my business.
My DH is totally unsupportive because he never wanted kids in the first place. He will help me out here and there to allow me 20 mins have a shower or a cup of tea but asking him to get involved with DS is a big no no.
Last week I had a bit of a mini breakdown crying as even as my wonderful DS was sleeping through the night, after 3 hours in bed I still hadn't slept a wink. When DS seen me crying he totally comforted me and asked what was up etc. and tbh I didn't have an answer other than I was finding it difficult to switch my brain of and rest. I know I'm not suffering from any type of depression or anything, in spite of my resentment towards DH for having to nag him to get involved with DS, I'm the happiest I've been in years.
We got over that mini episode and things have been great since, until I saw that post of FB and now I'm back to not sleeping again. It's almost 4am where I am and here I am, fretting.
I have found a swimming class I can take him at the weekends and had asked DH to take but you can guess his answer. DH is getting as DS gets older but basically he is copping out of the hard parts of being a dad, which he thinks he's entitled to do since he warned me he didn't want this in his life.
Anyway, at the end of this extremely long whinge, am I holding back DS? He is reaching all his milestones and child minder mentioned how clever he was cuz at 8 months he already knew what he had to do to get their attention which was banging the tray in the high chair when their backs were turned.
The reason why I haven't managed is because I'm self employed and have been back at work since DS was 4 months. I work from home and squeeze in working when DS is either asleep or being watched, which is 3 mornings a week. I feel I can't lose precious time at home in case he is sleeping and I can then do some work and stop neglecting my business.
My DH is totally unsupportive because he never wanted kids in the first place. He will help me out here and there to allow me 20 mins have a shower or a cup of tea but asking him to get involved with DS is a big no no.
Last week I had a bit of a mini breakdown crying as even as my wonderful DS was sleeping through the night, after 3 hours in bed I still hadn't slept a wink. When DS seen me crying he totally comforted me and asked what was up etc. and tbh I didn't have an answer other than I was finding it difficult to switch my brain of and rest. I know I'm not suffering from any type of depression or anything, in spite of my resentment towards DH for having to nag him to get involved with DS, I'm the happiest I've been in years.
We got over that mini episode and things have been great since, until I saw that post of FB and now I'm back to not sleeping again. It's almost 4am where I am and here I am, fretting.
I have found a swimming class I can take him at the weekends and had asked DH to take but you can guess his answer. DH is getting as DS gets older but basically he is copping out of the hard parts of being a dad, which he thinks he's entitled to do since he warned me he didn't want this in his life.
Anyway, at the end of this extremely long whinge, am I holding back DS? He is reaching all his milestones and child minder mentioned how clever he was cuz at 8 months he already knew what he had to do to get their attention which was banging the tray in the high chair when their backs were turned.