Just returned to EBF after pumping, questions!


Cautiously Expecting #2
Apr 23, 2013
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My son will be one month old on Saturday, and this week we have transitioned from me exclusively pumping/bottlefeeding to breastfeeding 80-90% of the time, and his dad offering a bottle for one or two nighttime feedings. The goal is to be exclusively breastfeeding here very shortly... it's been a process acclimating to the new routine.

A few questions for you lovely ladies...

Does your baby know when they've emptied your breast? One of our issues has been our kiddo getting sleepy on the boob, but he's improved and will remove himself about 15-20 minutes into nursing if I don't, and will then usually eagerly start in on the next breast. I'm just worried he may stop himself too soon and miss out on the 'hind milk'?

How do you know if you're producing enough milk for your baby? When I pump, I get anywhere from 2 - 3.5 oz, depending on time of day and how long between sessions (2 hours vs 3, for example.) Our little guy will almost always power through 3.5 oz from a bottle. If he seems satisfied after nursing, do I assume he has gotten enough to eat and trust my body to produce enough for him, or should I be supplementing after nursing to see if he'll eat more?

Thanks guys! So excited to be breastfeeding again... we had turned to pumping to monitor his intake after he lost 10% of his birth weight originally, as my milk took 3-4 days to come in and we were playing 'catch up.' Nursing is so much more fun, and so much less work! :haha:
Congrats, it sounds like you are doing great! I'm no expert though and can only give you advice based on my experience of bf my DS for one year and this LO for 9weeks now. I've a very organic (read lazy) approach to BF and assume all is well unless there seems to be a problem!

I have never had any success with pumping so I've absolutely no idea how much my DS (now 2.5) had or my DD gets. I do know that after a slow start with DS, he fed for around 30-45mins each time whereas my DD takes what she needs in about 10mins. My breasts don't feel engorged, they don't leak, and they both pop off on their own etc so I assume that means they are reaching the good stuff and have had enough.

I never had much success offering the second breast and it usually results in much of it coming back up so I don't bother with this at all if DD seems content. As for knowing if I'm producing enough milk, again I go by the signs that LO is content after a feed, having wet nappies and growing well.

I don't think you'd need to supplement at all, just keep an eye on his weight to give you a bit of reassurance in the weeks ahead, but once it all 'clicks' with mum and baby it's my experience that you'll both not look back!
Part of bf is being able.to let go of that control and trust that baby knows what they are doing. It is very normal for a newborn to be sleepy in the beginning but it sounds like you are past that point. Just feed on demand, always offer the other side once baby unlatches on their own from the first side (may or may not take it, either is fine), keep an eye on diaper output and relax knowing that you don't have to worry about amounts anymore :)
It's fine for a baby to lose 10% of their birth weight and it's normal for it to take 3-4 days for your milk to come in. I don't think you needed to move to pumping and supplementing.

As far as the feeding goes you're over thinking it. If he's satisfied, has wet and dirty nappies and is gaining weight then he's fine. When he's not doing those things is the time to look at changing things. Trust nature a bit and your instincts, the human race has survived for millions of years without paediatricians, weighing scales or breast pumps ;) x
Trust your body and trust your baby. He will always drink more from a bottle because bottles are so easy to drink from the milk practically pours from them. Think how much easier it is for you to drink from a regular open top bottle compared to a straw. If he's feeding 15-20 mins each side then that's great. If you were really worried you could always do 3 sides. Left right left and at next feed right left right
The key is to trust your baby and your body. If he didn't "get enough," he'll just nurse again when he's hungry. If he drains your breasts, more suckling will trigger your body to produce more. Just respond to your baby's needs and all will be good :)
In the beginning I had similar doubt's. I started pumping after feeds to help with supply. In hindsight I could have relaxed during that time!
6 months of ebf now and would not do it any other way. Not only does the baby know if he is hungry but also when he needs the other boob.
He started with alternating sides every feed and eating for 1 hour every time. Nodding off in between :) Now he eats for 10-15 min total from both sides.
It amazes me how he knows what he wants, when and how much. I always offer the other side. And he takes only what he needs. We stopped using burp cloths after 3 months...no spit ups.
Nature is great!

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