does anyone else watch this on BBC three? at 10.30 pm
we watched it last few nights and tonite. I love meat but never really think about where it came from ect well i know its an animal at one point but never think of how its slaughtered ect. This program goes from live animals being slaughtered then being cooked and eated by a studio audience. Its very graphical so be prepared if your going to watch this. I just find it very interesting and next time i sit down to a bacon roll or lamb chops im going to spare a few moments to think of what was once a little namial
we watched it last few nights and tonite. I love meat but never really think about where it came from ect well i know its an animal at one point but never think of how its slaughtered ect. This program goes from live animals being slaughtered then being cooked and eated by a studio audience. Its very graphical so be prepared if your going to watch this. I just find it very interesting and next time i sit down to a bacon roll or lamb chops im going to spare a few moments to think of what was once a little namial