My fiancé and I are wtt, since we have a 7 month old and the wedding is in October of this year. There's an issue now. I've been having pregnancy symptoms for 2 weeks. In June, I went in to see my OB about some spotting I was having long before my period was due. I'm on the pill so it's only off my a day or two, never weeks. She said the tests could be done but it was too soon to tell. A swab came back with an STD, which she said would cause spotting, but it only did once vs several times. We've done our no sex time after our meds and all is good. Here it is August, I've had 2 periods since, but I'm nauseous, have heartburn, cravings, food aversion. First to hit was itchy nipples. Like crazy. I haven't even thought pregnancy since June because I figured the tests were definitely negative and we'd wait awhile. Now all these symptoms have hit over a course of 3 weeks. You'd think with one baby already I'd know if I shold test or wait til after this period, but I'm still unsure. Please no bad things about the STD, we're both faithful it was a lack of thinking on our part when we first got together. I just want to know other's opinions on this. I try to tell myself that because I want a baby again so bad that my mind is tricking my body, but I honestly didn't think about it after June.