Kte's Wellness Thread


Mummy to Chloe & Sophie
Jun 12, 2009
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Okay so I really think I need to start a 'Wellness' journal. Mainly for the obvious, my weight, but I have decided to include other things such as my lovely anal fissure problems as its kind of related to my diet and any other joyful things that crop up along the way!

Well today I ate lots of cake . . . not the best idea. I started off well with my fruit and fiber cereal but we have lots left over from Chloe's christening last Sunday. A little would be okay but lunch time came and the bread was moldy and I was too hungry so I ended up eating lots! :dohh:
Thanks! Today is the day! I had my nephews party yesterday so I decided to not commit to anything until today.
Okay so here are a few things that I need to sort out except my weight :haha:

  • I have a full body massage gift that I really need to book before I return to work on 1st March, I'm just to scared to as I never ever done anything like that before!
  • I need to book my smear again :dohh:
  • I need to book into the doctors as my special cream for my fissure is due to expire :dohh:
  • Book Chloe and me onto a NHS dentist waiting list!
  • Sort contacts!

I think that is it for now . . . lol

Weighed myself today, Monday is the day everyday now. I have gone from 14st 7lbs (03/02/10) to 14st 4 & 1/4lbs so I am going to be cheeky and round it down to 14st 4lbs (15/02/10)

Okay so here are a few things that I need to sort out except my weight :haha:

  • I have a full body massage gift that I really need to book before I return to work on 1st March, I'm just to scared to as I never ever done anything like that before!
  • I need to book my smear again :dohh:
  • I need to book into the doctors as my special cream for my fissure is due to expire :dohh:
  • Book Chloe and me onto a NHS dentist waiting list!
  • Sort contacts!

I think that is it for now . . . lol

Okay things I have done today

  • Got Chloe and me on the dentist waiting list and
  • Booked my Smear for next week
  • Arranged to call in store next week to get contacts sorted

Just need to speak to Nij about possible dates I can go for massage and I can call them and sort that too :thumbup: I'm on a roll . . . :haha:

Not sure what to do about fissure cream, I really should have gone back to the docs two weeks after my last appointment. Feel a bit daft. Well Chloe has her 3rd imms next tuesday so I will try arrange an appointment then as I will be at the docs first thing.

Diet wise, I have been doing okay diet but I just gave in and scoffed some chocolate, hmmm a small hiccup. I wasn't fussed until I saw someone talking about it in a tv program. I need stronger will power!
Well, weigh day again and I can happily say I am now 14st 2lbs! :happydance: Slow and steady!!

So this last week I have lost;


Overall I have lost;

Well I ended up going to the doctors last week, think it was on Friday. I had a little bleed and I was a bit worried as I didn't want to cancel yet another smear test and I wanted to make sure the pill was still covering me. The doctor just said it was normal as my body is still adjusting after pregnancy.

I also spoke to the doctor about my fissure and have been given a different cream. Things do seem much better now, the new cream reduces swelling whereas the other cream was an pain killer and muscle relaxant. So I think my fissure has healed and evolved into hemorrhoids. Joy lol.

I had my smear on Monday, it was the first time I have had one and i was scared as I heard they hurt. Luckily for me I hardly felt a thing and it didn't hurt. Just got to wait for my results now or contact them in 6 weeks if I haven't received them.

I got a phone call today from a dentist so Chloe and I are booked in for a check up on 9th April. I was surprised we got somewhere so quickly!

So things left to do;

  • Book massage
  • Call into opticians this Friday
Weigh day again yesterday . . . I am still 14st 2lbs :dohh: Ah well, at least I didn't gain!

Overall I have lost;


  • Collected contact lenses :thumbup:

To do:
  • I still really need to get this massage booked!

Back at work full time this week, lets see how good this is for my sanity :wacko: . . . only on day 2!
Wow its been a while in here :blush: but then again lots has been going on in life! :wacko:

So here is and update!

  • Well the massage expired so that was a shame but hey ho can't do much about it now.
  • I sorted out my contact lenses but then OH and I had a few probs, I cancelled all DD's and then things are good so I went back to re-set up the DD and I have to have a normal eye test before they can do this. Prob is now I need to pay the last three months worth to get my lenses and a test on top of that - ARGH. But it really needs to be sorted!
  • The dentist faffed me about a bit so that went wrong too, it was in the middle of life not being good so now I have to get us a new dentist if they won't let me make a new appointment but the have cheesed me off several times so really I am on the hunt for a new dentist!

2x super fab great news :haha: :thumbup: :happydance:

  • I am currently on more medication from the docs for my fissure and Monday was the 1st day in 7 months I actually went without pain! :happydance:
  • I now weigh 12st 12lbs!! :happydance:

Total overall loss:
All the best with your journey to health XXX
I joined a thread group but that seems to have died a death so here is the goals I put; still want to keep at them so will just keep myself focused! :thumbup:

How much weight do you want to lose?

2-3 stone. I currently weigh 12st 12lbs and want to get to 11 stone.

My BMI is 28.3 (according to NHS website) and it should be between 18.5–24.9.

Will you be doing any excercise & if so what kind?

I walk 15 mins to the bus each day, then 20 mins from my LO's nursery to work. Then another 20-30 mins from LO's nursery to bus station to get home and another 15-20 min walk up-hill home. That's it at the moment.

What are your short term goals & long term goals?

I have gotten to the botton end of 12 stone before but that's it, so my aim is to get to 11 now.

Longer term get to 10 stone as that seems to be the recommended weight for my height (5ft 9inch).

When do you want to lose the total weight by?

I'd like to loose half a stone by my birthday which is on the 28th! Any more a bonus but I just don't want to fail anymore.

I just want to work until my ideal weight and keep it off, hoping for sure to be at it for next summer!
I have asked work for an eyecare voucher which I received last week so now I just need to book an appointment with Specsavers to have an eye test. Thats one step towards getting my contact lenses back. Also, if I do need new glasses I found that work provide a voucher with an amount towards a new pair so really happy about that as well. Although I hope I don't need a new pair as I'd like my vision to have stayed the same!

Fissure wise, it went with the fabulous Movicol sacchets. However, its kind of back. I try to keep as soft as possible but it's not always easy and so I know I ripped again the other day. Trying to keep on top of it but may have to go back to the docs again if no joy.

The dentst is still an issue. Think I blew it at the other practice so need to try and find us somewhere. Chloe now has three teeth and loves to brush them (bless :cloud9:) so we really both need to get checked out somewhere.

Well I had a 'I'm pleased with myself moment' yesterday. I found an old paper journal I had started back in Feb 2009 before I realised I was pregnant. It said I weighed 13st 8lbs. So the fact that I went up to 14st 2 through pregnancy is pretty darn good I think and even better that my weigh in as of yesterday was 12st 10lbs! :happydance:

So my total overall loss:


I really do think I need to do some more sit-ups though as I still have a bit of a jelly bellie even after loosing that weight!
Well it's been two whole weeks since I wrote in here. Oh dear I really have been a procastinator so basically my eyesight, my fissure and finding a dentist are still all issues. :nope: :dohh:

Weight wise I was 12st 11lbs so thats up one but I keep fluctuating around 12st 10lbs and 12st 13lbs. However, this last week I discovered the wonderful world of having soup for lunch. I just need to be snack concious now as by the afternoon I am quite hungry, well say 3 / 4pm and that's when I set off for my 1hr 30 min journey home. Most of which is walking. Yes it's good to burn off those calouries but feeling like I am going to pass out I'm sure cannot be a good thing.

Today I feel crappy. Not sure if it's becasue I stopped my pill this morning as it's time for AF. Roll on a few days so I can start taking the pill again!

I am just having a 'I hate' day. As in, I hate my clothes, I hate my hair, I hate my glasses.

  • My clothes: I just want some new ones. They are a few years old now. I have two new tops I bought a few months ago and they look okay but I just feel my body doesn't fit right in things anymore. :shrug: I need a size 15 trousers, 16 hang funny still but I am not a 14 even with the weight loss. My boobs are asbig as usual but they seem more saggier, it doesn't make sence, they just don't fit in my bra's the same and they have horrible 'chicken' skin sometimes. It's really getting me down. I'm off shopping with Maffie on Saturday, I have an H&M voucher from my Mum, I don't even know how much is on there but I intend to get some nice clothes for work. I have one pair of black trousers that fit awfully, all saggy around my bum, I have to use a belt. I also need some work tops, I have once nice purple top I could wear but nothing else.

  • My hair: Well I wanted it cutting for my Birthday, my Mum and Dad paid for it as a present. The hairdresser did a crap job, its a horrible lenght and a horrible shape. So £29 later I'm pissed off. I won't go back becasue to be honest even if I did complain and ask for it to be redone I have zero confidence in the cutteres ability. Not to mention the fact that she was the only hairdresser in the shop at the time. So yeah, I have to save up another £25 which is not an easy feat to get the mess sorted out. It's okay, evarage but I only usually have my hair done every 6 months or so as it looks good and last for so long. Not this time, maybe its some kind of freakish payback for having hair that behaves usually? :rofl:

  • My glasses: They are ugly, bent and hurting me, I feel like I am looking through windows. They irritate my face. I don't mind them for an evening at home at a push but I hate being out in public in them. They just get in the way and make me feel so self-concious. Daft I know. My eyes need a contact rest anyway but I just can't stand these things being on too long. It is so nice and warm out and they slip down my face when I get hot, not looking forward to walking in them later, infact I took them off this morning to walk.

Sorry for having a whine. It's just kind of depressing and no matter how hard I (we) try and save up the money goes on other things (car tax, car breaking down, unexpected bill etc) - part of the reason why I can't get my contacts, the backpay I owe them now is too much :cry:
Wow again, its been a long time, seriously! Well I am quite pleased as I did drop down to 12st 8lbs but just had a holiday and am back up to 12st 10lbs although I'm not too upset, just need to pull in the snack reigns a bit!

Lillypie / Daisy path have finally created a weight loss ticker :yipee: - I'm sad I know but anyway, I have created some for me :D


Other than that erm . . . eyesight, my fissure and finding a dentist are still all issues. Bad me!

Having said that I get a repeat presecriprion now of Movicol for my fissure and that helps a lot. Plus soup everyday and pleanty to drink is helping too. It's not as painful as it once was but its still an event going to the loo and I feel that at any time it could be set off again.

Glasses wise I have a voucher from work which I need to spend on some new frames / lenses. I had my eyes tested and they have altered slightly but not by much. I want to sort the glasses out when I go for a contact lense test which will hopefully will be soon; I keep pestering Nij for the money. The £13 a months is nothing, its the fact I may have to pay some back pay (I get them 3 monthly so if its the middle of last moth its £26 or £39 plus test cost becasue my DD stopped. (The joy of no money but thats another issue).

Dentist - I have done nothing about this. Think that's my main negative for my wellness thread. Although the fact my MAT exemption card has now expired and a dentist would cost me is a huge issue. Seriouly.

Smear. Well, the last one I had was in July because I had abnormalities from the one done just after Chloe was born. I heard nothing but asked at the reception desk at my GP the other day whilst taking Chloe for her 12 month imms. They said the results said I had to have another in 6 months time which means another smear in January! Oh lovely. I have never had one when I was 'called' up when I was 23. Silly I know but I was so scared. Well, think I have made up for the ones I have missed. I just home the next one is okay so I end up with 12 month call backs for a bit. Its a bit worrying but at least I am doing them now and getting checked out.

So much more postive this time from me! :flower:
Lol I just realised I have had my fissure problems for as year :shock: :haha:
Well *touch wood* my fissure problems seem to have subsided :happydance: Its still 'odd' going to the loo but there is no pain and I don't have fear of food at the moment either! I was off to get my prescription of Movicol but couldn't get to the pharmacist and then realised I was . . . okay.

Glasses wise I still haven't sorted my glasses or contact :grr:

Smear: I went back in for another one and the results should be due tomorrow. I don't know how well its going to go as the day after I had it done AF arrived. If I don't get a letter I'm going to call the doctors to see what the result is.

Weight wise I have been doing well, its all this walking to work from Nursery two / three days a week :D I am now 12st 5lbs :happydance:

:happydance: Smear came back as normal so thats it until June for my next test :happydance:
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh bleugh! *Profanities*

I'm just a 'little' stressed this morning and need a moan to no one in particular.

Chloe has been non-stop whinging at me since I went to collect her from nursery yesterday. She was off ill from last Thursday and only went back in on Tuesday so I think the early mornings have made her tired and cranky. I'm uttelry worn out from yesterday and today's bus journeys as she just scremed pratically the whole way.

I'm stressed also because of the mortgage, its come off the fixed rate which is good becsaue its now at a lower rate but appartenly the rates are going to go up. So now is a good time to get another 3yr fixed rate however there is nothing they can do on my wage due to a gawd-damn stupid loan I got out (that I wish I had never ever ever got out but at times you just do stupid things). It was to consolidate debts and to invest in the house but the interest is screwing me over so I owe more than I borrowed even though I over pay the montly repayments and so I am at a loss. The last hope was to re-mortgage and add it in / consolidate it, which is frustrating but my only hope as such and they can't do anything . . . possibly they could add my OH but he hasn't exactly been Mr committment over the last year and so it's a huge huge risk that I am feeling pressured to take. If the rates rise we could lose the house if we can't afford it. The interest on the loan is making the balance more than when I took the thing out. Its all a mess.

Oh and to top it off I have an HR assignment due in next friday, I am behind on it and want to do well but my brain is screwed over and I need to focus!

I know there are worse people out there and problems etc but I just need to get it out!

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