Larissa West Born 14th Jan


Mummy to Larissa
May 28, 2008
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Sit back get a cuppa lol as this is a long one!

My birth story -

First off my waters started leaking on 6th Jan (11.30pm), called up labour ward a few hours later once I had decided it was my waters who said to go and be monitored as I was only 35+5. Got there about 4am.
Got there was put on the monitor, all was OK. MW checked pads and confirmed waters were clear so OK. I was due to see my consultant at clinic the following day so they said I may as well hang around until his rounds at 8.30 and see what he had planned for me. Anaesthetist came around and was a bit nasty to me about my size, saying that epidural would probably be impossible as he wouldn’t have time to keep trying to find the correct space in my back, meaning if I had to have a section I would need a GA. Totally scaring me which wasn't what I needed when I was worried anyway.

Doc came around to see me and said he'd like me to go for my scan as planned to check fluid around baby. The scan turned out OK enough fluid for baby and she was measuring average. Went back to antenatal ward where I had to wait for doc to look at scan results, waited and waited and waited, went to see MW and said as I was supposed to see him tomorrow may as well just do that. She said he had already been around and said I needed to stay in. Nice of him to tell me!

Cried a little as was so tired and a bit worried. Sent hubby home to have a rest as nothing was going to happen. 30 mins later mw came around saying a diff doc looked at scan and said no point me staying in as I would only be given anti biotics and I could do that at home. Given instructions on what to look out for told to come back every 2 days for monitoring. They expected labour to begin in 48 hours. Went home.

Went home went back every 2 days as instructed. Got given another scan date for the Wednesday (14th) MW told me at one of my monitoring sessions that I would probably be induced on the Friday depending on scan, as I would be 37 weeks then. So I basically prepared myself for that.

Tuesday evening (13th) went to the loo (waters still leaking had been leaking for a week now) and now they had gone from clear to pink. Got a bit worried. Woke up hubby told him, then started getting a few period style pains, nothing major though. Rang delivery ward who said to go in be monitored again. 1am approx - Went in and pains starting to get a little worse, but still not that bad. Got monitored (pads checked all OK but still pink) baby was fine on monitor. MW said ok to go home and come back for scan in morning. She could see pains getting worse said she thought was in early labour and was up to me if went home but it would be a while. Thought may as well go home get in own bed and go back if they got worse. Got home no more than an hour later we were on our way back again as really couldn't handle them. They were about 3 mins apart so got worried things were going a bit too quick.

Got there MW asked what pain relief I wanted I said you offer what you think I am in your hands. I had no plan I was leaving it to the professionals!
Got given gas and air which was quite nice and definitely took the edge away and an aromatherapy stick thing. Then they wanted a urine sample (wasn't easy being a fat oaf!) managed a dribble in between pains as no gas and air in loo.
Got moved to a different room and changed midwives and got changed ready for it all to begin properly. I had senior midwives all through the whole process. All the midwives I had were all older which was good as they all had nursing training and I felt more reassured by them. They were all so nice I couldn’t have asked for better care. It was odd as I had said all along I wanted a younger MW but glad had the care I had.

Gas and air was given to me while I sat in a chair and got put on monitor.
This was it for a while (I lost track of time so no idea how long things took) MW examined me and told me was just 2cm dilated :saywhat:, I cried as was hurting so much (I am a wimp):cry: I then bled and lost my plug as MW did a sweep. Got given pethadine which was crap and did sod all!

Then a doc came in wanting to put a clip on babies head to monitor her as she kept moving so was hard to monitor her conventionally. They also wanted to drain my bladder as I couldn’t pee. They set me up with a portable gas and air in loos so I could sit there and try and I just couldn’t go, this was causing me more pain so this is why they wanted to drain my bladder. So they tried that and OMFG it hurt so they stopped. Doc then tried to do the clip and that hurt even so much so I screamed and told her to stop, she then yanked her hand out which hurt even more and buggered off:witch:

My sister came in at this point; to help hold the monitor in place as DH hand was going dead and he needed food :munch:. I was worried about her coming in as needed hubbys support and was worried he would be less supportive with someone else in the room and less willing to show his protective loving side, but they soon went away as he carried on as he was and supported me great.

A consultant had said I needed to go on Syntocinon to make my contractions stronger just to help me a long a little.
So carried on gas and air, another MW had come in to help at this point who informed me I needed to be 3cm before I could have an epidural, at this point I think I actually asked for a section lol:dohh:. The previous MW came back in and said right epidural time? I nearly bit her hand off! :yipee:
An anaesthetist came in who had been in previously and had said she would try her best for epi, she got me on edge of bed, did her bits and bobs next thing I knew she said right putting in test dose; I was like "Is it done then?" They all were Yup all in. Couldn't believe it as didn't feel much, maybe pethidine helped that I don’t know?! She was really nice, glad it was her and not the prick from previous week. She was very calming and talked me through what she was doing but I don’t think i was paying attention.

About 15 mins later pains had gone and it was bliss, couldn’t feel a thing I was laying there dozing in and out. They were then able to drain my bladder which was a relief and also get the clip on as couldn’t feel a thing.
Waters went at some stage, they said the leaking waters were my actual hind waters and not the sack of water.

A while later told hubby he'd need to dash off home as was only 4 and half cm and the animals needed feeding. MW said was best time to go. So off he trotted so in came my mum to babysit lol. So mum and sister were busy chatting away an hour later DH text to say on his way back, MW examined me and to my horror said I was fully dilated and head was crowning. I said OMG where is Andy thinking she was just about to pop out, and then threw up all over my sister lol the stress of thinking my hubby wasn't going to be there made me hurl.:sick:

Anyway a phone call later confirmed he was just about to walk in the ward so all was ok :finger:. MW then started teaching me how to push and said she'd need to tell me when contractions were as I couldn’t feel them, but by this time they had started to hurt again so they topped up my epi. I then had another MW change it was the one I saw second time who gave me the gas and air so glad it wasn’t anyone new. Don’t know how long later they had me pushing, lasted an hour before a doc came in, examined me and made me push while he had his hand up me :/ He said baby was having difficulty getting around the bend and may have to have a section as instruments wouldn’t do anything as she wasn’t far enough down. He left said he'd be back.

This made me determined, MW got me on my side right leg up in the air on some stirrup thing and everyone helping me hold it there, OMG I pooped too which ladies it doesn’t bother you one little bit, you know you are doing it but the MW just wipes it away and you really don’t give a damn (dignity went completely out of window) I pushed and I pushed and I pushed, I could feel baby coming out Midwives (by this time there were 3) couldn’t believe it as I did it so fast, few mins later out she popped.
They rushed her over to the resus table thing and she had whimpered but no huge cry so I was panicking. MW said she was fine they just needed to check her. Peadatrition came in and was dealing with her. Then I saw DH hold her (that was in my plan for him to hold first) then I relaxed. She still didn’t send out a huge cry but they said she was OK. The previous doc who mentioned the section then came back in and couldn’t believe she was born, i think he was convinced I’d need help. He came over and said well done and stroked my arm still shocked. I tore but didn't need stitches. Phew!

I then got a hold and fell instantly in love.
So my little Larissa (Lara) was born on 14th Jan at 22.35 weighing in at 7lb 3.5oz
It is totally amazing how the parental instincts take over straight away. You feel so protective of this little bundle of joy and so much love. I'd do it all again for her. She is everything to us.:cloud9:

More pics to follow!


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Congratulations!! How lucky to have it all over and done with already xxxx

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