Late... very late. When to see my doctor?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
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Hi guys. This is my first post, so bear with me and I hope I'm not breaking any rules.

BF and I are NTNP since January. In Feb (the first month since removing my IUD - Paragard, no hormones, so should be cool for TTC right away) I was a nervous wreck and started testing 3-4 days before I was expecting AF. Was a little late but she eventually showed.

My last period was in March. I am now, by my count Thirty One days late. I had 3 negatives the first couple weeks after I missed AF. I went to the doctor at the 15 day mark and had another neg with a physical exam, they said Not Pregnant. They told me not to stress out (I am not stressing out, we are not charting or doing a lot of extra trying or taking temps or opks or anything. Work is fine and family life is pretty much normal stress level) and wait until I have another cycle before trying again.

Well it's been two more weeks and I'm wondering when is time to go back and ask what's up? I am normally very regular, I have never missed an entire cycle before, and now I am into the second missed cycle (I average about a 26 day cycle) and nothing... BF asked me to take another test, and I did get a *very* faint line this morning, but I don't trust it as it was so late and also very pale/not strongly colored.

I am frustrated and confused and concerned. When should I go back to my doctor's? Should I test again?
Can you post a picture of your test?

My advice is go see the doctor again, find out why your so late, may turn out you are pregnant.

My body before going on the pill use to take a "break" from November to February this happened when I was 14, 15, 16 and then by age 17 I was on the pill (so it happened 3 years in a row). Doctor could not explain the break in my cycle and just called me lucky that I got the summer off (I live in Australia).

My husband and I decided to try for a child in July and I came off the pill in July. I had my normal break through bleed from the pill in July but then nothing.
August and September went by with no menstruation or spotting; however I did noticed my cervical mucus change mid to late September.
I had to go away for two weeks, so we :sex: as a going away present to one another. The day before I came back I took a pregnancy test and it came up negative (so 14 days after :sex: ) I then had the most horrendous cold I have EVER had.
By early October I was over not having a menstrual cycle so I called up my mum to book me an appointment. Mum refused to book an appointment until I took another test. Took another test and viola there was the palest of second lines on the pregnancy test. In hinde sight I was about 4 weeks pregnant and had only just passed 14 days passed ovulation but didn't know that it was possible to fall pregnant from sex so far away from ovulation.
I can post a picture of the test but I didn't take the photo right away, so it sat all day while I was at work. It's a LOT darker now than it was this morning. In the correct time frame it was a squinter, I wasn't sure if there was anything there or not. Even the control line took forever to come up. When I got home and found it looking like... well... this, I was astonished. I don't trust it.

I picked up some FRERs. Gonna test again in the morning?
That's a positive :) They get a bit darker and SET. If both were really faint then there wasn't enough pee on the test, but that is definitely a positive.

This is my test from 2011 (named it wrong when saving it)
When I first took the test in the morning both lines were just visible during taking a photo, but by the afternoon they had firmed up and was able to take a photo of them.


  • 2012.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 5
It is?!


I have been telling myself for hours not to freak out because the test must be telling lies.

Omg it's 2 am here, I can't double check until morning. No sleep for me. Ahh! Thank you!
Gah, why does this process have to be so confusing? I did test again this morning (looking for confirmation) and got a definite, no question, negative.

Now I don't know what to think. I guess I'll cut Waaaay back on caffeine just in case?

Should I call my doctor?
Yes call your doc asap. You need a blood test to confirm beta levels.
Worst case scenario is you've got an ectopic pregnancy.
Another option is the first test was faulty or your having a practice round cycle (egg implanted but wasn't sticky enough to stay).
Best case was your really early and your pee was more concentrated for the first test (dark yellow) and today's was less concentrated (lighter yellow)
I'm planning on calling my doctor in the morning, but I'm wondering if drinking too much water is my issue with the negatives. I am a hydration nut because I get bad headaches otherwise. So my pee is never dark yellow, ever. It's usually light or almost clear. Maybe next time I test I will do it in the evening after work because that is when I am least hydrated. Maybe my fmu is diluted because I today drink 2 quarts of water most evenings?

I hope so. :shrug:
Well, I made an appointment with my doctor, they can't see me until Wednesday.

The one positive test I did was answer brand. Yesterday's negative was a FRER. I did another FRER tonight after carefully limiting my fluids all day at work and holding it as long as I could stand it. I'm pretty sure it's negative again, although this one possibly has a tiny line on it. I have some more Answer tests that I might do between now and Wednesday if I can't help myself.

The doc's office seemed completely unperturbed though. They called it an appointment to "confirm a pregnancy" and didn't even bat an eye when I said my LMP was 3/20.
Thanks Bear Family. I'm not feeling very optimistic at this point (who would) but we weren't really trying trying before. I guess we'll have to start now. If nothing else I'm definitely sure I'm ready now!

In other news I feel really nasty and dehydrated today, so I'm going pound the water right to me today. No point in peeing on all these sticks, I'll save them for later!
Good luck but it definitely looks like a :bfp: so congrats!!! :dust:
Thank you guys so much. I surprised myself, how badly I want this.

There's still no bleeding. I had a BFP and no bleeding since 3/20. And no abdominal pain at all, BearFamily.

And now I'm symptom spotting, haha. But I'm hungry, I've got more of a sweet tooth than usual, I'm sleeping poorly, I'm achy in my lower back and hips. I'm mildly crampy. I've got itchy (not sore, but holy itchy) nips And (the first thing that prompted me to start testing) I can SMELL everything. BF is a social worker, and he drove his client to church one morning. I smelled incense on him ten hours later and was able to identify it as Catholic Church incense. Today I smelled a heating pad and it was gross. Things I wouldn't expect to be able to smell.

:shrug: Biding my time till Wednesday I guess.
Time seems to go slower when you're waiting for something.

Wow you definitely have a super nose; that's definitely a good sign to have.

Are you doing anything to help the time pass faster? I've taken up playing Magic the Gathering
Magic the Gathering sounds like a good way to pass the time! I'm a big nerd, usually, and play a lot of video games but tonight I'm just reading and hanging out. I'm not feeling real good tonight. Dizzy and nauseous, yuck. Probably unrelated to anything else going on, there's a stomach bug going around where I work.

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