Layla. Helen, Charm & Muffin.....


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score

Have you noticed the Secret Santa above?!?!?!?!?!

Just reminding you incase you have forgotten or missed it, no need too reply if you don't want in :wink:
im not doing it, sorry hun, i know it sounds silly but i really cant afford an extra £5, things are tight at the mo.

Don't be daft hun, that is fine babe, just wanted to make sure you didn't get left out..x
sorry, did see it just in a little world of my own at the moment!!thanks for the poke!! :bike:
Not that you were cornered or nothing? :lol:
Hey sorry.

Can I decide after Monday? I'm not sure if I'm going to be in the mood for Xmas this year, it just reminds me of the family I don't have.

Sorry to be a misery guts, but you did ask!
ahh what the hell, its only a in!

Oh cool :yipee:

helen we your forum family :hugs: We could use plain paper :wink: I'm sure many of us would like to give you a prezzie :hugs:
Family around here is crap when it comes to xmas, thats why im taking part lol.
It gets so petty about money around here and i hate it.
Helen said:
Hey sorry.

Can I decide after Monday? I'm not sure if I'm going to be in the mood for Xmas this year, it just reminds me of the family I don't have.

Sorry to be a misery guts, but you did ask!

Count me in! We're definitely celebrating! :happydance:
HELEN, I am so pleased for you babe!!!! It is the best news for a long time!

Glad you are joining in too babe :happydance: x
Morning Wobs, how the devila are ya.....I didn't wet my bed today :lol:
:oops: :oops:

Seriously I have been online a while,. but didn't realise I wasn't showing! :?

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