Layla, Jase & kiddies


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Didn't want to send you a PM incase you have a reason for not wanting to login & I've not seen you about on MSN - Soooo hoping your browsing.

I know things sounded like they were tough :hugs: I hope Jases job search is heading in the right direction.

Thinking of you all as I'm sure others are & hope those gorgeous kiddies of yours are all well x
Hope you and your family are doing okay :hugs:
Hope you are alright chick :hugs:
Hello :hi:

Its only been a week or so but feels likes ages since i have been on here!

Well Jase has a job, he started back at his old job at the airport, he phoned them to see if there was any work and as soon as he said who he was they offered him something there and then, so all is good.

Only down side is, he gets paid monthly so we have to go 6 weeks without any money, we have my money for food and house hold bills, but his money paid the rent and the debts. The rent i have managed to get money for but teh debts are impossible to pay, so we have had no choice but to file for bakruptcy, we are already in an IVA so by not paying it this month we have defaulted. On the plus side tho...We have no assets they can take, no house, car isnt worth much and we have no savings so i guess its good in a way coz we will finaly get rid of the debt and we can start fresh.

Adam is doing great, has 7oz every 2 to 3 hours in the day, he is in 6 to 9 month clothes now! little chunk :) started him on soilds yesterday but he still isnt that interested so hes ok on milk for a while longer.
He goes to sleep at 7pm and doesnt make up till 6.30/7.00am its fab!

Im suffereing alot with back pain, i get woken up early hours on teh morning with it, sometimes if im lucky i can go back to sleep propped up on loads of pillows (sitting up) other times like this morning i have to get up and get in a hot shower to relive it. Its so horrible, stopps me from breathing right in the mornings, its like i breathe in and half way though it all gets cut off so i have to cough, and coughing hurts my back even more. Docs gave me Dizapam to take as well as strong anti inflams but Jase said the nights i take the Dizapam im knocked out and i dont hear Adam so i have stopped taking them.
I have now been refured for psyhio but that could take months :(
I have to go back next week if it gets worse.

Coby, Charlie and Ethan are all fine. Coby thinks hes Sportacus from Lazy town, he randomly drops to teh floor and does push ups lol
He goes to playgroup 3 mornings a week now, i drop him off at 9.15 and pick him up at 12. he loives it there, im hopeing it will bring on his speech coz hes still not saying much.

Here they are...

Im so pleased Jase got back on the ball - the time between will pass and you'll be soon at a point of knowing where you stand income & when etc

Back pain - I have this REAL bad! You didn't have an epi though did you Layla? Do you know or have an idea what its related to by chance? Its killing me!

Lovely to see Adam is coming on so nicely have to YAY with you over the sleeping through stage hehe & I hope Coby is enjoying himself at play group. Lovely pics little crackers they are :hugs: x

Great to see you back on - your name is missed around the forum! I miss it anyway x
Thanks :)

No idea whats causeing the back pain, think its a combo of double pram up 6 front steps to my house, very poor posture, over weight and stress.
Its hard to explain but early hours of the monring my back starts to ache all round the middle part, wehre my ribs are, then it gets to the point where i cant even lie down, the pain is like a stabbing pain which makes it hard for me to breathe. upper back and lower back are fine, no pain there atall, its just in the middle. I have to get in a really hot shower and target the water in the middle back and stand there for ages. once the stabbing pains goes, im left with a burning feeling there all day long....then the whole cycle starts again :(

My doc said its defo musclar and nothing seroius, but she doesnt understand why its not going coz the tablet she gave me should of sorted it out.....i personaly think i need to lose weight, i have slowly gained again :(

my mate is coming over from Canada tomorrow and shes a training psyhio so shes going to take a look for me, im praying she can ease it coz i will be waiting months for a phsyio here.

Im considering buying a back postuer suppot brace, got to be worth a try!

Middle & lower pain is whats killing me - Mainly mornings then it eases in the day but leaves a dull ache. Some days worse than others. I need to see about it because this morning when changing her I had to sit down for a second!
yeah i would get it checked out.

Im going back to the docs again tomorrow, last night was so bad, i alsmost called an ambalance, i just couldnt breathe coz the pain was so bad, been up since 5am :(

Hey Layla, it's great to see you back on the forum, Im glad Jase has managed to find another job so quickly it must be a great ease for you both. :)

The pain in your back sounds terrible. I really do hope you manage to find a way to help releive the pain a little in the mean time of being on the waiting list. Nothings quick with the NHS isit.

Adam is coming along really well...This will sound like a daft question but has he got long legs? Olivia is still in 3-6 but im thinking her jean are started to look short?

Pics are fantastic, they are both just soooooo cute. Thats really good that Coby is enjoying playschool, and your right it might start to bring his speech on if he is interacting alot with other children similar to his own age. Glad Charlie & Ethan are well too.

Thanks Stef :)

Im hoping the doc can do something extra for my back tomorrow, im getting a bit upset about going to bed tonight coz i know its going to hurt in a few hours :(

i think its a mixture of a few things now i have sat and thought about it...

Over weight
double buggy up and down front steps to my house
Co sleeping with Coby (i have no room in the bed)
Bad posture
Adam in teh sling....biggest mistake ever! coz now he wont be put down for 5 mins, really wished i hadnt used the slings

Im tempted to go to teh gym and work on my back mucles but im not sure if that will make it worse...going to find out tomorrow

Bloody hell hun! I hope they can help & soon!

I'm going to see a GP when I move.
Well good luck with the doc today hun.

well it was a waste of time really.

The doc examined my back and she said she found a "hot spot" half way down my spine, i have no idea what that means and she didnt explain.
She said the buring feeling im getting during the day is more than likely down to a trapped nerve and its that which is causeing my muscles to spazem(sp?) early hours of the morning....she said its extremely painful...err yeah i know!! but thre is nothing she can do :(

SO i have to wait for psyhio which could take ages, she said in the mean time im not alowed to twist and bend at the same time...easier said than done!

SO im in pain untill the physio can see me, im going to phone the hospital tomorrow and explain it to them, see if i can be bumped up the list.

Also i had the depo injection today and the nurse failed to tell me that it goes in to a muscle, so now the top of my arm is really aching and i cant lift it to high....ho hum :(

Plus i woke up this morning with bad peroid pains, i NEVER get peroid pains, meh!

Oh hun, it must be awful for you!

I would definately ring the hospital & see if they cant make you a priority to see the physio. Have they said how long you are perhaps looking at waiting before you get your first appointment?

Have they not een given you any pain killers you could try & ease the pain with? If not why dont you go back & see them about it or even ask for a muscle rub?

Oh and for those period pains... I used to swear by feminax... I thought it did wonders. :winkwink:

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