I'll try to keep this short..
Basically, yesterday I told FOB I don't want anymore contact with him. In the 3 months since we split up, I've found out he was cheating on me, he's lied, kept secrets (important things concerning our son, whoever's bed he's hopping out of is none of my business) and tried to maintain some kind of control over me by trying to convince me he's not happy, that he misses being a family etc etc (see previous threads of mine, I whine on a lot lol). On Saturday he moved his internet girlfriend in (they've been together since April), then picked LO up on Sunday, he spent all day up there with her and FOB never found the time to let me know. So enough was enough, I'm fed up starting to feel good about us getting on then he gives me one of his speeches or I find out he's keeping things from me. That's it, no more contact, he's moved on with his life and if I'm not having anything to do with him, maybe I can move on with mine.
Obviously we both still want him to be involved with our son. So my mum very kindly offered to be the middle man, so to speak. She'll be the one who arranges when he sees LO, when he wants to know how he is, he can text her and she's been more than welcoming and civil to him. But he's refusing to deal with her. Apparently I'm "spitting the dummy out" because he's moved this girl in, not because he must have known for weeks and not bothered to tell me. His friends tell him I'm using my son to hurt him, and it sickens me that he believes them! And now he's threatening to go to a solicitor, assuming because I'm "stopping him" seeing LO.
So my question is this.. Does he have a case? I've provided a way for him to be in LO's life, it's not like we've disappeared off the face of the earth and left him with nothing. Surely this means I have no legal obligation to speak to him? He's just being childish, right? I laughed when I heard this was his plan but tbh I'm worrying now. His concern isn't with me, is it? As long as we're making access available, he doesn't need to be in my life, right? I really don't want to be told I can't move on properly.. Should I start googling lawyers?
Ha, this was meant to be short..
Basically, yesterday I told FOB I don't want anymore contact with him. In the 3 months since we split up, I've found out he was cheating on me, he's lied, kept secrets (important things concerning our son, whoever's bed he's hopping out of is none of my business) and tried to maintain some kind of control over me by trying to convince me he's not happy, that he misses being a family etc etc (see previous threads of mine, I whine on a lot lol). On Saturday he moved his internet girlfriend in (they've been together since April), then picked LO up on Sunday, he spent all day up there with her and FOB never found the time to let me know. So enough was enough, I'm fed up starting to feel good about us getting on then he gives me one of his speeches or I find out he's keeping things from me. That's it, no more contact, he's moved on with his life and if I'm not having anything to do with him, maybe I can move on with mine.
Obviously we both still want him to be involved with our son. So my mum very kindly offered to be the middle man, so to speak. She'll be the one who arranges when he sees LO, when he wants to know how he is, he can text her and she's been more than welcoming and civil to him. But he's refusing to deal with her. Apparently I'm "spitting the dummy out" because he's moved this girl in, not because he must have known for weeks and not bothered to tell me. His friends tell him I'm using my son to hurt him, and it sickens me that he believes them! And now he's threatening to go to a solicitor, assuming because I'm "stopping him" seeing LO.
So my question is this.. Does he have a case? I've provided a way for him to be in LO's life, it's not like we've disappeared off the face of the earth and left him with nothing. Surely this means I have no legal obligation to speak to him? He's just being childish, right? I laughed when I heard this was his plan but tbh I'm worrying now. His concern isn't with me, is it? As long as we're making access available, he doesn't need to be in my life, right? I really don't want to be told I can't move on properly.. Should I start googling lawyers?
Ha, this was meant to be short..