Legal aid was abolished for family cases last year, except in certain cases.
At this point you should think about representing yourself in court. Write a list of things you want, and/or are willing to offer.
Make a list of anything that needs mentioning. Then put together your own evidence file of anything that may be important.
Oh's solicitor advised him a while ago that he could / should represent himself with her at the end of the phone/ email.- cuts costs down. Or it's usually around £3-400 per directions hearing. Judges aren't allowed to give preferential treatment to solicitors, so don't worry if he has one. You'll get exactly the same treatment . First thing - get on the phone to citizens advice bureau for some advice. If you already have a court date you don't need to fill in a c100. You can also apply for a 'mckenzie friend' - someone to give you support and advice in court