lesbian couples expecting in fall (Nov) 2013?

I am so sorry to hear you're going through that! How awful. I can't even imagine. I mean, I saw the embryo and I'm still terrified.

And yeah, the thoughts of going through this for no reason make me even more ill.

Do you know if you have a tilted uterus or anything? That seems to be the cause of a lot of misdiagnoses, even later than yours. (I saw one story of 11 weeks!)

If you want to chat or vent or anything, let me know, I'll send you my email address. I'm off all this week so I'm around.

When do you have your next ultrasound? At least your doctor isn't jumping the gun. I've read all kinds of stories where people have been given methotrexate for a suspected tubal pregnancy and it turned out to be a normal one, except the methotrexate caused it to end.

Be good to yourself and if you need to chat, I'm here if that helps.
Thanks, JD. I appreciate the offer. I might take you up on that at some point.

It's finally sunny in Germany today for like the first time all year... So i'm going to go into the city for a bit and buy myself some new tops-- calling a spade a spade and realizing the my tops are too tight for the torpedo tatas. Embryo or no, if i don't have comfortable things to wear, i'm gonna feel crummy about myself.

Thanks for going me hope. I have no idea about the tilted uterus issue, or if i have one-- but maybe so. And if not, maybe there's something to the pregnancy being really High in the uterus... I imagine that might also make it harder. (But what do i know... Not a doc, after all.)

Hugs to you all...
I found this website -- don't know if you found it in your Googling, but they say that any time before 9 weeks is far too early to diagnose a BO.

Others have waited after being told and had the pregnancy confirmed as late as 13 weeks.

Enjoy the sun and the shopping. It's sunny in Ireland today too! I just don't like the outdoors...
PS-- Scan on wednesday-- my official first trimester visit. If it's not there, DIV will send is to the university hospital for more tests... I guess they have better equipment of something?

Sunshine to you...
Sparklela I am sorry for all the tension and worry you are having right now. J.D. Made some good points though and I like that your doc is staying positive about it. So keep your head up girl. Got good thoughts coming your way.

J.d. How you doing todAy

I told my dad sister and grandmother this weekend and it went well. Now I wait till may 1 for my 8 week apt and scan. It's getting closer and I get more nervousness with each week. I still haven't really had ms aside from a lot of mild nausea. There was one night of horrible vomiting then nothing. My bbs hurt horribly and I am so tired Nd not getting enough sleep. I am overly emotional and even get on my own nerves.

So ladies keep me posted on how y'all are Nd sparklela remember good vibes coming your way.
Hey Tex (can I call you that, Mom2hope?) ;-) if not, totally ok...
Congrats on telling your Dad, sis, and grandma-- glad to gear it went well...

So, it has been an absurd week-- or half week, that is.

Thank you both for the long-distance support... it's so good not to feel so isolated in all this.

We are officially out of the woods!!!!!! though it's been a wonky day:

So, I woke up this morning violently puking at 6, and literally haven't stopped yet... It seems finally to be slowing now, 10 hours later. Couldn't keep a thing down, not even water. And (warning-- gross!) nearly all bile.

Today is my birthday. Did I mention that?

So my wife stayed home today (which she was going to do anyway as a birthday surprise, since I'm signed off from work sick through tomorrow when I go back to the doc to get another ultrasound to try and find the embryo.) we cancelled my surprise party, which she had planned with some friends at my favorite Mexican restaurant :-(

The more listless and distraught I got, she got right on the research... Made me food, held my hair, brought me towels and a bucket. i couldn't ask for a sweeter one. We tried mint tea, ginger tea, candied ginger... Anti-nausea suppositories. All right back up (or out, in the case of the suppository...ew.) acupressure helped a bit-- for about 5 minutes. At some point we started thinking... Ok. This has reached the level of "Not normal". Getting dehydrated. I'm feeling ready to pass out, still heaving, and now have body aches from straining with an empty stomach and extreme dizziness, to boot.

My partner called the doctor at 2, who was closed for a lunch break until 3, and then the university emergency clinic who said I should come in. So she packed me a bag (I was practically asleep) and bucket in hand for the ride-- off to the hospital.

Both doc & the nurse assessed me-- to which my wife answered most questions because i couldn't understand the nurses's thick slavic accent in German very well, being so groggy and working in my 2nd language. since it wasn't my normal doc, they even asked a bunch of bizarre questions like if I conceived "in the normal way" (eyeing my partner sideways) to which I got to answer myself, no, home insemination courtesy of a good friend. Not relevant but whatever. As they debated whether or not to admit me (I'm clearly headed towards Hyperemesis Gravidarum, the rarer incapacitating sort of pregnancy nausea, but apparently wasn't yet officially dehydrated), they both got a bit nicer. And when my wife explained that we hadn't yet seen the baby and therefore didn't yet have a "mutterpass" (a German health-history passport that all pregnant women receive), the doc suddenly got really caring, and offered to do another scan. She must have realized that not only am I nasty sick, but also terribly freaked about the lack of visible embryo.

All this to say... drumroll please.... We saw the embryo!!! My sac dates 8-4 and the embryo smaller, only 7-2 by it's size... But the doc insists it's normal -- Nd there's also a heartbeat!! I guess because my sac hasn't grown since last Thursday but the embryo has clearly grown large enough to make an appearance, he/she must have grown a boatload since last Thursday.

We decided not to admit me, but I can come back any time night or day if it continues to be bad, and they'll take me in, give me food/electrolytes/liquids by tube and IV, and watch until things get better. Hopefully I'll get soemthing down later and we can avoid it-- but I'm glad to know the paperwork is already prepped and they have a bed for me if I need that.

I am soooo relieved.

Meanwhile, we're home, and I've kept down a glass of ginger ale for nearly a half-hour-- small victory!

I guess, despite the puking, today is a pretty good birthday after all.

Tex is fine sweetie and I am so glad you got that much needed reassurance I know it brought relief inspire of the terrible morning sick des you are experiencing. I have had a very worrisome day.

Yesterday cervical mucus was tinted today a watery pink discharge. I have two beautiful step children but this my first time ever preggo myself and so am slightly freaking. Ob Pt not for 2 more weeks and my wife keeps telling me to quit my job to decrease any stress possible.

I am just ready to sit down and cry. I can't though as I am at the laundry mat doing laundry. :( people might think I'm crazy. I have yet to have anything other than queasiness really. One night of sickness but could have been unrelated I guess. I don't. Know. Really being tired thirsty and sore boobs is all I w got symptom wise which makes me think maybe something is wrong. I'm just over 6 weeks should t something be kicking in by now.

Hope you girls are resting and relaxing g. Let me know how you do keeping anything down spark
Oh tex, I know that's gotta be terrifying. But there are loads or reasons why discharge can be pink, and it's actually ok as long as it doesn't turn into real bleeding. My sister had that and had a perfectly healthy baby. Breathe deep! But call your doc-- even if you haven't been there yet!- if you're scared and it's still not letting up.

But also-- just count yourself lucky that you haven't had too much nausea. Mine really only started in earnest last week though... It was on and off before that. And plenty of healthy pregnancies don't include ms. You have sore boobs and tiredness, though... So it's not like you have no symptoms.

We are also debating the working issue around here, too. My partner thinks I should try to get signed off sick for longer if I can... I'm inclined to work a bit more if I can handle it. But I notice that my ms does seemed to be exacerbated by tirednes-- I often want to puke even after climbing the two flights of stairs to our apt, which are usually no sweat.
And last week weds was bad after I'd been back at work for 2 days.

I don't know the right answer here. To some e tent I think staying occupied is helpful-- distracting and passes the time...

Big big hugs to you...obviously I understand the worry... Thinking of you!
Thanks sparklela. It hasn't happened Ny more. So I'm going to try not to worry about it. If it happens again I am for sure calling my dr. I like staying occupied for sure it helps keep my mind busy however my wife is pretty set on not wanting me to work. I don't know. We shall see.

I will just be happy when my dr apt gets here in 2 weeks and I can know everything is going ok.

How have you been doing today. With your ms being so bad right now I can understand being more worn out and needing the time off from work. Take it easy spark
sparklela! Such fantastic news. Delighted for you.

Had a good day today, then I got sleepy and yikes. Feeling awful now. I think tiredness has a significant effect.
JD I hope you get some much needed rest then. Glad you had a good day though.
Hey gals-- how's it going? thinking of you all...
i've been doing a bit better physically, so i've gone back to work. not delightful as that's rather exhausting. but at least it's nice that the vomiting is improving a bit. (back to once every 1-2 days).

By the way-- are either of you doing the first trimester screening where they take a neck measurement for downs' syndrome? if all goes as expected, we are probably going to be doing that at my next appointment (on the 16th...) I am a bit nervous about that, i'll admit.

hope you two are feeling ok and that things are generally good!
I don't know about 12 weeks for the downs screen but tomorrow is my first ob apt. And scan. Real nervous. Hope work isn't to stressful for u spark. I know it can be exhausting.
Re: Downs screening -- I don't think they do that here. Ireland is so freaking backwards. As far as I know there are no anomaly scans if you're a public patient (sure, you are not allowed to terminate, so I guess there's no point?). You can pay, but we can't afford it, and well, I guess we'll find out when baby is born.

I'm done with the nausea and vomitting it seems. THANK GOD. I'm still very tired but significantly more functional. I'm bursting out of my work trousers.

And I can eat! My tastes have changed though, so I never know when I have something if I'll like it, and that's frustrating. Apparently I no longer like plain salted chips anymore.

How is everyone else feeling?

We have our heartbeat appt on Wednesday, and our scan on the following Monday. We'll announce on FB once everything is good on Wednesday. Eeeek.
JD so exciting getting to hear the heart beat. My first appointment was 4 days ago and out little squishy measured in at 7w 5d. that was about 4 days behind what my lmp put me at...but the doctor said within a week of the expected is completely normal and fine...we heard a very strong heartbeat of 170 which made us all happy and we got to see her wiggle on screen...it was so amazing...is monday going to be your first scan??? Everything will go amazing...can't wait to see how it goes...do you know if they will give you a picture from the scan??? I would love to see what your little one looks like at 13 weeks as we should have our next scan around that time too give or take a week...it would be cool to see what it should look like...

Spark, how are you doing hon??
Hey, I had a scan at 8+1 and it measured 7+6 and they said that was perfectly normal!

We didn't get to hear or measure the heartbeat but they said it looked right, so yay?

Anyway, it feels like that was forever ago. I can't wait to hear the heartbeat on Wednesday. And then be able to tell people! I'll be 14 weeks!

We're not 100% we're getting a scan at that visit, but we think we will and if we do, I'll take a photo of the screen! My mom needs a new photo, I think she's worn out the one I sent her at 8 weeks! lol
lol...I forwarded that pic to everyone I have told so far...and after the scan we told our kids the next day...one is 12 and the other 14....they were so excited...however with many of my family members not so open minded we are waiting until 10-12 weeks whenever they do the next scan before telling them...because if someone says something I am probably going to need the pregnancy hormones to blame my temporary insanity on after I go off on a few people lol...
Hello...we are newly pregnant with our first!! My wife is just 5 weeks pregnant. We are so excited! We are not due in the fall, but we will have a new year's baby!!:happydance:
I still say you are welcome here...I'm not due in fall either...but in winter in early December...still I like this thread...A because it doesn't move at a super fast pace but everyone checks in here and there...so its not hard to keep up with...and B because it isn't always easy to find those who in same sex relationships and going through this...at least not where i'm from...so its nice to have people who relate to your circumstance of pregnancy more closely...

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