Liam's Birth


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hi, I hope you like the story of Liam's birth =) (nearly 8 weeks late)

So my due date came and went, I was huge & had bad SPD, I really wanted him to hurry up! The midwife came and did a sweep when I was 5 days over, which I didn't think was too bad! I was already 2cm dilated but my cervix was still quite thick. Over the next 6 days I lost alot of mucous - Not bloody just thick and like snot (eww). The midwife then booked me in for the following saturday to be induced at 2.45pm. Over the next 6 days I lost ALOT of mucous - Not bloody just thick and like snot (eww). I was really hoping I would go into labour naturally without an induction!

Anyway, Friday night came and I wanted to get everything sorted for going into hospital the next day, I'd done everything except for hoover the living room and shave my legs, which I would do the next morning before me and Sean would go for breakfast and have a nice relaxing morning before going into hospital.
We had a McDonalds (filet o fish meal) and didn't go to bed until about 11pm. I went to the loo at 11.45pm just before we were going to turn off the tv and get some sleep. Just as I stood up to go back upstairs (bathroom is downstairs) I had my first contraction. The pain was awful and felt like I was being stabbed in my stomach and back at the same time. The pain started to subside in my stomach after about 30 seconds, but didn't stop in my back. From this moment there was nothing I could do to stop the pain in my back, I couldn't stand up, sit down, get on all fours it was just excruciating! I had 3 paracetamol to see if it'd help. I barely noticed contractions round the front. I also felt like I was constipated and needed to go to the loo, just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. We went into hospital a few hours later and was checked at 3.10am. I was 2cm dilated and fully effaced - I was gutted!! Apparently the baby was in a posterior position and that's why my back was hurting so much. After I was checked she asked if I wanted to stay or go home but they could only do some aromatherapy until I was in established labour. Stuff that I thought, I'm just going to the loo then I'm off home! I sat on the toilet and noticed blood, panicked and shouted for the midwife. I then promptly threw up ALOT. I must've looked a right state but I really didn't care at this point. The midwife came in and said it was just a show and watched me while I cleared the sink of sick, still in agony. 'At least you're cleaning it up' were her exact words! I wanted to throw it at her.

So I got myself sorted out and got home for about 3.45ish, Sean's mum had taken us to the hospital and I had to come back kneeling on the seat facing the back of the car, I couldn't bear to be sat down!
When I got home Sean put towels on the sofa in case my waters broke, rolled up the rug and laid on the hard floor whilst I laid on my left side on the sofa. Somehow I fell asleep for half an hour and woke up at 4.32am with the weirdest contraction, like I needed to push. I also thought I'd wet myself! On the next contraction I realised the fluid wasn't wee as it kept gushing out.. I made Sean have a look (you really do lose all your dignity) and he panicked because it was bloody. He rang the hospital after the third contraction and said 'I'm really worried because she keeps saying she needs to push and it looks like she's bleeding'
The sister who was on the phone was horrible to him 'Ha you can tell her its going to get MUCH worse than that, she's only in early labour' and he kept saying 'But I don't know what to do, is she going to damage herself by pushing because she can't stop it!' They were just saying its the position of the baby but if you HAVE to bring her in then just do it. He came off the phone and said 'She's talking to me like a tw*t! I don't know what to do, I'm ringing mum'
By this point I didn't care who turned up as I was still having these awful pushing contractions and was using all my strength to stop myself from pushing. She took one look at me and said 'Right, hospital now!'
Well, it took them half an hour to get me off the sofa, these contractions were still only 30 seconds long with about 30 seconds in between. I kept saying 'Just 10 more seconds!' because I knew another contraction would come on and I wouldn't be able to move then lol. Eventually she got me up, the next contraction that came was awful - I felt like the baby was going to fall out and the pushing feeling was so overwhelming!! I dashed straight to the loo and sat there for aaages just because every time I got up I had another contraction. It was really weird because during one contraction I wanted someone touching me either on my back or hand but on the next one I couldn't bear to be touched! The pain was still really bad in my back but I managed to sit down properly by now and we got to the hospital.

When we got there I leant on a bed in the corridor that looked like it had been abandoned - a midwife came out of theatre and said 'Is that your bed?' I said no and she said 'Well get off it then' she was really rude! I could barely stand up and she's being funny about leaning on a bed, it's not like I was even sat on it! As we walked up to the desk on the labour suite you could actually see them sniggering and saying 'here she is', there attitude was just like it was on the phone. If I wasn't concentrating so much on not pushing I would've screamed at them! They were really really awful and my partner felt humiliated by them, we'd been told nothing but good stories about the staff at Nottingham City Hospital but I thought their attitude was disgusting.
When I got into the room on the labour suite a horrible Irish midwife came in, put my flat on my back and strapped the 2 monitors to me. Every time I got a contraction she pushed them hard onto my stomach and said 'Breathe through it' in a really harsh tone. Lying flat on my back was excruciating and she kept telling me to sit still while I had a contraction! I hated her and after about 25 mins said 'are you even going to check me?' she said 'No there's a shift change they can do it, your contractions aren't lasting long enough you aren't very far gone'
I was just thinking OMG HOW CAN IT GET ANY WORSE?!!! I was panicking by now.

Eventually the next midwife came in who was lovely, she did an internal which felt like she was ripping me apart (not sure why as she was really gentle) and said 'the baby is still posterior.. but the good news is you're fully dilated and can push at any time!'
We were gobsmacked. Me, Sean and his mum just couldn't believe it! I just came out with 'I TOLD YOU THAT BIT*H WAS WRONG!!!' and she said I had probably been fully dilated for quite a while (it was now 7.30am and my first pushing contraction was 4.32am) but because my contractions were quite short there was no way for the woman Sean spoke to on the desk to know. I was in so much pain they could've just been a bit nicer!

So.. I started pushing. Sean asked if I could have gas and air but she said it would distract me. The first 10 seconds of a contraction was really painful as I got into the pushing, but then the feeling was amazing. It felt so good to be finally going with the pushing and miraculously the pain just disappeared in my back as he turned himself round. I was laughing and joking in between contractions and just went quiet when I was pushing. Sean's mum kept saying 'are you having another one?' and if I didn't answer they just assumed I was! 40 mins came and went, the midwife (who was still great) said if he's not out in 20 mins I've got to let a doctor in and they'll start cutting and intervening so we need to get him out now!!
I kept pushing and after a while she said 'is that hurting?' I said no and apparently she whispered to Sean 'that should be hurting her!'
I'll just add that Sean's mum watched everything (with my permission) but Sean stayed firmly seated up near my head lol. She kept saying 'I can see the head, Sean come and look!!' but he refused.
I started to feel a slight stinging that I just pushed against and at some point it got bad enough for me to just hold back slightly on the pushing. She said it was very controlled and didn't even have to tell me to pant.
Once the head was out I could feel her playing about down there but she kept saying she wasn't doing anything! It hurt quite a bit just having the head out. On the next contraction I had to push quite a few times just to get the body out. It was really painful and the only time throughout the pushing stage that I shouted out! It turns out he had his elbow up by his head and his hand near his chin. If that make sense.
The feeling of relief was immense once he was out, and the rest of the waters gushed out (during the internal apparently they broke but I don't remember that)
There was this beaufitul little boy who pooed as soon as he came out. He was amazing and I just couldn't believe he had just come out of me. He had apgar scores of 9, 10 and 10 at 1 min and 10,10 and 10 at 5 mins. The midwife gave me the injection to deliver the placenta and asked for a little push but I couldn't remember how to do it lol. She stitched me up (very small tear) and then weighed Liam an hour and a half later. 8lb 10oz little fatty!!!
Neither me or Sean cried and I think it was just shock. Sean's mum however cried her eyes out!!
I couldn't believe I had done it all on 3 paracetamol - I'm the mardiest person in the world and had every drug possible on my birth plan. Turns out I didn't need it, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

We came home the same day (to a house that was flooded) and started out new life together as a family. Sean gave me a card that he had wrote inside, it said 'Thank you for giving me such a beautiful baby boy' which DID make me cry.
It has been hard at some points but everything is worth it for this amazing baby boy we have and love so much. When he was just a few days old I couldn't believe how much I loved this little person I'd only known a short time!
when Liam was 5 days old I passed really huge clot (about 3 fists in size) and had to go back to hospital as I had an infection. Everything was fine after a few weeks though.
Liam is nearly 8 weeks old and I couldn't imagine our lives without him. He's the most beautiful, happy little baby.

Well there's my birth story, sorry it's so long but didn't want to leave anything out. When I was pregnant I loved reading other people's birth stories and couldn't wait to share mine with all the anxious mum to be's out there.

Congratulations, cant wait to get mine on here lol xx
Congratulations and shame on the hospital staff that just passed you off
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story!

Can't believe how horrible the hospital staff were to you, just typical though isn't it. I would hate that. Although in the plus side would make me very angry which would be good for helping with the pain!
At the time I was in my own little world trying to stop the pushing, I think Sean felt worse about it tbh!!
Congratulations and thanks, I LOVE the long stories!!
wow, what a story. Its a shame they don't try to take people seriously. Clearly not all situations are created equal and should be looked at regardless of personal opinion. but anway, Congrats! and i'm glad you are all safe and happy.

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