I no how you guys feel about leaving the baby alone with a toddler but you will be fine and you will come up with an idea, like putting baby in his/her boucer and taking the elder child into the kitchen with you or strapping them in their high chair while you cook, you get around these things and the toddlers will soon learn to be careful. luckily this time I no il be able to pop in the shower or go and cook dinner happily in the knowledge that the others will be watching her for me, I no none of them will try to pick her up without asking or anything so they will be more of a help.
kitty 3 of my childen were summer babies to bring them home from the hospital I think I just put them in a vest and babygrow but if its a hot day then I would just put them in a vest or a short sleeved/legged onesie and took a light blanket with me. babies don't sweat so keeping them cool is important, layers are always best then you can just take things off or on.and don't forget your baby sunscreen too. I love summer babies its so much easier not having to wrap them up in coats and blankets everywhere you go.