This is something that has worried me a while. So i stopped taking the pill just over 2 yrs ago, had light 'pill periods' while on it, periods started when i came off and were regular but longer length (33 days av) for about the 1st year and light, gradually came back to 28 days and then we started ttc and now been 16 months with no success. I had been on the pill 15-16yrs so difficult to remember 'normal periods' and always used tampons till ttc and read horror stories that they could cause endo !
Periods i have now are light i.e half to one day of some red flow (tho nothing that would overwhelm a lite pad or tampon), then another dayish flow but more brown and 2-3 days brown spotting. Sorry if TMI ! GP didn't seem bothered as long as regular, fertility nurse said may or maynot indicate a prob. Day 21 prog was 69 and am sure i ovulate. Having an u/s and hycosy on thurs so scared as to what might be found. Does anyone else have periods like this ??
Periods i have now are light i.e half to one day of some red flow (tho nothing that would overwhelm a lite pad or tampon), then another dayish flow but more brown and 2-3 days brown spotting. Sorry if TMI ! GP didn't seem bothered as long as regular, fertility nurse said may or maynot indicate a prob. Day 21 prog was 69 and am sure i ovulate. Having an u/s and hycosy on thurs so scared as to what might be found. Does anyone else have periods like this ??