List of pregnancy & baby movies, documentaries, TV shows to watch online

Baby Mama with Amy Pholer and Tina Fey is very funny.
These are all great suggestions. I'll bet you haven't seen this new pregnancy documentary: 40 Weeks. Search for the trailer on You Tube.
To add to documentaries

Has Call the Midwife been mentioned? I didn't read the whole thread.
Thanks for the names of these movies!

My sister, who is currently pregnant, will definitely need this and I am interested in watching it
Cool, thanks. If I find any more, I will share them with you! I haven't watched any movies or series for a long time because I had problems connecting the TV to the Internet. But I have already contacted patriot mobile customer service and everything seems to have been fixed. Now it's time to watch a lot of movies and series that I missed
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‘Call the midwife’ it’s a series on Netflix I can’t get enough of it :haha:
Oh wow I didn't even know this threat existed or that there were that many shows! I guess I have a bunch of things to add to my list now!
I recently watched Misbehaving Moms To Be and it's really cool! I just then plugged it in and started watching TV regularly. Because of this, we started spending more time together even before going to bed. I would watch some such films, so I am waiting for your recommendations
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myivfanswers educational videos are helpul to dig deeper in the process.

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