January/ February Snowflakes 2024

@Laurabub84 my older daughter had the worst constipation around 5 months. She was getting mostly formula at that age too. Never really got an answer as to why but suspicion is long bowel syndrome but had to start giving a maintenance dose of stool softener. Wish there was an answer, my daughter still struggles with it and developed encopresis.

If the stools are firm or your gut is saying there's an issue I'd push to get more tests or to find a solution early. My daughter's 4.5 and only just now getting a bit better and having less accidents but still struggling with chronic constipation.
@Laurabub84 I'm really struggling with Cody being my last too. It isn't a definite no from DH but we would have a lot of extra expense new house, car etc plus I've already had 4 csections so it's a risk. He's such a wee sweetheart he isn't helping lol he's making me want another even more! I think the big thing making us consider another is the big age gap with the older kids and Cody not having a similar aged sibling. There's a lot of cons but I can't bring myself to accept he's the last.

Same for us. Now we have Charlie we already can’t go out all together as a family as there’s no room in the car, but our eldest is 18 now and not too bothered about coming places with us anymore. My parents have been promising us to house exchange as they have a large 4 bed house and we’re in a small 3 so we are very cramped here. We put in for the exchange last month but the council rejected it as my parents aren’t entitled to have a 3 bed. It’s so frustrating because they would rather us struggle and my parents stay in their 4 bed house then let us swap and they have just one spare room. My parents don’t share a room anymore due to medical issues. So we certainly have no room for another baby living here. I guess it’s just something I have to learn to accept, but at the moment I’m really finding it hard. I’m not ready to let go of this part of my life yet. I guess I never will but it has to end at some point whether I like it or not. Feels like a grieving process knowing I’ll never get to experience it all again

@Laurabub84 Does he poop a lot on the day he poops or just once? When he does poop does he have to strain a lot? My second daughter was a once a week pooper and we stayed home on poop day cause she pooped 6-8+ times.
She was totally chill and u bothered by pooping so infrequently.
I k ow the experts say pooping less than once a day isn't normal, but I think it can be. Certainly it can be unconcerning anyway, and as Charlie doesn't seem at all uncomfortable, I wouldn't be worried.
Muriel on the other hand gets so cranky if she doesn't poop for just one day. The most she's gone was 4 days once and she was so miserable.

Sorry you are still feeling so broody and your husband isn't on the same page about it at all.

I feel really content with Muriel being our last still. My husband, on the other hand, keeps making comments that make me think he might want another. He hasn't scheduled a vasectomy get either, as he had said he would.
If we had gotten the 12 passenger van I had wanted then there *might* have been room to decide on one more , but we got an 8 passenger SUV at his insistence so every seat is full.

Nope, he literally goes just the once on day 7 or 8 and that’s him done for another week. I’ve never known a baby like it. I was back up the hospital with him Tuesday as he has bronchitis again and I mentioned it to them but again they weren’t worried about it. I guess so long as he’s not struggling with it then this is just strangely his normal.
My partners always taken a lot of persuading for another. This time there’s just no way. I think he’s reluctant to book a vasectomy because he knows I’m gonna be devastated if he goes through with it. I really don’t want to feel broody again. I want to just be content but I can’t stop thinking about never doing it all again.

@Laurabub84 my older daughter had the worst constipation around 5 months. She was getting mostly formula at that age too. Never really got an answer as to why but suspicion is long bowel syndrome but had to start giving a maintenance dose of stool softener. Wish there was an answer, my daughter still struggles with it and developed encopresis.

If the stools are firm or your gut is saying there's an issue I'd push to get more tests or to find a solution early. My daughter's 4.5 and only just now getting a bit better and having less accidents but still struggling with chronic constipation.

I’m sorry your poor little girl struggles so much. That’s just awful for her. Thank you for the advice. I don’t think he’s actually constipated because there’s no straining and he’s not distressed in the slightest and when he goes it’s not hard. They’ve given us lactulose to give him twice a day but he’s still once a week so I guess he doesn’t need it. It just worry’s me as none of my others were like this and it just doesn’t seem normal to me for anyone to go that long between. But the health visitors, doctors and hospital have no concerns about it so I guess he’s fine
@Laurabub84 I'm so worried that I will get broody again fast! I think if money and space were no issue I could easily be like you and @NDH and have a whole bunch!
My oh swings between 'never again' and 'you could probly get another baby outta me if you wanted' lol. But I also feel like this has to be our last although I think like you I will never feel done. It goes too fast and he already seems so big!
My one big reason keeping me sane about him being my last baby is having him he my only one in primary school. More than one at primary school is just so stressful. Also I don't want never ending school runs for the rest of my life!

So the doctor has reffered us to paediatrics about jasper's large head, and the shape of it at the front. He's up above the 99th percentile for head circumference (doesn't surprise me considering he was throughout pregnancy too and also my previous boy has a very large head lol) but shes also written 'frontal bossing' on his referral so of course I've googled that and got myself all worried. I genuinely think he's fine and she is just referring to cover herself but she made me feel awful at his check up. On about his flat head and now this. She gave no info on what they might do at the appointment either. Dreading it!
@josephine3 Charlie’s going to be 6 months on the 29th. Half a year gone in the blink of an eye. He should only be 4 months by when he would have been due. It’s just going insanely fast and I hate it. If this time lasted longer I don’t think I would struggle as much. I just don’t know what I’ll do without a little one once he hits school age. It’s been half my life. I see this quote the other day and it made me well up because this is so how I’ll feel
I’m not sure dh is going to go through with having the snip. Last time we bd’d he just said we need to sort something out. Not that he needed to get booked in. I really don’t want him to have it done because it’s just too final and my heart can’t take it :sad2:

I’m sorry you’re having to be referred. Charlie has a flat head on one side. My health visitor was always on about it to me about giving me more tummy time but with a boisterous 3 year old it’s hard to be able to put him down until he’s in bed, and I always favour a side when I’m holding them so I haven’t helped matters. Ollie has a weird shaped head too, lol. I’ve always said so since he was born but everyone tells me he doesn’t and I’m imagining it but he really does. I’ve not heard of frontal bossing? What is it if you don’t mind me asking? I’m sure as you say he’s fine. I had to push to get Charlie referred for his eye. Again everyone telling me I was imagining things but his left eye sometimes seems half closed and smaller than his right eye but it’s not all the time. It’s strange but I do panic over everything when it comes to the kids, so I’d rather he be checked for my peace of mind. I took some photos to show them as it’s not all the time but this is what it does


We have that on the 28th. Hopefully both will come out of their appointments with no concerns. Please update us and let us know how he gets on
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Hope your appointments go well @josephine3 and @Laurabub84 and it's nothing serious. Flynn had a very flat head at the back and still is really but nothing serious. Toby always had a funny shaped head too it protruded more on one side of his forehead but again it wasn't anything x
@Laurabub84 Evies eyes do the same thing. I want to get her checked as it could be ptosis. Hers seems to be improving with time.
@Laurabub84 I had to Google frontal bossing myself. It literally just means a protruding forehead but it can be an indicator of all sorts of rare diseases and head problems by the sounds of it. The doctor didn't even tell me that she just wrote it in his book x
I had a similar thought about eyes - Jaspers eye on that same side as the head thing seems wider and larger to me x
Hope your appointments go well @josephine3 and @Laurabub84 and it's nothing serious. Flynn had a very flat head at the back and still is really but nothing serious. Toby always had a funny shaped head too it protruded more on one side of his forehead but again it wasn't anything x
Thats exactly what Jaspers forehead does - did Toby have any tests regarding it?
@Laurabub84 how did your appt go?
The pediatrician we saw was 'fairly sure' it was positional but referred us to a specialist craniofacial clinic to be sure. When I sent them pics they were concerned about craniosynostosis which terrified me as that would have meant surgery but thankfully when we went to see them they said it was all fine and his head is normal!! Phew!!
Ahh they are all so cute!!!
@NDH I would have total paranoia about all those rocks though omg lol
@Laurabub84 how did your appt go?
The pediatrician we saw was 'fairly sure' it was positional but referred us to a specialist craniofacial clinic to be sure. When I sent them pics they were concerned about craniosynostosis which terrified me as that would have meant surgery but thankfully when we went to see them they said it was all fine and his head is normal!! Phew!!

Sorry, keep meaning to reply then get distracted, lol. Charlie’s appointment went fine. She’s not at all worried, but because his sister had a patch due to one eye being lazy when she was younger, she will see him again when he’s a year to check him again.

Such beautiful babies. I can’t believe how fast this time is just flying. Charlie’s 7.5 months already. He’s not an overly cuddly baby and refuses to cuddle to sleep. He’d rather be put down in his pram or bed. Makes me so sad. Sure it’s down to the first month basically being laid in a hospital bed and barely being able to hold him. All my others loved snuggling and wouldn’t sleep unless they were cuddled with me so I’ve been finding it really hard. Just don’t feel like we’ve bonded the same. Don’t get me wrong, he’s happy bar the teething but he’s just not really affectionate. Still hate giving him bottles because I still just have to urge to breastfeed. That’s never left me since he’s been born. Absolutely devastated I’ll never get the chance to try again. Turning 40 hit me hard coz that clocks well and truly ticking but dh would never agree to another. I had to go have a scan on my gallbladder a couple of weeks back and they do those in the same place they do baby scans. Seeing the pregnant ladies and sitting in the waiting room for the first time since I went in to have Charlie I had to stop myself crying 3 times. It made me feel awful. I told dh it really made me feel sad being there and he just said he couldn’t go through it again after the miscarriage and Charlie being early. Honestly you would think I expected him to be the one to have the baby, sigh! Literally have nobody in real life to vent to about how I feel coz everyone would just tell me I don’t need anymore kids but I can’t help feeling this way. Wish it would just go and I could be content with what I have. I try not to keep coming on here now because I feel all I do is bring the mood down. I am enjoying every moment with Charlie but my hearts still longing for one last baby.

Awww he is so cute @Laurabub84!! Are those baby glasses?! Adorable!! I know how you feel I just want time to stand still I'm clinging onto these early months but we are well and truly out of the newborn stage, long outgrown the moses basket and I converted the pushchair to the seat rather than the carrycot the other day *sniff*. I hope he sleeps just as well in it I'm not sure he will. I just love the newborn time so much, the first days and weeks where baby is the entire focus of your world and it's just snuggles for hours.. I'm so sad for you that some of that time was stolen from you, could you not still try to breastfeed do you not think? Surely you could get milk back again having nursed for so long before?
I've been meaning to check in here for ages I really miss everyone I just never seem to have the time!
Glad his appt went well.
Anyone that is breastfeeding under pressure from grandparents to pump or formula feed so they can have baby? My other half's mum is desperate to have him at hers and I'm just not ready to leave him at all!! She keeps putting down my breastfeeding and asking how long I will do it for it's really frustrating. Like I don't want to leave him anyway so I'm quite happy to breastfeed for as long as he wants. My boy never had a bottle at all he went straight to a cup and he still had a bedtime bf at 3!!
@josephine3 lol, no not baby glasses, they belong to my 7 year old daughter.

I wouldn’t let your partners mum put pressure on you about breastfeeding. Without sounding horrible she sounds a little selfish. He’s your son. Why should you have to wean him to please her so she can have him alone. I’m the same as you, I couldn’t leave my baby either. Could your partner not just have a gentle word with her about it? I wouldn’t be happy if it was me.

I really wish I could breastfeed but at 8 months now I don’t think he’d even take to it. Besides I spent the first weeks trying to pump and not actually being able to breastfeed because he was being tube fed and I couldn’t get on with pumping. In half hour I’d only produce 1/2 ounce and after 4 weeks I just had to admit defeat and give up. I’m still devastated about it. I don’t get anything now if i try to express. Despite having 6 children the only one I was sort of successful at breast feeding was my last ds, and even that I had to give him formula to top up as he wasn’t gaining weight with exclusively breastfeeding. Frustratingly when Charlie had his 2 month check with the health visitor she asked how I was doing and I broke down about how upset I was that I’d missed out feeding him myself and she said there was medication my doctor could give me that helps the production of milk that could have helped me. 6 babies I’ve had and always struggled with breastfeeding and not once had any doctor/midwife/health visitor ever told me this when I’ve struggled. Now it’s too late.
It tormenting me now that I know my body well enough to know when I’m ovulating. Feels like a wasted egg every month. Kill’s me at the time I know I’m ovulating and can do nothing. Then getting af. I’m due in the next couple of days and it makes me an emotional wreck.

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