Little Miss Rosie is here! - looong story :D


May 28, 2010
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Birth Story:

I guess I could start off by saying that this is going to be LONG and that I was being induced. My due date was 4/7/11 but after a shot to stop contractions at 34+4 and many many false labors, horrible hip and back pain (hypermobility- my hips would literally pop out of socket if I moved wrong and just generally grind when walking) my midwife wanted to talk induction at my appointment at 39+5. UGH! I was really hoping to do it myself but sure- we’ll talk. We decided a week from that day would be good since there was also mild concern about the size of my baby. Well- my ultra sound the next day showed my fluid was decreasing and they said I should induce sooner- We scheduled for Sunday night.

Sunday night- 4-10-11
Spent the day lounging around and getting ready to go to the hospital. I ran a couple extra errands right before going into the hospital. I ate a big dinner (figuring it would be my last for a little while) and went to be admitted. I got weighed- 25lbs total weight gain!!! WOOHOOO!!!!
They started monitoring to make sure all was OK before beginning. I was having contractions every 5-8 minutes on my own so really started to hope that things could progress on their own that night.
After monitoring the baby they inserted the cervidil. My bed was so uncomfortable that even with a sleeping aid I spent most of the night awake.

Monday 4/11/11-
Woke up in the morning and got checked- ALMOST 3 CM! WOOHOO! (I started at 1cm and 50% like I had been for the last 3 weeks) We started a low dose of pitocin and an hour later I was at a good 4CM- they broke my water. This wasn’t so bad! They upped the dose of PIT a little bit and the contractions started to get more intense.

I went and spent some time in the big tub and once I got out got checked and was at 6 CM! The contractions the next 2 hours started to get really intense even though I told them not to increase the pitocin since I wanted to do this without an epidural. They started talking delivery by 1-2PM- not bad!! Since they had broke my water at 8:10am!

Around 4 I was still a 6 and had my first dose of IV pain relief- I also agreed to let them increase the pitocin again. Back labor was so intense at this point that I asked for the epidural even though it was NOT what I wanted but labor was stalled and they wanted stronger contractions. They placed internal monitors on the baby because we could not keep them on the outside. UGH! It took 2 hours+ to get my epidural and right as the anesthesiologist walked into the room I felt the urge to push. I was checked and at 9 CM! WOOHOO!!!! They went ahead and gave the epidural and in the process the baby got lower. My next check I was at 7CM. WTF! Apparently there was swelling from my cervix not being 100% effaced and the baby’s head hitting it. No worries though I had the epidural!

Everything was going good- pain wasn’t so bad (low dose of epi since I still wanted to feel contractions just not like I was!) but after an hour the contractions came back and started to REALLY REALLY hurt again. I was wondering about it since I had now been MAXED out on the pitocin. All of a sudden it was full on pain- no break inbetween contractions (they were 45seconds to 1min apart but the pain receptors were not giving me a break). My lower back was taking most of the pain but my hip also felt like it was going to explode. They maxed out the epi! And NO pain relief!!!)

I started panicing because I knew something was not right! There was nothing else they could do for my pain but tell me to wait for the anesthesiologist to make it back to the hospital to see what he could do for me. At this point the baby had no fluctuations in heart rate and mine was in the 150s. I got checked again ( could feel the whole bit even though they kept telling me I shouldn’t be able to) 8.5cm. I didn’t feel right at all! I thought I was going to have a stroke. I kept screaming and breathing and trying my hardest to keep under control but kept losing it.

I begged for a c-section since they were talking one anyways since labor was now stalled. I couldn’t keep it up, I couldn’t do it!

After filling out all the paperwork they brought me into the OR where they proceeded to pump my epidural line with numbing stuff. My legs got heavier but when they checked to see where I was numb (by pinching/clipping the skin on my belly) I yelled I CAN FEEL THAT! They were shocked. I got more meds pumped into the line and they tried again. STILL I COULD FEEL IT! They sat me up to do a spinal block instead. They were talking about how high my heart rate was and how high my baby’s heart rate was- it was all I could focus on. They layed me back down and proceeded to test my belly again (I have marks still) and I could feel it STILL!!! They managed to get ½ inch above the incision site numbed- not acceptable.

Babys heart rate was also topic of conversation as well as what to do about me. My heart rate was high but it was that way for a long time and I was functioning – for all intensive purposes! My poor husband was in the hall waiting to come in for the surgery and they had decided that I had to be put under general anesthesia to get the baby out. I was horrified. I thought about everything going wrong and never seeing my loved ones again- that’s the last thing I remember until being woken up. I choked and choked on the tube in my throat and it took so long for them to get it out! All I could think of was my little girl. Horrible to say but I was waiting for the bad news.

They wheeled me into the recovery room and the first things I heard were 1. She’s a beautiful girl with a FULL head of hair and 2. There was NO WAY I could have pushed her out. Her head was going through at the wrong angle (and stuck in my pelvis) and her chord was around her neck. I was relieved that I had given in when I did!

After 20 minutes they brought me to see my princess. She was amazing. My husband left her with my mom and came to greet me in the hall. I was so happy to see his face because I knew everything was OK. Within 10 minutes of being in the room they gave me my little girl- She latched perfect! The Dr told my husband that she looked "overdone" and should have been born a couple weeks ago. Good to have an explanation for all the contractions and false labor! He said my body was trying but couldn't get her head low enough.

She feeds great! I’m so impressed! My 2nd night in the hospital after surgery it all hit me what happened I had this overwhelmed feeling. I’m having a hard time getting around still but it’s getting easier and easier every day. Sure- it’s not how I wanted things to go but really I faced all my fears about birth- they all happened! I am so happy for those who helped me through it and for my husband. Ryan is helping me so much and he is such an amazing daddy! I’m looking forward to feeling a little bit better and getting out and about with my baby.

Serenity Rose
Born 4/11/11 at 11:21pm
8lbs 0.4oz
19.5 inches long


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Sam I didnt realise you had a general, how scary but just look at her now, congrats again xxx
An amazing story, but so scary! :hugs: to you for dealing with it all so well! I hope you continue to recover quickly! She is beautiful..Congrats again!
Thanks- The whole thing was horrifying but it all went well and that's what matters!
Aw, honey, she's beautiful and I really think she looks a lot like you. Hugs and congratulations. You did well.
Congrats missfox, she is gorgeous and is a mini you :) sorry your birth wasn't great but hope you will be fully recovered soon x
Sorry for your tough birth but congrats she's gorgeous x
Congrats she's beautiful!!
She's gorgeous! Congratulations on overcoming such a difficult birth!
I'm sorry to hear all that you had to go thru, but look at your beautiful little girl, isn't she worth everything?:cloud9: Hope you recover soon and congratulations hon!:flower:
She is so amazing! I'm so in love with her and she was worth it all!
Sorry it's not the birth you wanted but thank goodness you are both ok and wow isn't she worth it. Congratulations.
Congratulations! Our babies were born about an hour apart :) She's beautiful!
Thank you! That's awesome! She was almost 11:11 but with all the numbing problems and trying to figure out what to do...
How scary! Thanks for sharing, glad you both came through it ok!

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