LO doesn't get full on breast milk?


Mommy to Max
Aug 5, 2013
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I am so confused... I posted about a week ago in Baby Club about growth spurts / wonder weeks because I thought that's what was going on with my little boy, but it's now been a week and a half of this so I am starting to question that!

My little guy just does NOT seem to get full on breast milk. Not only does he nurse for hours upon hours (last night it was 5 hours from 1am - 6am) but when I pump and give him milk so I know how much he is getting, he still cries after and feeds from my breast for another hour or so until he gets tired. At the end of my rope one night, I decided to try one of the formula samples that I had gotten in the mail - lo and behold, after having 3 oz, he stopped feeding and promptly passed out for 4 hours.

Now, every time I've given 3 oz of formula, the same thing happens (whether it's after he's been nursing or just to test it as a replacement). He gets full and passes out and sleeps for a long time. However, if I give him 3 oz of breast milk, he cries and still has to nurse for long periods of time. I am still pumping a ton to try and keep my supply up (I really can't pump much - 2.5oz from both breasts is the most I have ever gotten and it only happened once) and taking fenugreek to try and boost it, and we only give 1 3-oz bottle of formula per day at night since it helps him to sleep.

Has anyone experienced this? He's been gaining weight and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers (even before we introduced the formula) so I don't think it's a supply issue. It just seems like he has issues with getting full!

I know formula digests slower than breast milk, but this is the initial feed, so I wouldn't think digestion would matter here. Could something be wrong with my milk?
That sounds very odd. A 5 hour feed! I think I would lose my mind. Are you sure your LO is actually eating and not just "hanging out at mom's?" (As a lactation consultant called it)

Can you try calling a lactation consultant? Many hospitals offer this as a free service, at least they do in my area.
Six weeks is prime growth spurt/clusterfeeding time! My LO used to feed 10pm-7am. I think it was a mixture of both needing to feed more frequently and the fact that she was just most comfortable on the breast. If he's gaining weight and having a normal diaper output then I would just ride it out. He's still really tiny and as you said, breastmilk is easier to digest, so it's perfectly normal that he needs to be fed frequently. Offering formula is actually quite counter-productive, as it's less time he's spending on the breast bringing in more milk (and subsequently the more amount of time he'll have to spend on the breast to bring in milk after getting formula).

It all sounds pretty normal to me and sounds exactly like my LO at that age.
Thanks! I've seen an LC, she said she thought it was just a growth spurt, but I am planning on giving her a call tomorrow morning since it's been so long now.

Staralfur - I thought that, too, but it's been so long now! How long did yours go through this?

Agree that formula is counter-productive - I don't like doing it and I am doing everything I can to NOT lose my milk supply. I am just going mad as this has been going on now for a week and a half and I need sleep! My LO also does not seem to sleep at all during the day (even though he is obviously tired) so I don't get much of a break.

I'm not sure if he's actually eating, but I do know that when I have tried to take him off and offer a pacifier instead he has screamed bloody murder, so I have been assuming so. Plus, even when we give EBM in a bottle he is still starving after (and I obviously know he eats that!).

I hope he gets over this soon!
That sounds really hard, I'm sure I'd be losing my mind. I have no advice, sorry, as I was going to suggest offering a pacificer to see if it was comfort sucking and not just hunger, (my DD will only take one to settle her to sleep and screams blue murder if I offer it when she's hungry LOL), but I see you've already tried that.

I hope things get better for you soon.
Is he actually swallowing the whole time or just comfort sucking?

You should be able to see / hear him swallowing.
If he's swallowing, I'd consider it like the difference between drinking milk (whatever you normally drink) and drinking a milk shake. Formula is thicker than breastmilk (or at least the formula we used was thicker than my breastmilk) and it's heavier in the tummy so you can see why LO might fall asleep after formula but not after breastfeeding. It'd be like you needing a drink of milk but having milkshake instead or over-eating at dinner - it would be more filling than what you needed and would probably make you sleepy!

Difficult though it is, it's really normal and good for little babies to feed a lot. Think of the way your LO is with just BF as being the norm and formula is unusual. Unfortunately, formula is so common that we tend to forget which way round it is!

This is, btw, why formula samples are pretty much the Devil's work!

I would stop expressing, forget about ounces and length of feeds. If you're struggling with lack of sleep, look for ways that aren't pumping or formula to help you cope. Maybe OH or a friend could take LO out for a walk after you've fed him so you can have a nap, maybe you could co-sleep (if you don't want to co-sleep, how about you go for a nap while LO feeds and another adult sits in the room reading to keep an eye on you both, then takes LO away for an hour or two once he's done and leaves you asleep?). Do as much lying down as you can, even if you're watching TV or reading at least you're resting.
It is my understanding that formula may cause them to fall asleep not because they are finally "full" but because their little digestive systems have to work so hard to process it that it wears them out. There are lots of good suggestions from previous posters already- you just need to figure out what works for you and will let you get some rest. Hope things calm down for you soon.
Thank you everyone. I think we found out what was causing this... Took him to the pediatrician today and he has gained almost 2 lbs in a little over 2 weeks! Poor thing was just starving because he was growing so much. Last night was the worst so far (5 hours straight of feeding without seeming full, plus 3 oz of breast milk and STILL screaming, so we offered a bit of formula and FINALLY after 2 more oz he settled and went to sleep at 8 am this morning). I am exhausted, but since then he has seemed a bit better... I've fed him twice since then (45 minutes before we left for the ped's office and then 30 when we got home) and he has seemed much better - not full but not freaking out crying either (and he ended the 30 minute session; I had to end the first so we could head to the doctor).

Pediatrician recommended feeding him for 20 minutes on each breast and seeing if he'll take a pacifier after that. If he won't take it and is still starving, she's recommending topping him off with EBM or formula (I'm hoping it will be mostly, if not all, EBM if I can pump enough!) since she is worried it's my supply (I'll pump after each feeding if this is the case). I'm not sure it's the best advice, but she also thinks it's temporary in which case I can live with it. It will certainly save my sanity and my baby will get a happier mom at least.

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