Loads of questions!


Olivia's mum & pregnant!
Nov 12, 2008
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Right. I've been building up a list of things I need to ask, but Olivia hasn't permitted me 5 minutes to actually ask them yet.


She has been badly sick twice in a little under 3 weeks. Really bad sick, like the whole contents of her little tummy - is this normal? She occasionally does a little sick, but this is normal I think, and it's just the bid sicks im worried about. She does gulp in a lot of air when she feeds, but I've asked countless midwives/HV/LC's and they all say the latch is fine and shes feeding well. I always burp her and usually get at least one good burp out of her. Plenty of poo's and wee's etc. Is she just being greedy? Should I worry?

Also, when she is sick, I have been waiting a few minutes, cuddling her and telling her its ok whilst cleaning everything up and changing her clothes then offering her another feed. Should I limit this feed so she keeps it down or just let her go as long as she wants?

Hungry or not?
It seems that when she is awake and alert, she isn't really happy unless shes feeding. We don't seem to get any time where she is just happy to be awake if that makes sense. Again, is this normal? She aways looks like shes hungry when shes awake, shoving her whole hand in her mouth, opening her mouth and looking over her shoulder, 'kissing' my neck and bobbing her head if I try and burp her. Should I just keep feeding her until she falls asleep? If so, I worry I'm going to over feed her and end up with her being sick again (see above), or that she won't be tired at night.

Tummy ache?
Sometimes she gets a really sad frustrated look on her face and makes really terrible grunty, irritated pain type noises. She will go really bright purple and have a white line across her forehead where shes straining. Sometimes she will manage to 'go' and then will be fine after, but sometimes she really struggles and it lasts ages and ages. I try and leave her lay down, but shes so upset I end up picking her up but I don't know if the position of her 'sitting' with me makes it even more difficult...

White tongue?
Is the white on her tongue just milk residue, or is it thrush? Sometimes she looks like shes 'tasting' her mouth if that makes sense and pulls a funny face.

Why are they such complicated little things???

I'm sure I've forgotten something....Thanks for your help xxxx

hey, we've experiance all of those at that age and some still now

we had this, thomas needed winding more and if we didnt wind him enough then he would be sick. he was hungry again after as he just emptied his stomach. we found infacol helped with the wind

Hungry or not?
at the same age thats all he did. he often fell asleep on the boob and would wake and want feeding again if we moved him. give it a couple of weeks at least when shes awake and not wanting a feed.

Tummy ache?
ive found offering thomas a feed helps him to go. if this doesnt work then more winding and rubbing his tummy

White tongue?
thomas sometimes has this, usually if he's been sick or spitting up milk
Sick - Alex did this one day, waas sick three times massively. We took him to the hosp to get checked over and nothing was wrong.

Hungry - At that age feeding is still getting established so sometimes you will be feeding quite alot, it does get better.
Sick--Daniel did this a couple of times in the early weeks (the big sicks where they bring up whole feeds) and the advice I was given was that so long as baby wasn't upset by it and they weren't bringing up more than two feeds in a row, its ok. :D Anymore than 2 full feeds in a row and call your HV for advice.

Hungry--At 2 weeks, all baby will do is eat and sleep. If she appears hungry, offer her milk. This will help establish your supply and you will eventually see a routine appear as baby feeds more routinely and stays awake more often during the day (this will take a few more weeks to happen though) so enjoy feeding her and take advantage of the time she sleeps.

Tummy ache--this is all about finding a position that works for you and baby for winding. Try rubbing the right hand side of her tummy while she is lying down and offer her milk (breast milk is a natural laxative).

White Tongue--Daniel had this for weeks on end and was just milk residue from feeding so often (he also had white lips, so cute) if you are worried about thrush though, speak to your HV.

Good luck :hug:
great topic....beeing experiencing the same thing with being sick and seeming hungry whenever he is awake!

The replies helped a lot :)
Oooh, ladies. Thanks for the replies so far. They have helped already. I just put her down and she snoozed for 10 minutes and woke up doing the tummy ache cry, then i winded her in 3 different positions and after a few minutes got two more really good burps out of her. She fell straight back to sleep afterwards and let me put her in the moses without waking!
Haha thats so funny the bobbing head and kissing, sounds just like James a few weeks ago, he tries to suck my chin!! I just used to feed all the time. Health visitor told me that if you feed on demand now, you will have a more content baby later on.
p.s i posted a thread about trapped wind the other day. Lifting the knees up to the chest and holding for about ten seconds, bring them back down, then back up, keep repeating this a few times. If the wind is in the tummy, you'll hear it come out !!!!!!
Sick - She's just over feeding. It's a bit scary but try not to worry. If she wants to feed right away let her - BM contains things to settle babies stomachs. :)

Hungry - at this stage she will also want to have you near her as much as it being about actually eating. She's still very little and has spent a long time very close to you.

Tummy ache - Sounds windy to me. Wind well and maybe ask your HV about baby massage classes. A warm face cloth on her tummy will help too.

White tongue - is it spots or a coating? I think it's worth getting checked as if it is thrush, the sooner you start to treat it the better.


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