We've been trying for at least 7-8 years. We've been able to conceive six times before, but all of them ended in miscarriage. Then, at 38, I was told I had cancer!!! Thankfully, it was non-invasive, so all I needed was surgery, but that put me at 40 by the time we could try again.
In August, five months after my 40th birthday, we got a BFP... I wasn't very hopeful, because of our past, but so far, at 19 weeks, this baby is alive and kicking!!
What has worked for us to conceive:
- NOT eating processed foods (including junk food, fast food) - switching to organic whole foods (plenty of veg/fruit, raw milk from grass-fed cows, eggs from pasture-raised hens, etc.)
- exercising regularly
- cutting out sugar and most caffeine (except what's in green tea)
- taking CoQ10, high-dose folic acid, l-arginine, and vitex, and drinking a ton of green tea every day
- sleeping in complete darkness (not even a clock radio light shining in the room)
- getting some sunshine every day (natural vitamin D)
This cycle, we also tried the lowest dose of injectables (gonadatropins). That helped me produce three follicles... from that, we conceived twins (the old-fashioned way -- no IUI or IVF)... one twin didn't make it, but this one is doing great!
I will be 41 when this baby is born, but we fully intend to try for baby #2 as soon as physically possible (maybe when this baby is six months old). And the crazy thing is, we fully, whole-heartedly believe we'll have that second baby! I really think switching from typical processed food to all organic whole foods makes ALL the difference. One of my friends is 47 years old and is 18 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby -- she told me that after three years of trying, she believes it worked because of my advice to her to start eating pasture-raised eggs every day and other nourishing whole foods. It's better than Clomid, IMO!