Looking for a big warm B&B welcome


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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for those that dont no me thought ild introduce myself :D

My name is Dionne im 21 i have been with my Partner for 4 years i have 19month old Daughter Dior and 6month old son Harley
im loving being a mum and looking forward to chat.

im always up for a laugh and a good chin wag.

so im looking for a big warm welcome :kiss:
*lights a fire*

ello i'm laylas bloke, nice to meet you
Hi I'm Caroline and have a ds whos 5 and a dd whose 2, and no3 whose due in April (will hopefully find out if boy or girl in a couple of weeks). Welcome to B&B. Hope to chat to you soon :D
:D https://www.augk18.dsl.pipex.com/Smileys/fire.gif
Welcome babe, 'bout bloody time woman!! :wink: x
Hi Dionne :D (sorry, better late than never eh!)
Hi the Dionne.

I'm with "U Know Who!" aka 3 letter word beginning with T.

If you still haven't figured it, she's like Beetle Juice say her name 3 times and there she is, hence I don't use her name anymore!!!!!!

:wink: :roll:

:lol: :lol:
ImTheDaddy said:
Hi the Dionne.

I'm with "U Know Who!" aka 3 letter word beginning with T.

If you still haven't figured it, she's like Beetle Juice say her name 3 times and there she is, hence I don't use her name anymore!!!!!!

:wink: :roll:

:lol: :lol:

PMSL !!!!! ill have to remember that :wink:
WELCOME WELCOME!!!!! *lights some fireworks** :lol: enjoy your stay!! :D
Hi Dionne,

I dont know if you know me 8) but my name is Karrina, I live with my OH English Dale, and we have a 9 month old daughter Rebecca! I find being a mum hard work with a full time job to contend with too. :p

Right hun, what took you so long, told u the grass is greener! :lol:

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