Looking for a couple buddies who also have SCH


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Jun 20, 2014
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I was diagnosed with a moderate sized subchorionic hematoma at my 7 week scan. Just had another scan at 9 weeks for a huge red bleed and it seems to me like it grew but she didn't measure it this time. My last pregnancy ended in MMC so I was already anxious but this is making it even harder to enjoy this pregnancy! Anyone else out there currently going through the crazy sch journey right now?
I had one. I started bleeding and cramping really heavily at 6 weeks after my first ultrasound and ended up getting diagnosed with a SCH. I was basically on pelvic rest with no physical activty, which was really hard for me because I'm normally very active and had been looking forward to a "fit" pregnancy. BUT, on Tuesday I had my 16 week ultrasound and the bleed is finally gone!! I'm cleared to return to physical activty and just came back in from my first "run" in months. I say "run" because it was very slow and short, but after months of sitting on my butt waiting for this bleed to heal, it may as well have been an olympic event. I still feel scared and am nervous now that I did my first run that I will see blood today, but I'm praying everything stays good. It's a tough road and takes some of the excitement out of the first trimester (honestly, only within the past few weeks have I let myself even start to feel like I will actually get a baby at the end of this), but I do beileve that resting is key. I know there's conficting advice on this, but everytime I would start to think "ok i can try something" I would bleed again, so I think it's best to just suck it up and take it easy.
Thanks for sharing your story! I love hearing happy sch stories. :) I am convinced that test helps also, the day I had my big red bleed was one where I was more active than usual and I think that had something to do with it. Luckily I'm not working right now so resting is very easy for me. I can't wait for the day that I hear my sch is gone, so congrats on that! I hope everything from here on out is easy and uncomplicated for you! :)
I had a big bleed at 6 weeks and was given 50/50 odds. At 8 weeks it was confirmed to be clotted. Now at 14 weeks I haven't spotted, cramped, or bled in 6 weeks, so I really think mine has reabsorbed! SCHs diagnosed in the first trimester are a lot more likely to reabsorb and heal faster than ones diagnosed in the second trimester, and they're also less likely to cause problems like PPROM. Fingers crossed for you!
I have one again so I'll be a buddy! Always good to have somewhere to go to talk:hugs:

I'vd had a couple biggish bleeds already but baby is doing good and I'm on pelvic rest and 'take it easy' lol.

Last pregnancy was horrendous. The first bleed happened at 12 weeks and it was massive amounts of blood akin to waters breaking. The bleed grew to a huge 15cm and remained until delivery. I had pprom at 30+4 ( I do have pprom complications outside of sch for genetic reasons but this def added to it) then emergency section for full abruption at 31+4. My son is perfect though! Even through most of the worst case scenarios with sch he got through it! It was full bedrest from the first bleed and I'm confident this is what got us to the end. Don't underestimate rest:hugs:
Thanks for sharing your story mummy3. I'm glad I'll have a buddy, we're pretty close too. I'm just 5 days behind you! It's nice to hear that even with that big old sch your son arrived safely. :) How big is your sch this time?
Very close in dates then! How are your symptoms treating you?

He did get through that big bleed and is sitting right next to me now:cloud9:

This time I don't know exact measurements yet but it looks similar size to the last for now, its a long crescent shaped bleed. It'll get measured at perinatology in a couple weeks:thumbup:
My pregnancy symptoms are pretty mild overall, which is nice. My sch symptoms are what's driving me crazy though. I wish I could just stop spotting! I should be happy that it has lessened in amount and the color is brown instead of red but it's still so depressing seeing blood every time I go to the bathroom.
Do you go to perinatology because of your bleed? I wish I could, I feel like my midwife kind of blows it off and doesn't give me much information about it. Most of the information I've learned about it is research that I've done myself which is frustrating. Anyway, how's your pregnancy been so far other than the bleed?
Mild symptoms are nice, although of course those with mild want more and those with more want mild!

I hear you hun:hugs: The way I try and get through it is telling myself that it coming out like that is helping the bleed get smaller, the brown is very promising, I remember being told its a sign the bleed is starting to clot, makes it more stable:hugs: Of course that doesn't take away the fear each time:hugs:

I go to perinatology primarily because I cant get to term, my last 3 have been 2 months early due to a genetic condition with pprom as a complication. But they do monitor the bleed which is very reassuring! You should try and push for the referral, they like to start around 12/13 weeks so there's time. That's awful the MW is blowing it off!!!

I have a very hyperthyroid this time making it interesting, read :sick: lol

Are you managing to get plenty of rest?
I have an appointment tomorrow so I'll have to ask about the perinatologist. I would love to get a referral just so I can monitor how the clot is doing. Sorry about your hyperthyroidism this time around. I don't know much about it but i hope its nothing too serious.
Luckily I am in a place where I don't have to work so it's been easy to get lots of rest! My mw said rest was unnecessary but I have decided to take it as easy as possible since I am able to.
How did your appointment go hun?:hugs: How is the spotting?:hugs:

The full on hyperthyroid is a new one for me and I thought I'd seen and done all possible pregnancy issues! Its coming under control thankfully.

I'm a SAHM too and have the ability to get the rest, that is a huge deal and its so good you have the opportunity to take advantage of it:thumbup: The opinion of rest depends on who you ask and where you live. All I can say is that, to me, that rest is what got my son here. Pelvic rest, no heavy lifting, no housework and just relaxing as much as possible, doing as much of these things also adds to a sense of 'doing something' if you know what I mean?
My appointment went really well! We had an ultrasound and little baby was moving all over the place, doing flips and all sorts of things in there. She said the sch looked smaller but since she didn't measure it either time we can't really be sure. Then she decided to try to hear the heartbeat on the doppler. She usually won't even try until 12 weeks but since I'm pretty thin she said we could give it a go and it took a little searching but we were able to hear it! It was very quiet but so nice to hear.
My spotting has really started to slow down now, i actually didn't have any at all yesterday but I'm back to having a little bit today.
I know what you mean about resting and feeling like you're doing something. One of the hardest parts about this sch process is feeling like I can't do anything to help my baby. Resting definitely helps me to think that at least I'm doing SOMETHING. I'm so sorry you have to deal with another problem on top of what you've already dealt with!
What day is your visit with the perinatologist? How long has it been since your last sch bleed and how has your spotting been since then?
Hi ladies! Mind if I join? I had a mmc in May, and got pregnant 2 cycles after my D&C. I ended up in the hospital with pink/red bleeding and was diagnosed with an SCH at 6 weeks. It was 2 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm in size. Bleeding lasted only that day/night, and then I spotted light brown for about 3 days. I had a private U/S done at 9 weeks and saw a heartbeat and the SCH was still there but they didn't take any measurements. I have another U/S on the 2nd so I am hoping to get more of an update. I hope it has absorbed on its own. I was also looking forward to a "fit" pregnancy and I hate not being active.
Yes of course you can join! Sorry you have to go through this journey with your pregnancy. I know how scary it can be but hopefully you're done with the bleeding for good and get good news at your appointment!
I actually had another red bleed today so I'm feeling pretty bummed out because I really thought my sch was getting smaller and was hoping I'd be done with those scary red bleeds. :( It's really discouraging and hard not to lose hope every time it happens.
Hi there! I also have an SCH but I dunno how much help I will be as mine is supposedly very small and hasn't caused me any symptoms or problems. I was diagnosed with it at 7 weeks and my nurse was all laid back about it and very "oh its nothing don't worry about it!". I was not put on rest or anything. I did not have any bleeding at all or any issues and then at my 11w ultra sound she said it was still there but it had not gotten any bigger. I had my 12w NT scan last week and they said everything looked "awesome".

This weekend, Saturday to be exact, I had a bunch of red blood in the toilet when I got up but I guess I had wiped too well because I couldn't figure out if it was from my bum or my vagina. After that, all day I had brown discharge and 1 time on the paper I did see a stringy blood clot looking thingy. But it never got worse than being just when I wiped... it never flowed or was enough to get on my underwear. By Sunday morning it had stopped completely and I haven't had anything since.

So, I'm not sure if it was the SCH or just maybe my cervix got irritated... the nurse did call mine a "hematoma" as opposed to a "hemorrhage", so I'm not sure if that's word play or really a difference in SCH's.

I just want to have a scan where they finally say, OK its gone and there is nothing else going on (at the moment) to worry about. :)
You ladies should check out the sch group on here. Helped me loads when I had a huge bleed at 13 weeks that went on till 18/19 weeks. My clot was 7cm at its biggest.

Mine healed at 20 weeks and now almost full term, so stay positive :flower:

Lots of advice, positive stories and support here https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-groups/142576-sch-group-subchorionic-hematoma.html
Anyone still posting here, and can I join? Recently found out I am 10 weeks 4 days pregnant with a surprise baby. I'd been spotting but didn't know I was pregnant until recently. Yesterday I went to emergency for bright red bleeding and they finally dated my pregnancy and also diagnosed me will a smaller sized SCH, about 1cm by 1cm, but symptomatic. I'm pretty scared for this baby and what might happen, trying to take it one step at a time. My pregnancy is already high risk (Due to genetic risk of baby having a NTD), and finding it hard to relax with a busy 14 month old. Just looking for support and trying to send some good vibes out to this LO.

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