Looking for a TTC buddy

Jai Me

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Hello Ladies!
Im am 28 and have been TTC since September 2010.
I started my first round of Clomid 50mg50mg (5-9)
This month. Today is CD 21. I am looking for someone in a similar boat.
Im pretty new to this forum. Im still learning my way around
but would like to get some support and give Support to the other women out
there who are TTC.
Jai Me
Hey, we're in a similar boat. I'm 29 and I've been trying since november 2009. I'm on my second round of clomid 50mg, days 5-9 (round 1 was 3-7) and I'm currently on cd9. I'm also new to BnB so it might be the blind leading the blind, but I'm definitely looking for a ttc buddy. I noticed you're in Florida also, you live here long? I was born in Atlanta but I've lived here in Miami since I was 2.
Hello Phoenixrose!!
I was so happy to receive your reply and more excited that we share so many similarities!
I will be 29 in February, my DH, is almost 33. Like I said this is my first month of trying Clomid 50mg on CD 5-9. I stopped BCP August 2010 and started TTC the following month. I had this misconception that I would get pregnant right away, girl was I wrong!! The last year my cycles have been all over the place. I've had to take Provera twice to induce my cycle.
So here I am.....hoping that this helps me conceive or helps my cycle get regulated.

Well im actually from Maryland, near Washington, DC, my DH and I moved to Florida about 8 years ago. Im right outside of Tampa. I love it here! Where else can you rock flip flops 80% of the year!!
I would love to be your buddy. Like I mentioned im new to BnB, so just finding my way around is tricky.
what day is your af due?
When do you plan on testing?
I hope all this makes sense. Im writing this from my cell at the moment. Lol

Jai Me
Lmao! Wow we really are pretty similar...flip flops/sandals are my favorite shoes and I'm in here on my phone about 80% of the time =) Yay, I have a buddy ;)

I'm not sure exactly when AF is due or when I can test since I won't know the timeline until I get the trigger shot, but around dec. 21 if it's similar to last cycle. So I'm really Hopi g for a Christmas BFP! How about you, what cd are you? Sorry to hear that ur cycles are so erratic, hopefully the clomid will help with that. I actually O'd every month but was O'ing late around cd18/19. So doc thinks that the egg is not maturing properly and that the clomid will help with that. I so surprisingly have polycystic o Aries but not the syndrome as all labs check out fine and I have none of the symptoms. How about you, how are your labs? Has DH had a SA? I don't remember the #'s but my DH checks out fine...so of course it's all me =(
Good Morning!
Today I am on CD 23, I am unsure exactly when AF will start but I predict somewhere around 12/5/11-12/7/11, that would be 28-30 day cycle. But who knows?!

I am pretty new to really TTC, if that makes any sense. I have never charted before. My regular PCP had did some blood work and an ultrasound and everything came out good, except that my periods fluctuate from 27 days all the way to 45 days.

So I visited my OB/GYN for my annual and she said she thinks my issue is strickly hormonal and that sometimes I O and some times I dont, So I have an annovulatory cycle. She said lets put you on Clomid for 3 months, then if I am still not pregnant, then she said well try to do a HSG, The problem, is I have a stenotic cervix, due to a LEEP procedure to remove abnormal cells back in like 2005. So that means my opening is very narrow and she said that she didn't know if they would be about to stick the little thing up there. So she said after the 3 months she will increase the Clomid. If I am still not pregnant, then she would refer me to a RE. But she wants me to keep in touch with her
through out the month while we monitor my cycles.

I am just hoping I dont have to go to that point.
My husband has not been tested just yet. I think just more recently I have been getting more serious about getting this show on the road. Do you chart? I see that alot of women do, I just thought that I stress enough about TTC, I figure it would stress me out me more, because my cycle is so irregular.
I have used OPK's for a few months and got + on cycle day 15-16, this month, I decided not to do anything but to have as much BDing as possible.
So here I am.....LOL

Geeze, sorry to ramble. I am excited that your my buddy, LOL, I dont have much of an outlet. My husband really doesn't know how much this TTC ish stresses me out. I want to keep our BDing exciting and not pressured, so I dont share much with him lately.

What exactly is a trigger shot, I have heard about this before, I assume it makes the egg release from the ovary? I dont know really, like I said alot of this is new to me!!!
So do you take Clomid and use a trigger shot?
I read this great little Status Shuffle on FB, Thought I would share it with you.....

Don't lose hope. When you are down to nothing, God is up to something. Keep your faith strong! <3
No worries on the rambling! That's what this is for =) I've tried to get another buddy on here, and I reply to their post and then they post back 1 sentence...I'm like, how am I suppose to carry a conversation with you? I'm very excited to have a buddy too! My husband is great and doesn't mind me talking about it, but I feel as though he has limits to his understanding: he's not a woman and it's not his fault. I also have a good friend that is very understanding and tells me I can call and vent anytime, but every time I talk to her I'm being interrupted by her kids, which isn't the biggest plus. So my point is, it's nice to have someone that understands on every level. :hugs:

I've been ttc for 2 years, and since i'm a detail oriented, control freak, anal-retentive Virgo, I've been crazy about it since my hubby said we could officially start trying. I started charting right away and did for a long time, now I just do the cheating method: now I just take the temps around ovulation (about cd 10) time until I get 2 days in a row of higher temps. Then I generally confirm at the end of the cycle that I'm really not preggo by a decrease in temp.

Yeah I take clomid and a trigger shot. My first cycle I took clomid from days 3-7, got an u/s on cd14 and they gave me a shot of HCG (the preggo hormone) on cd15 and ovulated the next day. It's weird, the pregnancy hormone acts a LH surge. I got my own LH surge the night before the trigger shot and they said that was ok and normal. I also have to get a post coidal test at the time of the u/s to check for alive soldiers, because clomid can dry your CM and turn it into a barrier to sperm. If it turns out fine then we get to BD, if not then we have to spend more out of pocket and do an IUI. Luckily last month was fine so we got to save some money. I also had to start taking vaginal progesterone, called prometrium, starting 3 days after the trigger shot. I don't have a short luteal phase or anything, it's just my doc's way of ensuring that I don't actually get prego and then m/c due to progesterone problems. I also had to get another HCG shot about a week after the first one (cd22), they said this ensures that the corpus luteum stays strong and continues to produce it's own progesterone.

I'm all for you starting clomid, I think it's great that your gyn will let you without a bunch of tests but at the same time I would think that you would want better answers. Granted I've had all those things and I don't have much better answers anyway. I went in at 6 months to a RE. My family reproduces like rabbits, it was unheard of for me to not be prego (granted they were under the age of 23 and i started trying when i was 27). At that point I had labs taken and DH had SA done. That turned up all fine, so then I had a HSG. It showed that anatomy was fine, tubes were open, and maybe...maybe one tube might be slightly kinked down so that egg might not get to the tube. But we were told to try for 6 more months. They said I was young and up to a year was normal. I came back at a year and they gave me the option of clomid/iui or a lap and dye. I chose the lap and they found mild endo and cleaned it up. They said to try for 6 more months then get IUI. At that point I wasn't very happy with that RE because he made me feel like a flow chart and wasn't making sense as to why i needed IUI if my CM was fine and i was ovulating, plus some other personal reasons...like i thought he was an idiot! So I got another one, referred to me by someone who got prego with that doc when others had failed. I still ended up doing clomid with possible IUI but at least this one gives me an explanation at to why it might actually work...the egg maturity problem. I really hope this works, cause even though i would end up doing IVF, I am a little terrified of it and of course...there's the money. We've actually rented our house and started living with the in-laws again, just to afford these fertility treatments. And we've talking about taking out loans if we have to do IVF :wacko:

I know what you mean by trying to keep the BDing exciting. I just changed my u/s appointment from monday to this friday and I haven't told DH. It's like he gets performance anxiety when he knows (tmi alert) that he has to get there. He's fine with knowing that I'll ovulate soon but if he thinks that I'm O'ing at that moment or I need his soldiers for a test, then he gets mental block.

Now who's that one rambling? :winkwink:
Good Afternoon Phoenixrose!
I was excited to read your reply. You are so similar to me,
I love that your a Virgo, this may sound strange but I always have a
close connection with Virgo's. My Dad who is no longer with us, he passed
when I was 16, back in 1999, anyways he was/is a Virgo, and he and I were so close, I have two really good childhood friends from MD, that I still talk to all the time they are both Virgo's , then my Uncle, who is like double my age,
he and I are really close for some reason. Im an Aquarius, but I think something with me and Virgo's I am just drawn to them and have some close bond. That probably sounds weird.
Im not totally alone on my TTC Journey, My Mom is my best friend and I tell her alot, but I always feel like my family gets tired of me talking about it, so I keep alot too myself. Both of my best girls in MD, know everything, but they also both have two kids and they are my age. So I know they are support and but same with you, it's not encouraging when there are screaming kids in the background etc.,
My husband is always supportive no matter what, he said that he would do what ever I need him to, and if I need to schedule BD, he said just let him know and he'll be there. I just dont tell him that I have OCD about TCC. That I am on the internet where ever I get a hot minute reading and re-reading, trying to educate myself over and over again.
Listening to you, you sound like your a Pro and got your's down to a science. I guess that's what TTC is, it's a science. I just think part of me is in denial, I thought I would get pregnant no problemo. Same with you, the women in my family all have 3 or more children, and had not problem making them. My Aunt got pregnant 3 times on birth control.

My plan is to just complete these 3 months if needed of Clomid, then see about getting a HSG. I was putting off doing anything that was expensive. My DH lost his Job back in September 2011 and he just started working again two weeks ago. So life has been up in the air. We don't make alot of money to being with. What do you do for a living by the way? I work for a local Family Doctor, I manage the office. I have been working here for 8 years. I love it!
Did you or Do you have any side effects from the Clomid? I had a little bit of the Hot Flashes when I was taking it, and also has a headache everyday I was on it. Also since she put me on the Provera, then the Clomid, my face had been breaking out. I normally dont really get alot of pimples, but these days I want to run and hide. :shrug: But I figured, hey it's the least I can do. Im desparate to be a mother!!!

I laughed when you said you've been crazy ever since your Husband said that you guys could start trying. I feel the same way. I felt this anticipation for years. We have been together for 9 years, and married 3 of them. Once he gave me the OK, I felt like I totally went crazy, and have only got crazier since. I try and try to remind myself that it will happen, and it's out of my hands, but GUESS WHAT! I need to take it in to my hands and get this boat moving. I feel like when ever I get the BFP and Im in the clear, that I will have this big weight lifted from my shoulders. Will I? I will probably then start obcessing about 1000 other things, but I swear, I feel like I need this weight lifted from my shoulders. The clock is Tickin and I aint getting any younger!
What if I want another. Geeze Louise. Sorry I was having a moment there, LOL.
I like your new picture, your beautiful! it's great to put a face to your posts. I might change mine too! I was trying to be discret, and didn't want to put my face out there, so I was hiding behind one of those pretty fall tree's in my pic. LMAO.
Well it's great talking to you, and getting to know you. Let keep it going.
Have a great Day. TTYL!!
The Aquarius-virgo thing doesn't sound weird at all. I used to read a lot about astrology and the 2 are suppose to get along very well. The only other Aquarius I know though is my mom and we don't get along at all. But her birthday is on the cusp of capricorn (22nd) and I've never met a capricorn women that I've liked. I get along with capricorn men quite well, just not the girls for some reason...now who sounds weird. My hubby thinks the astrology thing its just an easy way to quickly describe someone; I take it with a grain of salt, and don't read horoscopes, but I still find astrology interesting and sometimes shockingly accurate.

My hubby knows I have OCD about TTC, I actually try not to as much as possible, and I've gotten a lot better about it. We had a bad patch in the beginning half of the year, where the BD was awful and mostly on demand around O'ing and then almost non existent. I was also getting really depressed about not being able to get prego that I started getting acupuncture, hypnotherapy, (they don't literally hypnotize me, it's more like guided visualization/meditation), and massage, and it's all amazingly covered by insurance since an acupuncturist is seen as a medical doctor in Florida and therefore it's billed like a doctor office visit; I just have to pay the deductible. And I guess I do have this TTC down to a science as much as possible, unfortunately it isn't an exact science =( I know a lot about the things that I've already been through, because the second I'm told anything I run to the computer or my phone to look it up...sometimes while still in the doc's office. I can't wait for researchers to do more research so I can find out more =) For example, with endo, the vote is still out on how much it actually affects fertility.

That's good that you like your job, that is always important. I'm in a similar field...I'm a pediatric occupational therapist. I work in home health. Home health isn't for everyone, but I like it and really don't want to work at a place. I have a ton of flexibility because of it. My mother-in-law has a company so I just work for her and I make more because of it. Normally when you do home health you work for a company and they take a cut. So since I work for my MIL I get full reimbursement. Anyone can bill Medicaid directly but most don't know how and don't want to figure out how either. But I like it most of the time. What I don't enjoy is being sick a lot cause the last thing i want to do when sick is play with kids. The kids I see all have either development delay or autism. The kids I have with autism are mild to moderate, I don't have any severe, which is good. You would think it bothers me to work with kids while LTTTC but it doesn't. Kids make me smile and I have fun with them, which is why I always wanted them. Even my friend with kids that I was telling you about...I just don't want to hear them on the phone, but in person I have a blast and I always go home happier then when I left. I just can't wait to be a mom =( It's all I have ever wanted, and my hubby knows it. From as long as I can remember, I would play house with my best friend growing up, and we would always be prego or have kids. We would even fight over who got to have the youngest kid. We would put pillows in our shirts. Luckily when I was a teenager I was as rational as a teenager can be and didn't want to make the same mistakes my mom did. When I turned 20, my mom said "woohoo you broke the family curse!" LOL. She was 18 when she got prego with me through a diaphragm and had me when she was 19, and the same for her mom with her. I also always knew I wanted to be married (but oddly never fantasized about my wedding) but even more so I always wanted a kid. I would've been one of the women in here with sperm donors if I was older and single. :wacko:

ok, rant over...on to happier stuff again...

I had a few clomid side effects. I had some hot flashes as well. and it took me until the second round of clomid to realize the headaches was from the clomid cause it's not unusual for me to get headaches, but these were for 3 days straight. Other then that...I had what felt like ovarian cramping yesterday (last day on clomid) but honestly, I always get a little confused between ovarian cramps and gas, so I'm never sure. Also, I get in a kind of bad mood. The first round was worse, I would actually get very pissed off. This round wasn't so bad, I just felt down and like I don't have much of a sense of humor. Luckily, so far I don't have thinning lining (possible side effect) or lack of good CM (another possible side effect). For you, I would say check your CM around ovulation and if it doesn't seem like EWCM then use preseed lube, maybe that will suffice, since you're not being monitored super close. Part of me wishes I could do your route; it's only $9 for clomid! Last month we spent $700ish and this month it's at least $1000 if not more (depends on possible IUI part).

Don't get me started on the acne, ugh!! I've always had acne since I was a teenager and it never went away. For this reason, it is very hard to catch me without makeup. My hubby and his family are the only ones cause I live with them. My friends have seen me without makeup 1x! My other friend couldn't believe that I even wear it to the beach. Anyways =)...it's getting a little hard to cover up all this acne from these hormones! But you're right...even if I have to apply this makeup with a spatula, at least it's hopefully one step closer to my BFP.

And stop being so similar to me =) I've known my hubby for 11 years, dated for 10 (minus 1 in the middle, when we split up), and we'll be married for 4 years in January. And I agree with you about taking it into your hands. Everyone used to tell me to relax and it will happen when it happens, and just let go...first of all, whoever told me that doesn't know me at all. I have never been one to just let it go. Besides I wouldn't be where I am now if I had. There is literally something wrong that needs to be taken care of, and if modern medicine (with a little old school acupuncture :winkwink:) can help... ok, sorry, more ranting. lol. I had a tiff with another friend about not telling me anymore that I need to relax and it will happen when I least expect it...funny thing is that now she understands me...well not funny at all actually. She's seeing a RE now to make sure all her hormones etc are fine, because she actually got prego last year and then miscarried twins in the second trimester (18 weeks).

I was trying to be more discrete also, but then I kept having to explain to people in here that PCO does not = PCOS and that I'm thin, so a picture speaks a thousand words. Thanks for the "beautiful" normally i get "pretty" but i'll take "beautiful", it's much better then pretty =) I think you posted a new pic but I couldn't see it from where I was. My name is Tory by the way (short for Victoria). Safe to assume yours is Jaime? =) Don't know if this is too soon in our budding friendship, but you can facebook me if you like (Victoria Fernandez...I'm a gringa but married a cuban, don't let the name fool you).
Holy Cow, I am so ticked off, I just wrote you a book, and I have no clue what just happened, somehow it all got deleted. WTH!! Im going to have to take some deep breathes
and count to 100!!!
Im using my husbands laptop and who knows what I did, It sucks you can't save as you type as a draft or something. My email account saves automatically when Im typing in case something happens. Im going to write you again.
Holy Cow, I am so ticked off, I just wrote you a book, and I have no clue what just happened, somehow it all got deleted. WTH!! Im going to have to take some deep breathes
and count to 100!!!
Im using my husbands laptop and who knows what I did, It sucks you can't save as you type as a draft or something. My email account saves automatically when Im typing in case something happens. Im going to write you again.

That happened to me yesterday morning on my phone and I was super pissed!!! You wanna continue this via email? My email is [email protected]
Ooh my, we must know what each other isplace thinking. I just sent you a private message asking you the same thing prior to reading this. I will retype to your email
too be continued ......
You know I also gotta read what I type, the Damn auto correct on my makes me sound like an idiot!
On my phone!!! LOL, today im having issues with all the technology I've come in contact with!!
Step away from the computer!
Ooh my, we must know what each other isplace thinking. I just sent you a private message asking you the same thing prior to reading this. I will retype to your email
too be continued ......

Lmao! No mater where we keep typing I think we need to stick to one location cause I'm starting to get confused on who wrote what, when =)
I noticed you're in Florida also, you live here long? I was born in Atlanta but I've lived here in Miami since I was 2.
I noticed you're in Florida also, you live here long? I was born in Atlanta but I've lived here in Miami since I was 2.

Omg! I had to read this 3x's to make sure I wasn't crazy, LOL! Were you also born in Atlanta and moved here at 2 or you were quoting what I said? Yeah I still live in Miami. Welcome to the group, we're pretty friendly in here as I'm sure you can see =) what's your story?

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