im soooo sorry i haven't answered you back
this pregnancy is kicking me in my butt!! i have been sick for 4 straight days! i can't even get my prenatal vites down! how are you feeling?
so glad to hear that you didnt really have much trouble conceiving! that's great! i dont mind the life story i like to know these things! i had my son in 2009 we were NTNP..i developed a condition over the past 2 yrs that makes vaginal intercourse excruciatingly painful but we decided to try to have another in oct of 2011. the
was so painful that i wasn't able to BD enough times in a row to get pregnant. We knew we couldnt afford fertility treatments like IVF etc so in Jan of 2012 i pretty much had given up hope until i googled the "turkey baster method" i was kind of just doing it for fun not thinking i would actually get something out of it. i came across at home insemination sites n realized that it was actually quite common (you dont' actually use a turkey baster though..LOL) so for the next 2 months i researched, got the supplies, kept good watch on my cycle, temps, CM etc, got DH on board n in march we did our first insem. AF showed right on time 2 wks in april we tried again and lo n behold to our shock n surprise a
2nd try!! so the home method really does work!