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Looking For Bump Buddies Due Beginning Of Feb.(:


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2012
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hey ladies!
i'm currently 11 weeks 4 days(my ticker is a day off) lol.
im looking for bump buddies and im on here atleast once a day looking to chat/rant/share symptoms:)
your a day ahead of me so thats perfect:)
im also hoping for a boy, are you showing yet?
any symptoms?
Wow that is cool

Being my 3rd baby I'm not exactly pre preg body no more but yes I have popped actuall I'll put my belly pic up to show u.... How about u? Are u showing yet?

Symptom wise ms has eased up a lot I get it bad had to be on Zofran wich sucked as its quite expensive, I do still have my odd days where I'll feel sick but it's do much better. How about u how did u go with ms.

No other symptoms really yet just tiredness had replaced the ms

I sware I've been felting baby move last few days but I don't think too much into it just tell my self I'm emagining it lol

Find out the gender on 6 days I'm so excited

Here's some pictures for u

This was at 12 weeks

And this is what the is tech is guessing boy from but I know it's not 100% with a potty shot at 12 weeks but fingers crossed

im showing too, i actually look quite similar to your pics.
and i had really bad ms from around 4 weeks to 10 weeks then it disappeared :happydance;
but as you said tiredness has took its place. i used to be a night owl now i do good to make it to 9 p.m lol.
and this is my 3rd pregnancy also, but i had early miscarriages with the first two.
i'm jealous of your 12 week scan i only had one at 6 weeks 6 days and dont get my gender scan until 20 weeks.
do you use a home doppler?

Yep I was a night owl too lol

I'm only able to get a scan earlier as I'm paying privately for it

I've had 3 mc Lars one was b4 this pregnancey at about 5 weeks

And yep I do use a Doppler how about u?
i'm sorry to hear that,,i know how difficult it is.
and my husband recently lost his job or i would try the private scan.
i use my doppler atleast once everyday, i do believe i'd go crazy without it. lol.
and i forgot to mention in my last post that i feel the baby move too even though its not a full fledge kick i still think its the baby moving..i'm positive it isn't gas as i've been told thats probably what it was.
Ow that sux hope something comes along for him soon

Yeah I sware I've been feeling movements too hmmmm
Hey Ladies... I would love to be bump buddies with you guys! I am pregnant with my first...due Feb. 8th. I have my first scan tomorrow but I am terrified since I had a mmc in January. Haven't had much in the way of symptoms at all so I am nervous big time!
welcome :)
and congrats on this pregnancy, hope everything is well.
im sure your scan will go fine, i haven't had any symptoms since around 10 weeks. except for sore breasts. lol
I haven't had sore breasts once except for when I Oed...thats it :S
well, maybe your one of the lucky ladies, who never have a symptom.
i know how sressful it is though after losing one...just try to stay positive & good luck at your scan :)
Hey guys don't know If I qualify for start of deb I'm due feb 14 valentines day yay!!! Hoping for a girl as I have 4 boys already so dunno if I'll get pink think I'm destined to just have boys lol but as long as baby is healthy
sure, the more the merrier:)
hope you get your pink, i'll keep my fingers crossed!
how is everybody feeling?
I am feeling much more confident after my scan yesterday! Saw baby moving around and got to see his little arms and legs and face and everything! Heard the heart beat loud and clear at 173! It was such a relief to know that he/she is okay!
awh, congrats:)
glad everything is ok.
my heartbeat is at 155, and everyone is convinced its a boy.
so, maybe yours is a little girl:)

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