I basically just wanted to know what to expect? My doctor keeps asking me about csection, theyve said theyre happy for me to attempt a vaginal delivery but ive been ill with hyperemesis for the last 9 months and am really physically weak at this point and have been in and out of hospital a lot, at 34 weeks they decided to just keep me in til delivery. Ive had such a traumatic pregnancy im terrified that i'll have a traumatic birth aswell if i attempt vaginal delivery, as im so emotionally drained i dont think i'd cope with it very well and worry that it would lead to emergency intervention, if i had a csection i could at least control some aspect of this pregnancy and would be able to prepare and avoid emergency intervention as they said its likely at this stage that i might struggle to get through a long labor and if i am to labor then it would be induced as we're all very anxious for this to come to an end and meet our little man. Part of me keeps imagining getting exhuasted and having a panic attack and needing an emergency c section anyway after baby getting distressed