So, a while back I had posted about losing teeth because I was starting to get worried that my stepson's teeth weren't getting loose. The last I posted was mid-November, he had just recently turned 7 and one tooth was FINALLY loose. I was so excited and so was he. Well, it's been since November 14th (I just checked my past posts) and the thing still hasn't come out. In fact, the tooth next to it just started wiggling a couple weeks ago and both adult teeth are forming BEHIND the stubborn baby teeth. I keep seeing my friends post pictures on Facebook of their kids losing teeth and they're all younger than him. They've lost at least 2 by now and many of them even have started losing the top teeth, but his just don't seem to be budging. I try to get him to wiggle them more, but the teeth are sensitive and he won't eat anything with those teeth, he bites everything from the side. And I mean everything, even soft stuff like bananas. I make jokes with him saying things like "Get those fingers in your mouth!!!" and he giggles because it's the opposite of what you normally tell kids to get their fingers OUT of their mouth. He enjoys that, but even though I prompt him to wiggle it 4 out of 7 days a week, I have no idea if he's wiggling it at his mom's. I've read that the more kids play with loose teeth the faster they fall out which is why I tell him to. No one else seems as worried as me about it. But he even makes comments to me about being the only kid who hasn't lost teeth in his class and he is the oldest student. I just don't want them to take so long he stops believing in the tooth fairy before they fall out. He's almost at that point anyway and I really wanted to be able to give him that magical experience.
Should I be concerned that he is nearing 7 1/2 now, still hasn't lost any teeth, the ones that are loose aren't very loose at all, and that the adult teeth are already coming in behind them? I don't know, 4 months seems like a long time for a loose tooth to barely budge.
Also, is it possible that his adult teeth could possibly move up more towards the front of his mouth once his teeth start falling out and his jaw grows? Or are we looking at braces for sure? Both his parents have fairly straight teeth and never had braces so we thought he might have gotten lucky with his genes, but if they stay where they are I guess he will be needing braces.
Should I be concerned that he is nearing 7 1/2 now, still hasn't lost any teeth, the ones that are loose aren't very loose at all, and that the adult teeth are already coming in behind them? I don't know, 4 months seems like a long time for a loose tooth to barely budge.
Also, is it possible that his adult teeth could possibly move up more towards the front of his mouth once his teeth start falling out and his jaw grows? Or are we looking at braces for sure? Both his parents have fairly straight teeth and never had braces so we thought he might have gotten lucky with his genes, but if they stay where they are I guess he will be needing braces.