Last time I was on the forum I had announced my bfp. Well On monday we lost out baby at 14 weeks exactly. I'm going to try again since everyone is telling me not to give up and that we're supposed to be more fertile after this happens. It was the worst thing in the world for us. I'm not sure I can go through this again. Hopefully there are others like me who feel the same way and can start our journey again. I also heard the risk of miscarriage after being successful after a m/c can cut the chances of it happening again by 1/3. I really hope this is true. I'm 32 years old and tried 9 years with my 1st husband and no luck. And my current husband 6 years. I have PCOS. I have a follow up on Tues. so hopefully they find out what was wrong and it can be prevented next time. I decided to take red raspberry leaves since they are supposed to help after a m/c. That's all for now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening/day depending on when you read this.